The End of the USA

We have a South African and Russian acting as co-president, with a doofus getting yelled at by his owner’s toddler son in the Oval Office.

What a slap in the face to our allies to have this decrepit draft-dodging shmuck taking the sides of people who invade sovereign territory “just because”.

I guess he’s trying to get the world to hate us, isolate us, then use that to increase strife at home as he increases our alliances with some of the worst nations in the world.
Seven Days in May is just an entertainment, and it has little to do with what we are dealing with today. The more relevant material to consider at this point is

The signs are unmistakable. ShitGibbon is clearly working toward creating a national disaster of what has been a nation, with the intent of breaking the spirit of the American People so that the glibertarian oligarchs, plutarchs and kleptocrats can swoop and and feast on the rubble that used to be the USA.

The one small flaw in this plan is that disaster capitalism relies on a functioning system in order to move ahead. But, once ShitGibbon has shitcanned the country, the economic system, which is a fundamental part of the government, will itself be broken, and the capitalists will find themselves trying to function in an environment that is too chaotic for them.

It is a basic principle of modern business: the bottom line, right this moment is all that matters. Business is inherently short-sighted, and when the externalities related to their actions come into play, they will be caught off balance.

I like to hope that there will be a major shift away from the feudocapitalistic imperial corporation model, toward something more ground-based. The problem is that the survivors of this catastrophe will have to navigate troublesome new terrain, and they (the younger ones) are not adequately equipped for dealing with extensive, pervasive disorder. They may be able to work toward something better, but there will be forces opposing genuine betterness. Worse, the younger people have been indoctrinated into the neoliberal ideology and may not be able to accept a more fair system.
The cards are on the table folks.

An indictment of the human species, votes at the UN, especially by the USA are it, when a world organization representing all nations, can’t resoundingly, universally condemn, blatant, self-serving aggression. Yes, there are many among us who do, most countries by a large margin did condemn Russia, more power to them, but there are enough who don’t, human weakness, selfishness, corruption, enough to spoil it for us. Especially earth shaking when the so-called, self-described “cornerstone of freedom”, breaks bad to support Russian villainy. 😓

The US because of one villainous person, has turned its back on basically all of Europe, arguably the world. This is who our National leadership stands with, nothing less than despicable. 18 countries, 9% out of 193 countries felt it was n their best interests not to condemn blatant Russian aggression. Note: Israel is in self serving mode, can’t offend Sugar Daddy Deep Pockets. For today, I’ll rest my case as to the hopelessness we are facing in the USA.

The 16 that voted against Monday’s resolution alongside the U.S. and Russia were Israel, Haiti, Hungary, Palau and the Marshall Islands; the African countries Burkina Faso, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Niger and Sudan; and Belarus, North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, Mali and Nicaragua, six countries that voted against the 2023 resolution:.
Seven Days in May is just an entertainment, and it has little to do with what we are dealing with today. The more relevant material to consider at this point is

The signs are unmistakable. ShitGibbon is clearly working toward creating a national disaster of what has been a nation, with the intent of breaking the spirit of the American People so that the glibertarian oligarchs, plutarchs and kleptocrats can swoop and and feast on the rubble that used to be the USA.

The one small flaw in this plan is that disaster capitalism relies on a functioning system in order to move ahead. But, once ShitGibbon has shitcanned the country, the economic system, which is a fundamental part of the government, will itself be broken, and the capitalists will find themselves trying to function in an environment that is too chaotic for them.

It is a basic principle of modern business: the bottom line, right this moment is all that matters. Business is inherently short-sighted, and when the externalities related to their actions come into play, they will be caught off balance.

I like to hope that there will be a major shift away from the feudocapitalistic imperial corporation model, toward something more ground-based. The problem is that the survivors of this catastrophe will have to navigate troublesome new terrain, and they (the younger ones) are not adequately equipped for dealing with extensive, pervasive disorder. They may be able to work toward something better, but there will be forces opposing genuine betterness. Worse, the younger people have been indoctrinated into the neoliberal ideology and may not be able to accept a more fair system.

