The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward


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Aug 11, 2020

Post Delinquent Donny, some points to consider:
  • Trumpettes- Ok so we know that Trump followers are hostile to the democratic process or... are they just gullible victims, attractived to hate speech, xenophobia, anarchy, and destruction of the Federal Govt? Can you call them real members of the GOP, or were they there because of Incompetent Donald the hater, the white privaledge promoter, the anarchist with the make me the Emperor vibe?
  • Congressional Republikans- Would you label them as hostile to our democratic process? I don’t know the exact number of GOP Representatives currently hold office in Congress, but 147 seems kind of a high percentage. Enough to label the GOP as anti-Democratic?
  • Then there are the “God fearing” Evangelicals who typically identify with Republicans, how are they in the democracy department? The answer has to be based on percentages. Over half? Over half are a little confused about the reported words of God in their bibles, have forgotten what their savior Jesus Christ taught, or have they been seduced by Beelzebub 👹 himself? 🤔
  • And finally how is a country like the United States with its Constitution, Bill of Rights, highly touted equal opportunity, liberty for all, land of the free and home of the brave supposed to move ahead with a sizable portion of the populace deciding that democracy is not all it’s cracked up to be when they can’t get their way, shoving their self serving, hypocritical views and religion down the rest of our throats?? 🤔
A lot of "Trumpettes" are not that at all, just policy-oriented Republicans or more often now, libertarians who dislike usual array of Democratic Party's proposals for a heftier support of social contracts with Americans. We can call those voters brainwashed in a way, but they believe that robust military capability, low taxes, deregulation and "small government" are what to expect --and all to expect-- from a President and the Congress.

They voted for Trump because "not a Democrat". That's all. There could be an element of racism in there for sure, but it's associated to crap from the 80s: they're "against welfare cheats" and and there's that lingering assumption from Reagan era that benefits recipients are not white and rural but Black and urban. And they're against candidates who are "soft on crime". Willie Horton ad elected Bush 41, even if the guy likely was a far better choice for the USA than Dukakis...

The other ones, the Trump-rally base... no clue what will happen to them. They are enough to form some flavor of Tea Party cohort in the House, I guess, but maybe not with the same clout that the House Freedom Caucus has had, and that people like Cruz and Rand hope they'd have going forward.

McConnell would not mind seeing a rump GOP caucus fade away in the House, turning into a few strident loners. The larger caucus they have right now makes it very difficult for bipartisan efforts on key legislation that even Republican Senators have supported, e.g. immigration reform.


I don't think all Republicans are hostile to the democratic process. Not at all. They differ on policy issues. When they had a platform, even in 2016, it was easier to see that. More recently they've afraid to reveal their positions on issues because of Trump and because of Trump's followers showing readiness to primary from even farther right. There are a lot of House members who have worked even during the Trump era across the aisle on low-profile issues together though, for example in getting funding for research on Lyme disease and help in ridding water supplies of PFOA. Whatever doesn't get a lot of headlines has a better chance at getting addressed in that way. So I guess clickbait headlines have their uses. I wish we didn't have to rely on under-radar good works though in such polarized times. It's just... stupid.


Evangelicals are likely in turmoil at the moment. In theory they got what they wanted from Trump and they knew what he was and held their nose, so... now he's gone, so.. meh?

There are a lot of left leaning people of faith active in US politics who are as sick of right wingers claiming God takes a side as there were left leaning people getting sick of right wingers claiming the American flag belongs to the Republican Party. More of them may emerge during the Biden administration. The Black church had a lot to do with turning out Democratic ticket votes in 2020.


On your last point there, what's up with democracy itself in the USA now, who knows? Let's talk after the Senate trial of Trump's second impeachment? Not sure that's something to peg a debate on but I will be interested to see if some Senators think so.

