The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

The agenda also seemingly includes constantly forgetting to report income, expenditures, and possible conflicts of interest. Perfectly on brand for the law & order crowd who thinks those less well off keep getting too much money from the gov't.

The latest
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428187219362258946/

In case you're not seeing the pattern, there was this guy who had a problem with timely reporting

But back to our first contestant who seemingly prefers to use others money for personal spending
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428010642255056904/

A refresher where you might have heard something similar before

Electing a fine class of public officials there
Remember when a certain group of people got butthurt over another group of people supposedly disrespecting the American flag?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1429140392306515977/

Yeah, ... 🤨 I guess the disrespect depends on what group of people are doing it.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1429270805762826242/

Do not get me started on those two. :cautious: Dewey, Cheatum, & Howe.
Remember when a certain group of people got butthurt over another group of people supposedly disrespecting the American flag?
Most of them (all of them?) wouldn’t know the proper rules of caring for the flag if their lives depended on it.

I can remember a time when they might have faced a fine or jail for doing that to the flag.
Basically the Republican agenda going forward has just a few talking points left now, to keep it simple.

1. The Democratic Party doesn't offer legitimate American political opposition.

2. The era of forebearance, or self-restraint from maximum exercise of raw and partisan political power, is so over.

3. Unfavorable outcomes of elections are due to fraud on part of the opposition.

4. The way to reduce aleged voter fraud is to make it harder to vote if one favors the opposition.

5. As a fallback, it's critical to have state laws that afford an effective declaration that the GOP candidate has won.


The right isn't trying to deal in facts. Fact-checking them is pointless. They're just filling the air with stupidity noise so that people don't know what to believe, factual or not.
Their followers have installed funnels in their throats so the Koolaid flows without impediment. 🤬
On some issues though, the right is starting to fracture. Afghan refugees, for instance.

I'm sure the suicide bombings at the Kabul airport today will be filtered through Tucker Carlson as "These are the exact people Democrats want to let into our country!"
I'm sure the suicide bombings at the Kabul airport today will be filtered through Tucker Carlson as "These are the exact people Democrats want to let into our country!"

That won't daunt the spirits or take the sparkle off the activities of Americans right now preparing to welcome Afghans to the USA. They're not putting political labels on their endeavors, just doing what Americans have done in past and still manage to do when the need arises, despite whatever people like Tucker Carlson or Stephen Miller may think or even try to make impossible.

That won't daunt the spirits or take the sparkle off the activities of Americans right now preparing to welcome Afghans to the USA. They're not putting political labels on their endeavors, just doing what Americans have done in past and still manage to do when the need arises, despite whatever people like Tucker Carlson or Stephen Miller may think or even try to make impossible.

Congress needs to act to increase the numbers of refugees we can take in ASAP.
The agenda also seemingly includes constantly forgetting to report income, expenditures, and possible conflicts of interest. Perfectly on brand for the law & order crowd who thinks those less well off keep getting too much money from the gov't.

The latest
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428187219362258946/

Edit: Is that the guy who swings his dick around minors?:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
This is their agenda in a nutshell:

Screw over the poor and make sure we are ruled by the rich for at least the next century. The Supreme Court is killing voting rights, ruling almost 100% of the time in favor of corporations, and now kicking who knows how many people out onto the street to become homeless.

Look at this and know - this is the true Republican agenda. This is what Mitch McConnell wanted. This is why he was willing to break his word on court nominees. He is bought and paid for and will fight until his last breath to permanently entrench the rich as rulers of America.

With the power of the vote diluted, and the population moving more and more into cities, we will have at least 26 states that hold a small fraction of our nation’s population but will completely control the Senate. You will never pass voting rights or any other legislation that is good for the middle class or below in America.

Our country is headed for a massive crisis, and unless people like Manchin and Sinema pull their heads out of their asses, it will happen without even a whimper from the Democratic Party. Makes you wonder how many Democrats are also in bed with the billionaires.
This is their agenda in a nutshell:

Screw over the poor and make sure we are ruled by the rich for at least the next century. The Supreme Court is killing voting rights, ruling almost 100% of the time in favor of corporations, and now kicking who knows how many people out onto the street to become homeless.

Look at this and know - this is the true Republican agenda. This is what Mitch McConnell wanted. This is why he was willing to break his word on court nominees. He is bought and paid for and will fight until his last breath to permanently entrench the rich as rulers of America.

With the power of the vote diluted, and the population moving more and more into cities, we will have at least 26 states that hold a small fraction of our nation’s population but will completely control the Senate. You will never pass voting rights or any other legislation that is good for the middle class or below in America.