I agree with your post. Yes it’s entertainment as in being entertained in a horrified manner, similar to Fail Safe. Seven Days In May describes a scenario where a group of generals decides to over throw the USA as a democratic republic based of politics and unrest, a break from lawfulness to lawlessnes. It was basically a shocking unthinkable scenario when it was written. The details today are different, but we are still in the process of being overthrown. At least in SDIM there was a positive ending to feel good about. I can’t say the same for the reality but nothing is off the table.

As far as our Capialism, it is cannabilistic, the market is being devoured and I believe it will face a breakdown, without a coherent, federal government to keep it in check. Then all bets are off as far as the masses finding a fair deal. The wealth will likely gravitate to an entity even if it’s authoritarian, that will preserve their wealth. Most of us will have to fight for whatever we can, and it could easily result in a civil war. Yet, in my view, we are too comfortable to throw away a comfortable, reliable, routine existence. Things will have to get horrific, before the sheep turn into wolves.
Ukraine is not a civil war, but it’s a window into the future of a US Civil War. Those people‘s lives have been turned upside down.

I acknowledge there is a window in the next two years to turn things around, including the election that is if they haven’t all been rigged by then.
Re: Musk: "What did you do last week?" :brickwall:

We just had two old friends, section chiefs at the NIH, over for dinner Sunday in an attempt to provide a modicum of moral support.
It was sobering to listen to them, and watch them compare notes on the emails they had received (and were receiving) from the OPM and HHS, coming in short order, with mostly contradicting instructions, including new ones landing while we were munching appetizers ...

The one that took the cake, IMHO: "Assume that what you write will be read by malign foreign actors and tailor your response accordingly." (emphasis mine).

What else's there to say?
🐀 the most loved man in the world
His Swasticars are not doing too well in Europe

How long his boss 🎃 is going to accept his ridiculous partner ?!
🐀 is crazier than him I would say but it's an open competition...
How long his boss 🎃 is going to accept his ridiculous partner ?!

As I put forth in a previous post, the goal of Individual-ONE is not to manage the country but to bring it to its knees, paving the way for the oligarchs to sweep in and take it over. It will be proper American democracy, where the voting power is solely in the hands of a small-ish cabal, similar to the eighteenth century.

The ridiculous partner is amplifying the chaos of the moment, turning the country into a catastrophe ripe for the plucking apart by disaster capitalists. And in its state of disarray, his other partner Vlad the Insane will gain effective free rein over most of the rest of the world, the US not in any kind of condition to counter him.

Ell'no and the ShitGibbon are a couple of toddlers running loose in perhaps the world's largest sandbox. We are accustomed to an orderly system, and anything we might try to rein in this maelstrom would upset the order that we so prize, as would doing nothing about it, so most of the opposition stands frozen in indecision, not even as mobile as a deer in headlights.
Trump would be toilet tweeting about how awful America is whenever America lost a big game or had the anthem booed. Not a peep about any of it now. Trump will never appear strong to someone like me, the only real question is how absolutely weak are those around him? It’s beyond pathetic, and for what? This guy? The “they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the dogs” guy? Dumptruck Mickey D’s Trump? The “he spoke to the working class by playing dress up in a closed store for five minutes and hauling his arse into a dump truck” Trump?

Cults never cease to amaze me, and this is the most bizarre one yet.

But hey, we’re getting some ownership of Ukraine minerals and we’ve renamed the Gulf of Mexico. Should offset the higher price of eggs everyone was b*tching about. Now they’re higher, but since that’s not a good thing, it’s clearly not Trump’s fault, we will know when the price comes down that he’s to get credit though.

Dan Bongino is second in command to Kash Patel - who’s on first?

Robert “Weezy” Kennedy is in leading a health department. A WWE exec will head education. We have someone who pals with those who engage in genocide charged with security. And bozo and his family of freakazoids skirt all legal peril and goose step back to the White House.

Tuesday in America, oof. 🇺🇸

Republican lawmaker says it's 'socialist' and unbiblical to ban beating disabled students​
