The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

Well tomorrow trump becomes what is it the 17th prescient of the United States? what happens to these idiots when trump dies not become god tomorrow? what's left?
Democrats take the lead on protecting voter rights at the Federal level, while the GOP is busy, busy, busy, trying to suppress the vote of anyone who they feel would vote against them:

The Democratic effort aims to block bills in Republican-majority state legislaturesthat would limit mail-in voting, cut back on early voting, impose new voter identification requirements and take other steps that would make voting more difficult.

In Georgia, for example, a bill moving through the Legislature would, among other things, wipe out a day of Sunday voting frequently used by Black congregations, drastically reduce the number of drop boxes available for voters to deposit ballots and impose criminal penalties on groups that give food or water to people standing in line to vote.

People in Georgia, especially in largely Black communities, have “had to wait in extraordinarily long lines to vote, putting in an entire shift, eight hours, standing on their feet,” said Nsé Ufot, chief executive of the New Georgia Project. A law that would “criminally prosecute volunteers who are providing water and snacks,” she said, “is evil — evil and racist.”
I hope the Justice Department will sue to overturn as many of these as possible. What I’m less confident of is, now that the Supreme Court has defanged the Voting Rights Act, what basis there would be for such lawsuits... not to mention their chances in a heavily conservative Supreme Court.
It's been an agenda since the 'southern strat' and they ain't stoppin' with it now.

Last week a sitting U.S. congressman delivered a keynote speech at a white nationalist conference in Florida.

“Wow, what a group,” Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) said as he took his place behind a podium emblazoned with the letters “AFPAC” — an acronym for America First Political Action Conference, the second annual gathering of the white nationalist “groyper” movement.

After speaking about “cancel culture,” Big Tech’s supposed censorship of right-wingers, and the need for a big border wall to keep “America First,” Gosar said goodbye to the AFPAC crowd, who’d traveled from across the country to attend the secret gathering inside the Hilton Orlando.

“May God bless you,” Gosar said. “And may God bless the United States of America.”

The crowd — a motley crew of unabashed racists and anti-Semites — broke into a chant of “Gosar! Gosar!” to which the congressman responded with a wave, a smile and what looked like an earnest, heartfelt “Thank you.”

AFPAC’s organizer, white nationalist figurehead Nick Fuentes, took the stage next, telling the crowd that “white people are done being bullied” and that America needs to protect its “white demographic core.”

I think what's telling is when someone fails to realize again that when a 'majority' claims to being bullied, it demonstrates an awareness of being the bully & afraid of the possible receipts when they aren't the majority.

The next day, Fuentes and Gosar sat down for coffee, according to a photo Fuentes posted to Twitter.

“Great meeting today with Congressman Gosar,” tweeted Fuentes, a 22-year-old Holocaust denier who once compared Jews killed in Nazi gas chambers to cookies baking in an oven. “America is truly uncancelled.”

Greaatt company there congressman. 🤬

In the week since AFPAC, the Republican Party has yet to rebuke Gosar. HuffPost this week reached out to the offices of seven prominent Republican politicians — including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) — to see whether they would condemn Gosar for attending an explicitly white nationalist conference. None responded.

HuffPost also contacted the National Republican Congressional Committee and the Republican National Committee, asking whether they would condemn the congressman.

Only the RNC responded, sending a boilerplate statement that did not specifically reprimand Gosar at all. “There is no place for anti-Semitism or racism in the Republican Party,” RNC spokesman Tommy Piggot said. “We condemn it in the strongest possible terms.”

Rrrrrriiiiigggghhhtttt... :rolleyes:
From Hulugu at MRs:
Post in thread 'Anti-Democratic Forces Working Hard In America'
Worth noting that Arizona's attorney general Mark Brnovich argued in front of the Supreme Court in defense of two Arizona laws intended to make voting more difficult.

The two laws make so-called "ballot harvesting" illegal, and prohibit out-of-precinct voting. Democrats have argued that the laws violate Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act—which Republicans have attempted to take apart piece-by-piece.

During arguments, the attorney for Arizona's GOP was asked by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, “What’s the interest of the Arizona RNC in keeping, say, the out-of-precinct ballot disqualification rules on the books?"

“Because it puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats,” said Michael Carvin, the lawyer defending the state's restrictions. "Politics is a zero-sum game. And every extra vote they get through unlawful interpretation of Section 2 hurts us, it’s the difference between winning an election 50-49 and losing an election 51 to 50."

All the blather about voting integrity was exposed as an attempt to rewrite the rules of elections, and let the GOP win more votes in Arizona—51 to 50.

And, the yammering about voting integrity from the GOP is scam.

If you follow the Republican argument it is based on one thing, we are at a disadvantage in that voters are not choosing them during elections, at least not enough to win, and their solution is to suppress the vote of the demographics who don’t choose them. They will not acknowledge that their disadvantage, is based on hostility to their ideas, and being rejected by the majority of voters, so please judge, let us cheat, think of us as an endangered species that needs protection (my take ;)).