Our country is headed for a massive crisis, and unless people like Manchin and Sinema pull their heads out of their asses, it will happen without even a whimper from the Democratic Party. Makes you wonder how many Democrats are also in bed with the billionaires.

I listened to a recent interview with Robert Reich who said when one side is leaning heavily towards fascism there’s no point in being moderate or hoping for bipartisan approval.

These people, including Biden, are living in a fantasy world that doesn’t currently exist but might be part of their past they long to return to. This is dangerous ignorance. They have the power to stop it. The right has no incentive to stop it. If they succeed I will have more anger towards those who just sat by and let it happen based on their pipedream of civility. Again, no incentive for the right to be civil. The strength in their party is doing the opposite.
This is their agenda in a nutshell:

Screw over the poor and make sure we are ruled by the rich for at least the next century. The Supreme Court is killing voting rights, ruling almost 100% of the time in favor of corporations, and now kicking who knows how many people out onto the street to become homeless.

Look at this and know - this is the true Republican agenda. This is what Mitch McConnell wanted. This is why he was willing to break his word on court nominees. He is bought and paid for and will fight until his last breath to permanently entrench the rich as rulers of America.

With the power of the vote diluted, and the population moving more and more into cities, we will have at least 26 states that hold a small fraction of our nation’s population but will completely control the Senate. You will never pass voting rights or any other legislation that is good for the middle class or below in America.

Our country is headed for a massive crisis, and unless people like Manchin and Sinema pull their heads out of their asses, it will happen without even a whimper from the Democratic Party. Makes you wonder how many Democrats are also in bed with the billionaires.
Will not be surprised if we see a civil war. Maybe we'll split across middle. But I think I’m living in the wrong damned State for this to happen. 👀
Will not be surprised if we see a civil war. Maybe we'll split across middle. But I think I’m living in the wrong damned State for this to happen. 👀

I take some amount of comfort that a lot of people just don’t have time for this shit. By “this shit” I mean, as shocking as it may seem on here, a huge percentage of the population doesn’t pay attention that much to politics. In the context of a civil war that means many won’t give enough of a shit to pick up arms and fight….or are fully onboard with either side enough to do so.

Personally, I don’t think the right has even presented a definition of exactly what it is they’re fighting for/against. Interestingly the last time “they’re trying to destroy our way of life!” was widely used was by slave owners in the south pre-civil war. That was actually a valid point back then, like it or not. I don’t know what that applies to now, but they're still attempting to use it.
Heard an interview with the journalist who wrote Cruelty is the Point. Among his many observations, in regards to politicians, demonizing states and cities is only the luxury of Republican politicians. Republicans are currently a tiny tent party mostly only pandering to a small demographic. They’re not concerned about offending people outside that group, whereas Democrats need to seem more all-inclusive and sympathetic to most groups of people. That’s why when there is some crisis in a red state you won’t hear a Democrat politician say something like “That’s what you get for living in a red state! You should leave!”.

Of course individual citizens from both sides engage in that type behavior. It’s a different game for politicians.
I take some amount of comfort that a lot of people just don’t have time for this shit. By “this shit” I mean, as shocking as it may seem on here, a huge percentage of the population doesn’t pay attention that much to politics. In the context of a civil war that means many won’t give enough of a shit to pick up arms and fight….or are fully onboard with either side enough to do so.

Personally, I don’t think the right has even presented a definition of exactly what it is they’re fighting for/against. Interestingly the last time “they’re trying to destroy our way of life!” was widely used was by slave owners in the south pre-civil war. That was actually a valid point back then, like it or not. I don’t know what that applies to now, but they're still attempting to use it.
I’m not sure of the exact sequence, but my impression is that just prior to the Civil War, slavery had not been outlawed in existing States, but it was being hindered in new territories. The Southern States decided to break away because they saw the writing on the wall? …and fired the first shots.

Of interest, Lincoln provoked the South by resuppling Ft Sumter:
Behind a pay wall, try reader mode:

How Lincoln responded to the first crisis of his administration reveals a great deal about the newly inaugurated president’s political skills and the complex issues he faced during the secession crisis. One of Lincoln’s aims was to prevent the Border States from leaving the Union. He knew that if the Union undertook military action, it would be seen as the aggressor and as the initiator of a war between the states. Lincoln also worried that England or France might recognize the nascent Confederacy, especially if it was attacked by Northern forces. While Lincoln hoped to avoid war, he knew that if it came, it would be better for the Union to be seen as responding to Southern aggression.