The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

I swear, if these whackjobs ever manage to return prayer to public schools I will spend my last dime purchasing copies of the Satanic bible and sending them to every school I can find.
Suggested group prayer (link), very popular with today’s crop of Republicans:

Jesus I ask thee,
To strengthen my Will
And Punish Those
That Cross my Path
Lead me to Treasures
I’m eager to reach
Then feed my Desire,
Indulgence and Spite
I’ll Sacrifice Everything
For Glimpse of Your Might
Inspired fashion choices
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1438497963899342854/
The US Military is soliciting new names for 11 bases named after Southern Generals. Listening to my Sat morning NPR show someone commented, Hey you lost The Civil War, let’s name a base after you. :unsure:
Suggested group prayer (link), very popular with today’s crop of Republicans:

Jesus I ask thee,
To strengthen my Will
And Punish Those
That Cross my Path
Lead me to Treasures
I’m eager to reach
Then feed my Desire,
Indulgence and Spite
I’ll Sacrifice Everything
For Glimpse of Your Might
Substitute “Jesus” for “Satan” or “Donald.”
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1439269816448258048/

Yup, that's him!

Believer in mandated AIDS vaccines, ...because why wouldn't there be?

What a dumb ass! My family in Georgia, even the "non-political" ones can't stand him. Unfortunately half of them live in deep Red areas.
One thing I hear trotted out is how heartland or rural America is this mythical "true" or "forgotten" America, which is one reason why Ted Koppel headed out what Mayberry is supposedly based on.

Some excerpts taken from a Salon article about Hillary's "deploarbles" comments falling well short of the reality 5 years later.

Hillary Clinton and so many other American political insiders are deeply invested in the familiar, nostalgia-colored mores of American politics. To acknowledge the existential threat of the Jim Crow Republicans and the Trumpist movement is too traumatic and terrifying for the political class to properly contemplate. Indifference, fantasy and soothing lies about how everything will inevitably be OK in America appear to offer a much easier path than doing the difficult and dangerous work required to save American democracy.

But in fact, words have actual meanings. Fascism cannot be separated from violence, and it is incoherent beyond its fantasies of dominance and power and its desire to vanquish democracy and the truth. In the final analysis, there is no way to negotiate with fascists, because for them victory is all that matters. Reasonable compromise with such a force in a liberal democratic society is impossible, and any quest for it amounts to surrender.

America's political elites remain deeply and compulsively attached to the dream, hope and delusion that "traditional" Republicans will soon salvage the Republican Party and make it respectable and honorable again. In fact, the Republican Party's "honorable" past is greatly exaggerated. Supposedly "reasonable" Republicans may have backed away from Donald Trump's most egregious efforts to overturn the 2020 election, but they supported almost all of his policy goals.They were fully complicit, in other words, with his personal and political evil and destruction.
Some excerpts taken from a Salon article about Hillary's "deploarbles" comments falling well short of the reality 5 years later.

Hillary Clinton and so many other American political insiders are deeply invested in the familiar, nostalgia-colored mores of American politics. To acknowledge the existential threat of the Jim Crow Republicans and the Trumpist movement is too traumatic and terrifying for the political class to properly contemplate. Indifference, fantasy and soothing lies about how everything will inevitably be OK in America appear to offer a much easier path than doing the difficult and dangerous work required to save American democracy.

But in fact, words have actual meanings. Fascism cannot be separated from violence, and it is incoherent beyond its fantasies of dominance and power and its desire to vanquish democracy and the truth. In the final analysis, there is no way to negotiate with fascists, because for them victory is all that matters. Reasonable compromise with such a force in a liberal democratic society is impossible, and any quest for it amounts to surrender.

America's political elites remain deeply and compulsively attached to the dream, hope and delusion that "traditional" Republicans will soon salvage the Republican Party and make it respectable and honorable again. In fact, the Republican Party's "honorable" past is greatly exaggerated. Supposedly "reasonable" Republicans may have backed away from Donald Trump's most egregious efforts to overturn the 2020 election, but they supported almost all of his policy goals.They were fully complicit, in other words, with his personal and political evil and destruction.

This may seem a bit hyperbolic but I also haven’t seen any evidence that it isn’t true.

Even pre-Trump conservatives that still dare to dip their toes in liberal debate pools seem to not want to talk about Trump or Trumpism. It could be because they know they’ll be met with a hailstorm of disapproval, but I think more likely its that they haven’t come to terms with the fact that their party has been replaced by an authoritarian cult.

Biden’s current ratings are pretty low, but whether you agree with those ratings and the reasons or not, the horrifying fact is the only other alternative right now is the authoritarian cult and I fully believe a good percentage of the population is willing to flush our democracy down the toilet just because they blame Biden entirely for our 20 year failure in Afghanistan or they are tired of wearing masks.
Biden’s current ratings are pretty low, but whether you agree with those ratings and the reasons or not, the horrifying fact is the only other alternative right now is the authoritarian cult and I fully believe a good percentage of the population is willing to flush our democracy down the toilet just because they blame Biden entirely for our 20 year failure in Afghanistan or they are tired of wearing masks.
Over 60% of people support mask and vaccine rules. This number is considerably higher than Biden's approval rating. That says to me that masks/vaccines are not hurting him. It is Afghanistan, and perhaps people feel he could have found a way to convince anti-vaxxers to get the vaccine already. The Afghanistan dip will definitely be gone by 2024. As for his handling of the pandemic? If his mandates really increase the number of people getting vaccinated, his approval will go up there too.

