It’s pretty sad that everybody knows Biden will win the most votes, but we have to go through all these f-ing shenanigans to see who our president will be. If we get ANOTHER 4 years of a minority president, it’s going to be big trouble for America. We need to kill the electoral college.
Well I think we should at least kill the winner-takes-all approach to allocation of a state's electoral votes. It's obvious by now that even in a concession to the idea of "rural" and "urban" regional differences, there's no such thing now as a quantifiable set of state or regional voting interests in some of the flyovers in the heartlands, where urban voters are not of the same politics as those in the agricultural areas.
Same even in other states, like New York, where it's commonly said that upstate is conservative and downstate is liberal: it's much more finely tuned than that, and an array of congresscritters along the political spectrum upstate and down does prove that. Even as I write this post, one borough of Trump's oft-reviled New York City is predictably voting to elect that same Donald Trump to a second term...
So before kicking out the electoral college entirely, maybe we should first look at a more proportional allocation of a state's electoral votes according to popular votes, either as a whole, by congressional district or some combination thereof. It's the way some states do that right now.
Sure, it may be a way of nudging ourselves towards more of a parliamentary construction of government in the long run, because it may well jack up the possibility of third parties ending up with congressional seats, and so complicate other federal government assumptions that are now made about "majority" versus "minority" powers... but I'm not sure that's a bad idea either. It still keeps the focus on the people of the USA consenting actively and more effectively to representation in our self-governance.
In the era of Donald Trump, we found out that the winner of the 2016 electoral college votes ended up believing there was no need to take into account the wishes of "the other side" at all. It's
half the country's voting population that he's been dissing for four years and unlike his assertions, that half of the country's folks are not all located in blue states. So WTF is that about? That is not how the American presidency was envisioned, no matter the fact that the framers of our Constitution meant to give that executive office extensive and flexible powers.