This is completely contrary to the concept of legitimate and fair elections. We can’t win elections based on the merits of our platform, so we need other mechanism to make it more difficult for our political adversaries to vote, because we deserve to win, even when the majority don’t support us. Your Honor, enable our one-sided political welfare program. 👀

When it comes to elections, you have to make voting easy, not harder, for everyone, and you know Republicans want convenience too, although I suppose if they told their base, we need really long lines to win, slash mail-in balloting, early voting, and reduce polling places, the rank and file would be on board if that is what it takes to for their candidate to win. However when it comes to reducing polling places, Republicans have just reduced those locations in perceived enemy territory. When it comes to voter rights, the GOP is not about equal opportunity, but suppression of the enemy.

So Republicans, no one, should get an institution advantage if their ideas don’t have enough merit to win an election. This is really a heinous, shocking, anti-Democratic argument they are pushing. They have become the Anti-Democracy party in America.
In the my ass needs teeth-marks,

In what can only be called the pettiest of petty bullshit, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) forced Senate staffers to read the entire 628-page COVID bill aloud on the Senate floor, Thursday, delaying the debate and vote on the bill.

… this might be the best part: Once the reading of the legislation was complete, the Senate would normally have 20 hours to debate on the bill (but) … Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen proposed that the debate time on Friday be shortened from 20 hours to three and because no one, not even dumbass Ron Johnson was around to contest the proposal, the bill reading slowed down nothing.
In the my ass needs teeth-marks,

In what can only be called the pettiest of petty bullshit, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) forced Senate staffers to read the entire 628-page COVID bill aloud on the Senate floor, Thursday, delaying the debate and vote on the bill.
… this might be the best part: Once the reading of the legislation was complete, the Senate would normally have 20 hours to debate on the bill (but) … Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen proposed that the debate time on Friday be shortened from 20 hours to three and because no one, not even dumbass Ron Johnson was around to contest the proposal, the bill reading slowed down nothing.
These guys court the religious vote, and do stuff that is cruel to their fellow humans. What pukes.
In the my ass needs teeth-marks,

In what can only be called the pettiest of petty bullshit, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) forced Senate staffers to read the entire 628-page COVID bill aloud on the Senate floor, Thursday, delaying the debate and vote on the bill.
… this might be the best part: Once the reading of the legislation was complete, the Senate would normally have 20 hours to debate on the bill (but) … Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen proposed that the debate time on Friday be shortened from 20 hours to three and because no one, not even dumbass Ron Johnson was around to contest the proposal, the bill reading slowed down nothing.
I love the language in your link, :) among other things:

Even Trump’s favorite underwear, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), told reporters he wasn’t sitting around to listen to the clerks reading the bill.
The future
Another part of the agenda, getting dragged for being who they are on social media

People are responding to GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy's Tweet, which began with 'Dear President Biden'
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369084827031367680/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369126157954744324/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369123274437791747/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369447831908593667/

Meanwhile back at the...

Less than two weeks after speaking at a conference organized by white nationalist Nick Fuentes, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) tweeted a meme on Monday that referenced Fuentes' battle cry. The meme shows a man telling a prostitute to "tell everyone America first is inevitable." ... "America first is inevitable" is Fuentes' slogan, which he invoked during a speech at a far-right event last year and in a tweet that included a photo of him and Gosar together at his America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) in February.
Paul Gosar had already earned a reputation for being one of Congress' most right-wing members. The Arizonan made headlines in January, for example, when he argued that the Jan. 6 insurrectionist attack should be seen as an example of "leftist violence." This came on the heels of Gosar going even further than most GOP lawmakers in insisting that Donald Trump won last year's election, reality be damned.

The congressman has also gained attention for following "out-and-out white nationalists" on Twitter, balking at a resolution condemning QAnon, and disseminating manipulated anti-Obama content via social media.

Gosar also appeared at a right-wing gathering a few years ago and was asked whether the United States was headed for a second civil war. "We're in it," the Arizonan reportedly replied. "We just haven't started shooting at each other yet.'"
But last month, the six-term GOP lawmaker went even further by associating himself with Nick Fuentes.

As we discussed last week, Fuentes has called for "a homeland" for white people, engaged in Holocaust denialism, rallied rioters outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, and found himself permanently suspended from YouTube for promoting hate speech.

Fuentes is also a white nationalist who hosted a political gathering a few weeks ago called the America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC). Ordinarily, that wouldn't be especially noteworthy, since fringe extremists hold random events all the time, but in this case, Fuentes' conference featured a sitting Republican congressman: Gosar delivered the keynote address at the gathering.

After the congressman spoke, Fuentes delivered some additional remarks of his own, spending 67 minutes "mocking a disabled member of Congress, calling the Jan. 6 riots 'awesome' and demanding protection for the country's 'White demographic core.'"

Gosar and Fuentes also apparently met for coffee the day after the event.
Also, no shit Sherlock / NYT...

The death of "Bipartisanship" has been on the republican agenda for decades.