The anti-mask, anti-vax people appear to be less than 1/3rd of the population, and maybe even lower. But they sure are loud and annoying.

Over 60% of people support mask and vaccine rules. This number is considerably higher than Biden's approval rating. That says to me that masks/vaccines are not hurting him. It is Afghanistan, and perhaps people feel he could have found a way to convince anti-vaxxers to get the vaccine already. The Afghanistan dip will definitely be gone by 2024. As for his handling of the pandemic? If his mandates really increase the number of people getting vaccinated, his approval will go up there too.

The anti-mask, anti-vax people appear to be less than 1/3rd of the population, and maybe even lower. But they sure are loud and annoying.

Think about all the comparatively moderate Trump supporters who have said “I don’t agree with him on everything”. Now think about the mountain of things they had to somehow ignore or “disagree” on and yet still support him. Their threshold for what is tolerable from an alternative to Trump is extremely low.
If you are a conservative liar censored on Social Media, no worries! The Texas State Attorney General has your back: We support the right of Kool Aid drinkers to spin their yarns on Social Media without consequence because it helps us, the ruling party.

If you are a conservative liar censored on Social Media, no worries! The Texas State Attorney General has your back: We support the right of Kool Aid drinkers to spin their yarns on Social Media without consequence because it helps us, the ruling party.

Since lying to their base for at least the past 4 decades has been a heavy component of their winning strategy, it should come as no surprise that they consider this the highest form of protected speech.

To make a distinction, Democrat politicians lie about the level they are going to fight for or against something. The reality ranges from not at all to not much. Republicans lie about the cause of all your problems. The reality is whatever they are leaning heavy on probably doesn’t even make the top 10 reason list and is likely one of the most farthest removed reasons.
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If you are a conservative liar censored on Social Media, no worries! The Texas State Attorney General has your back: We support the right of Kool Aid drinkers to spin their yarns on Social Media without consequence because it helps us, the ruling party.

There should be a penalty for state legislatures that intentionally pass unconstitutional laws. Maybe if they pass X number of them, then in the future, every law they pass has to go through a judicial review panel before it can become law? We used to have that for voting restrictions (before the right wing SCOTUS judges killed it).
There should be a penalty for state legislatures that intentionally pass unconstitutional laws. Maybe if they pass X number of them, then in the future, every law they pass has to go through a judicial review panel before it can become law? We used to have that for voting restrictions (before the right wing SCOTUS judges killed it).

I believe some states were put on some kind of supervised probation from passing new voting laws due to repeatedly passing racist voter suppression laws. Unsurprisingly it’s the usual suspects and always Republicans behind it. Enough with this shit already. If this has been part of your history at all you should have to first prove there was massive voter fraud before you make ANY changes.

This is another issue with our duopoly. We’re giving one party passes on being unconstitutional just to have the illusion that one party isn’t running everything.

I read one defense that is feasible for the “we’re not racists!” crowd. They really don’t hate minorities. It’s that when more people vote and minorities vote it tends to favor Democrats. They really don’t care about the race of the people. They are just a group of people that can cause Republican losses.
I believe some states were put on some kind of supervised probation from passing new voting laws due to repeatedly passing racist voter suppression laws.
The Supreme Court killed that aspect of the voting rights act a few years back. I believe we never would have had a President Trump if the Supreme Court hadn’t overturned this key provision of the voting rights act.

The Supreme Court killed that aspect of the voting rights act a few years back. I believe we never would have had a President Trump if the Supreme Court hadn’t overturned this key provision of the voting rights act.

This shit really shouldn’t be that complicated. Without doing any research, I feel like if you started removing these geography specific voting laws one by one, each would make it more likely a Democrat would win until that’s the only possible outcome. I’m not saying we should be ruled by Democrats or one party. I’m saying if the only way you can win is through convoluted and repressive bullshit then you should cease to exist as a major party because you clearly aren’t representing anywhere near the majority of anything. Another party that represents more people should replace it.
This shit really shouldn’t be that complicated. Without doing any research, I feel like if you started removing these geography specific voting laws one by one, each would make it more likely a Democrat would win until that’s the only possible outcome. I’m not saying we should be ruled by Democrats or one party. I’m saying if the only way you can win is through convoluted and repressive bullshit then you should cease to exist as a major party because you clearly aren’t representing anywhere near the majority of anything. Another party that represents more people should replace it.
Exactly. The GOP cannot win in a democracy. So they are destroying democracy. Imagine if Trump’s entire cabinet and the GOP Secretaries of State all worked with him in 2020 to overturn the election. Well, the 2021 election laws are set up to allow exactly that to be possible in the future.

If a minority is running a country, and voting no longer is possible, only revolution remains. You can see this in other countries around the world, and many times in world history.
Exactly. The GOP cannot win in a democracy. So they are destroying democracy. Imagine if Trump’s entire cabinet and the GOP Secretaries of State all worked with him in 2020 to overturn the election. Well, the 2021 election laws are set up to allow exactly that to be possible in the future.

If a minority is running a country, and voting no longer is possible, only revolution remains. You can see this in other countries around the world, and many times in world history.

If shit goes down maybe herdfan will let us all move into his place. :D