The 2020 Republican National Convention thread

Yeah, I remember it. Thought it was dumb as hell. Laughed when he didn't get his way.

Though that doesn't mean we should freak out over standard protocol here. Apply outrage where outrage is appropriate, otherwise it only serves to make you look like you're trying too hard.
I’m not outraged over the images I replied to, neither was the person who originally tweeted, they just said it was curious and it is when you see Dumbo emulating the Strong men he admires. However there is a mountain of Trump shit that we can be rightfully outraged over.
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It is, dummies ... see attached :D (if you'd like a PDF copy)
Here’s an idea for the GOP they would love, let’s elect our leadership based on who can tell the best, biggest lies for a great outcome. :rolleyes: 😷
It's kind of you, but I'm a father with small kids in 2020. It literally doesn't get more boring than this.:/

Hah, yeah. You know this while pretending enthusiasm for a memorized bedtime story as the kid turns the pages and points at the tiger or the choo-choo train, even as in your mind a calculator tots up reading #273, estimates remaining marginal utility of that particular story and figures that inside another 30 days you'll have to be memorizing another whole book.

The only excitement is getting caught out by a three yo after you say something like "and so the puppies made it back safely back home to get supper" when the page you're on is about a goat that ate some laundry.

Still there are those moments of terror ahead, at least in normal times when one is out and about with the kids as they become more mobile. Stuff like running into a neighbor on the street with a kid in tow and having the kid pipe up with "Dad, Dad, don't talk to her, mom says she's a nosy neighbor."

[ I don't really know how a mom might deal with such stuff on the street but I do know that a dad comes home and confronts an older daughter in the kitchen over the fallout. What mine said to me was "I know your mother is not that stupid so what the hell did you say to the boys about Mary Ellen?" ]

Edit: how the hell did I get this far off topic in a thread about the Rs convention??
So is the dummy standing out on the lawn saying this right now?

JFC, I wondered how quickly he's had something to say about the NBA ...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1299051064101154817/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1299057964653989888/
So is the dummy standing out on the lawn saying this right now?

JFC, I wondered how quickly he's had something to say about the NBA ...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1299051064101154817/

For a minute I thought he said NRA.
There’s so much wrong, stupid shit in that video. Fuuuuuck, he sucks.
I just can't watch it, within the first seconds of any of his speeches he's like "the CHINA virus" or "Dems did this!" he's just too divisive. Man, I really miss Obama's cool demeanor during a crisis.
Grew up and raised in Italy, moved here 20-ish years ago.
Took my first trip there last September. Florence and Venice, 7 days total, had a delightful time. I ordered steak Florentine once, not knowing it was 1 kg. I tried, man, I really tried to finish it in one sitting.
For anyone even trying to pass off taking this whole thing seriously...
On the first night of the Republican National Convention, the party aired a segment featuring Catalina and Madeline Lauf warning of dire consequences if Democratic candidate Joe Biden is elected president.

“This is a taste of Biden’s America,” one sister says in a voiceover as images of protests play onscreen. “The rioting, the crime. Freedom is at stake now and this is going to be the most important election of our lifetime.”

The problem is that one of the images in the segment doesn’t show the US at all — it shows Spain.
There's not checking your facts which I associate with the RNC often & some PRSI posters, but then there's just blatant intentional deception.


Since the campaign showed pictures of another country's unrest, and associated with America & Biden. Also not including showing unrest going on NOW, but saying 'it's coming' with Biden.
I’m so relieved the storm wasn’t as bad as they’d feared so that Donald can still make his speech tonight.
I’m so relieved the storm wasn’t as bad as they’d feared so that Donald can still make his speech tonight.
I'm still curious how all those supposed religious types don't see it as some kind of sign that a literal storm is headed towards DC during the week of RNC?

If this happened during the DNC, Faux would be holding televised tent revivals signaling how Biden's run is a sign of the 'end of times'.
I was offended by some of the Republican defenses of Trump on coronavirus. There must have been a fact sheet distributed to the speakers, as the same main points kept coming up:

1. Everybody accused Trump of being xenophobic when he banned travel to/from China early on, but it “saved lives”.
2. The person who really screwed up was governor Cuomo, killing thousands of senior citizens.
3. Why are the democrats politicizing this? :-(

On a BBC interview with Vernon Jones, the same exact talking points came out again.

1. Trump’s ban on travel didn’t save any lives. We have more deaths than any other country!
2. It was unreasonable to blame Trump or any governor for the initial outbreak. It was the 2nd wave that was Trump’s fault for refusing to call for a nationwide lockdown, and also attacking governors who DID lock things down. After the first wave, NY has been safe. It’s Trump-country that got pummeled By the 2nd wave, and it was COMPLETELY preventable.
3. Trump is the one who ignored public health experts and made the decisions based on his political calculations.

Most people are not buying this revisionist history, but there are enough weak-minded people who will buy it.

I hope they listen to Joe Biden instead:

“More people have died on this president’s watch than at just about any time in American history, on a daily basis,” Mr. Biden said. “And what’s he doing, what’s he doing about it? He continues to flaunt every single basic rule and basic tenet that Democrats and Republicans both have adhered to.”
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1299057964653989888/
Fucking CLUELESS. 😡 Doesn’t give a shit about anybody.

Media: “America’s in trouble. There’s crooked cops, coronavirus and hurricanes.”
President Clueless: “America’s not in trouble. The economy is doing great!”
I'm still curious how all those supposed religious types don't see it as some kind of sign that a literal storm is headed towards DC during the week of RNC?

If this happened during the DNC, Faux would be holding televised tent revivals signaling how Biden's run is a sign of the 'end of times'.

Yeah well maybe some of those religious types are still trying to puzzle out the meaning of the fact that Hurricane Laura took out a confederate statue on a pillar that the church that owned it voted to keep up a couple weeks ago. Jes' sayin'.

This guy from Utah is talking about how much Trump has done to fight human trafficking. Hmmm...

Maybe they meant he’s fighting FOR human trafficking?