Yeah, same as GOP attitude towards "small government"... the Rs want bipartisanship when they don't have enough votes to pass something, and they want a welfare state when the benefits under consideration are deregulation and corporate tax breaks for megabusiness interests, or tax breaks for the 1% of Americans who now own 30% of all household wealth compared to the bottom 50% who own just 1% of all household wealth... otherwise the Rs want zero social contract investment, and bipartisanship can go hang.

All this because only the elections that the GOP manages to win (somehow) are presumed to have consequences. Everything else gets talking points meant to delegitimize both "big government" and Democratic Party goals or achievements. In fact one could conclude that democracy itself is out of favor among Republicans, since they can't get it to work for them very well any more.

They're still at it: Liz Cheney just went there with public statements that the Dems could have had bipartisan support for the American Rescue Plan in the House if they'd just made a more reasonable stimulus bill. The GOP's idea of "more reasonable" had been focused on how can't afford to engage in such egregious "welfare spending". And why exactly is that sudden call to prudence? the voters handed control of the WH, House and Senate to the Democrats, that's why.

So it's only certain elections --ones they win!-- that the Rs figure should have consequences. The ones in 2018 and 2020 when the voters handed the GOP its hat for having supported the likes of Trump and his hijacked party apparently don't count in the minds of Republicans, who btw have just moved a part of their spring retreat events to Mar a Lago. The party is signaling not only a "drop dead" attitude towards bipartisanship but the same towards anti-Trump conservatives, even while the ever-narcissistic Trump yelled at them to stop using his likeness in their fundraising appeals, and will obviously interfere however he likes as the 2022 campaigns take shape.

Anyway Republicans saying anything about bipartisanship and how the majority should pay more heed to the minority is completely risible, since Mitch McConnell went on record after Obama's election with intent to make him a one term president, and after Obama's re-electon went on record saying he would continue to block all Democratic-led initiatives. The Rs must think that just because we have short attention spans we can't look up their past behavior in archives of public records.
Yeah, same as GOP attitude towards "small government"... the Rs want bipartisanship when they don't have enough votes to pass something, and they want a welfare state when the benefits under consideration are deregulation and corporate tax breaks for megabusiness interests, or tax breaks for the 1% of Americans who now own 30% of all household wealth compared to the bottom 50% who own just 1% of all household wealth... otherwise the Rs want zero social contract investment, and bipartisanship can go hang.

All this because only the elections that the GOP manages to win (somehow) are presumed to have consequences. Everything else gets talking points meant to delegitimize both "big government" and Democratic Party goals or achievements. In fact one could conclude that democracy itself is out of favor among Republicans, since they can't get it to work for them very well any more.

They're still at it: Liz Cheney just went there with public statements that the Dems could have had bipartisan support for the American Rescue Plan in the House if they'd just made a more reasonable stimulus bill. The GOP's idea of "more reasonable" had been focused on how can't afford to engage in such egregious "welfare spending". And why exactly is that sudden call to prudence? the voters handed control of the WH, House and Senate to the Democrats, that's why.

So it's only certain elections --ones they win!-- that the Rs figure should have consequences. The ones in 2018 and 2020 when the voters handed the GOP its hat for having supported the likes of Trump and his hijacked party apparently don't count in the minds of Republicans, who btw have just moved a part of their spring retreat events to Mar a Lago. The party is signaling not only a "drop dead" attitude towards bipartisanship but the same towards anti-Trump conservatives, even while the ever-narcissistic Trump yelled at them to stop using his likeness in their fundraising appeals, and will obviously interfere however he likes as the 2022 campaigns take shape.

Anyway Republicans saying anything about bipartisanship and how the majority should pay more heed to the minority is completely risible, since Mitch McConnell went on record after Obama's election with intent to make him a one term president, and after Obama's re-electon went on record saying he would continue to block all Democratic-led initiatives. The Rs must think that just because we have short attention spans we can't look up their past behavior in archives of public records.
The Republicans f-ed it up. The bill was $1.9 trillion, and they came back with something 1/4th the size? Come on man... I posted in another thread - 59% of GOP voters support the bill that passed the Senate. ZERO GOP Senators did. Gee, I wonder why 4 GOP Senators have ALREADY announced they’re retiring in 2022 instead of going for re-election?
Fox News guy: “y u open border and not skools?“

Jen Psaki:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369729288883298307/
OMG. Dunno, did the dude expect Psaki to claim victim and run aways. He got schooled on schools, and it might be just me but I would <NOT> like myself to be in the dude's optical situation.
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OMG. Dunno, did the dude expect Psaki to claim victim and run aways. He got schooled on schools, and it might be just me but I would like myself to be in the dude's optical situation.
First. Nepotism.

Second. It's press conferences. This guy has gone how many years without seeing one that had facts & stuff? You have to understand he might be thrown by that, and thrown by the person actually knowing her shit & ready to call you out on yours.

It's a new day hacks, get used to it.
First. Nepotism.

Second. It's press conferences. This guy has gone how many years without seeing one that had facts & stuff? You have to understand he might be thrown by that, and thrown by the person actually knowing her shit & ready to call you out on yours.

It's a new day hacks, get used to it.
That's been my impression too. He ran out of ammunition the moment he got a coherent response. Pathetic