It's a problem when a "side" starts thinking it's an option to declare someone else's politics fundamentally illegitimate just because of a party label. But that has been the intention of the Christian nationalists since the 1990s... to establish white Christians as the true and trustworthy leaders in all segments of our culture and economy, and to marginalize the "Americanness" of those who are not on board that train, even if those other Americans are or are becoming a majority.

It sure went too far when Trump and his followers attempted to overthrow the line of succession in his own sitting government even as it met to confirm the victory of his successor in an election he lost. They were asserting "so what if you won, you are not worthy of winning so we're ensuring now that you actually lose."

Whatever you call that (aside from insurrection and sedition), it is not democracy.
And finally how is a country like the United States with its Constitution, Bill of Rights, highly touted equal opportunity, liberty for all, land of the free and home of the brave supposed to move ahead with a sizable portion of the populace deciding that democracy is not all it’s cracked up to be when they can’t get their way, shoving their self serving, hypocritical views and religion down the rest of our throats?? 🤔
The Constitution gives a lot of power to the President. It also has multiple ways to get rid of a dangerous President. Unfortunately, the founders didn’t seem to have foreseen that political party supersedes everything, allowing the leader of one party to have basically unlimited power with no accountability.

In some ways, I really do hope Trump starts his own political party and that it gets a lot of traction. 3 parties might be what we need. Plus, Democrats would dominate for a decade or more if votes were split that way.
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The Constitution gives a lot of power to the President. It also has multiple ways to get rid of a dangerous President. Unfortunately, the founders didn’t seem to have foreseen that political part supersedes everything, allowing the leader of one party to have basically unlimited power with no accountability.

In some ways, I really do hope Trump starts his own political party and that it gets a lot of traction. 3 parties might be what we need. Plus, Democrats would dominate for a decade or more if votes were split that way.
Honestly, I only see one legal way to dump a bad President, impeachment, and everyone has seen when Congress is divided, or half filled with people who think of their party before the right thing to do, the President as it stands is invulnerable to the consequences of his/her nefarious deeds.
Honestly, I only see one legal way to dump a bad President, impeachment, and everyone has seen when Congress is divided, or half filled with people who think of their party before the right thing to do, the President as it stands is invulnerable to the consequences of his/her nefarious deeds.
25th amendment is another way...
CPAC 2021- This morning on MSNBC they showed a clip of a 2 people representing the conference, making an announcement to the crowd to wear your masks, and were vigorously booed. Then there were the clips of approved speakers liars (the usual culprits Cruz, Jordan, Gaetz, etc) fire hosing the crowd with orange Kool Aid, who drunk on their FACIST ANTI-AMERICAN Trumpland poison were maniacally cheering.

If you believe in the fundamentals upon which the United States of America was founded, these people are a danger to the Nation. 😥
  • Trumpettes- Ok so we know that Trump followers are hostile to the democratic process or... are they just gullible victims, attractived to hate speech, xenophobia, anarchy, and destruction of the Federal Govt? Can you call them real members of the GOP, or were they there because of Incompetent Donald the hater, the white privaledge promoter, the anarchist with the make me the Emperor vibe?
Ultimately, does it make a difference why? It doesn't matter whether the driver who kills someone was drunk or just careless/distracted. The victim is just as dead.

Yes. As far as I'm concerned, the vast majority of Congressional GOP are traitors operating openly and largely without consequence.

  • Then there are the “God fearing” Evangelicals who typically identify with Republicans, how are they in the democracy department? The answer has to be based on percentages. Over half? Over half are a little confused about the reported words of God in their bibles, have forgotten what their savior Jesus Christ taught, or have they been seduced by Beelzebub
I don't have a good answer for this except that it's scary to see what the so-called Moral Majority has become.

  • And finally how is a country like the United States with its Constitution, Bill of Rights, highly touted equal opportunity, liberty for all, land of the free and home of the brave supposed to move ahead with a sizable portion of the populace deciding that democracy is not all it’s cracked up to be when they can’t get their way, shoving their self serving, hypocritical views and religion down the rest of our throats??
Good question. I don't have an answer for this one either, but I do say that things are going to keep getting worse as long as we keep letting propaganda operations like Fox and OAN and Newsman and Sinclair, and their internet equivalents, operate without consequence.

For many years I kept hearing liberals say that the solution to bad free speech is more free speech...basically responding to propaganda with facts. I think we can see now that that's worked like gangbusters. 🙄

Of course, we don't want to become the kind of country where only one kind of opinion is allowed. But we have to recognize that our dedication to the First Amendment has been weaponized and used against us.

What's the solution? I don't know...maybe a return to the Equal Time rule? Maybe more Dominion-type lawsuits against "news" organizations that blatantly lie and deceive? Maybe the categorization of such speech as hate speech...or at the very least equating it with crying "fire" in a crowded theater with the motive of inducing panic...thereby making such speech prosecutable?

I don't know. All I can tell you is that I'm uncomfortable with any of those solutions...and the only reason I even consider them is that I'm way more uncomfortable with our country turning into a fascist state.
“Continue to do exactly what we did in the last election”?

Jesus. They do want a civil war, don’t they?

Because if they go into every election with this entitled attitude of “The only reason we ‘lost’ is the other side cheated,” that’s what’s gonna happen.
“Continue to do exactly what we did in the last election”?

Jesus. They do want a civil war, don’t they?

Because if they go into every election with this entitled attitude of “The only reason we ‘lost’ is the other side cheated,” that’s what’s gonna happen.
Have national rules for elections; states don’t get to make up their own rules because they clearly cannot be trusted. Anybody who passes a law to make it harder for people to vote should be arrested. They are a traitor to a democracy.

Also, let’s end the idiotic electoral college. Made by racists, and still loved by racists.
I am going to say that an important part of the agenda is relying on ONLY letting this sort of person the ability to vote


This is the thing that I think is ultimately hilarious.

SOME people actually demanded some sort of intelligence test before OTHERS were allowed to vote.

I wonder how that would work out for SOME now?
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I am going to say that an important part of the agenda is relying on ONLY letting this sort of person the ability to vote


This is the thing that I think is ultimately hilarious.

SOME people actually demanded some sort of intelligence test before OTHERS allowed to vote.

I wonder how that would work out for SOME now?
Capcha for voting:D Which of the following items are fictional:D
The Corrupt Republican’s latest excuse for voter suppression:
Restore confidence in elections

...among our base who don’t like to loose in a fair election, while destroying democracy in the United States of America. No biggy, right? 😢

THIS IS UNHEARD OF BUT NOT SURPRISING, and considering the Corrupt GOP*, mostly expected.

*I was going to include the word new, but this is not new, it‘s just an acceleration of a decades long tactic to hold onto power bending Lady Liberty over and having their way with her, while declaring she asked for it.

As far as the Republican Party is concerned Fair Elections is anathema. And of a huge significance at CPAC 2021, The Head Despicable, Donald J 💩 announced he has no interest in leaving the GOP, but of taking it over completely Which has already appeared to have happened.

The question becomes what percentage of Republicans will leave him or are they all just as hostile to the principles the Nation was founded upon as he is? Principles such a honesty, integrity, democracy, fair elections, liberty, civil rights, level playing fields, equal legal rights, fairness under the law. Today’s GOP has declared itself hostile to the idea America as most of us understand it.

And more disturbing, you can ask what the **** do they see in this mentally ill POS? If these people prevail, the country is in the most danger of imploding since 1776.

They have nobody better than Desantis?:) I mean that's a pretty short bench.

Imagine Trump with De Santis as the running mate:D
The real concern is in trying to imagine ANY of those people being selected as the nominee.

My eyes are still hurting from all the eye rolling strain when someone in PRSI would post for the umpteenth time that "if the dems had run anyone else but Hilary" excuse. ANY of those individuals is the republican version of that phrase. Those same people who uttered the "Hilary" excuse will be the among to first to hire any of those incompetents.