The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1478441056224096260/
We all know the Democrats suck at messaging...but they better learn pretty fast, because the coup is close at hand.

And it's not that fucking hard. Heck, there's an entire GOP playbook--things they used to say about us--that you can turn around and throw in their faces.
  • Republicans are responsible for the decline in morals in our country: the lack of respect for our institutions (Congress, agencies, etc.); the entitlement (they think they are owed the presidency and control of Congress; the disrespect for literally half the voters in this country.
  • Republicans are weak on law and order: supporting the Jan. 6 conspirators and setting up the mechanism to steal the 2024 election.
  • Republicans are unpatriotic: creating entire 1984ish networks of liars and deceivers.
But that's only the first part of it. I confess I'm lost anymore as to how to deliver the second part, which is getting that message to media that all Americans can see and hear. CNN and Rachel Maddow alone won't cut it. Republicans are walled off and live in their own Fox-Newsmax-ONN silo, but there still must be ways to get to independents.

God help me, the only thing I can think of that will get America's attention is to imitate what Trump did: hold rallies, and lots of them. I don't know who would lead them; my wife and I were discussing just last night how Biden is too quiet and mousy. Obama is better, but he still doesn't have the forcefulness of Trump. I don't know who would lead such rallies, but he needs to be someone who will speak to us like this:

I know--that's not an ideal example. The weakness of that iconic scene is that yelling out your window isn't going to do anything. We need to be out in the streets, en masse.

Are the Democrats going to lead us? Or just sit around as usual and hope for the best?
Are the Democrats going to lead us? Or just sit around as usual and hope for the best?

It's late in the day for messaging to mean anything to people who are used to Trump telling them don't believe everything you hear and then telling them one whopper of a Big Lie after another without irony and apparently without objection from his cultish fans. Not sure how many indie voters are Trump cult followers but anyway that crowd is not listening to anything, just surfing social media hangouts for new fake news.

The only tactics that can save the Dems in 2022 are 1) turning out the blue vote and 2) a raft of ACLU lawyers showing up to the counting-houses and every other after-party show the Rs decide to throw if they don't like a blue-wave outcome in a particular precinct.

As far as people go though, Stacey Abrams is a good motivator. She does know how to persuade people to park their squabbles and get the blue vote out.
Interesting…this is a different tactic, but it does address some of my basic thoughts about messaging.

I’ve been wondering why they haven’t done it already. A Watergate hearing style media strategy would certainly be welcome here.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1478476576371228672/
Those other vaccines didn't prevent diseases that caused their hero to lose an election.

... and apparently caused them and their fellow Trump fans also to lose what was left of their minds. And for what? For... what?

How will the next version of the Republican Party look back on their performance in the Trump era? Folly? Theater? Fraud? Self-immolation?
It will be a combination of fascism, idiocracy and kleptocracy. They will get away with it because they will keep shouting "freedom" whilst restricting people's freedoms. As long as the average American can have a gun, drive a v8 pickup truck, drink awful US beer and feel superior over liberals and brown people, they will be happy. Within a few decades the corporations will become more powerful and the government will become a weak figurehead. Basically a dystopian corporate fascism as shown to us by many popular writers and film makers. I find it equally fascinating and horrifying to be privileged to watch an empire destroy itself in real time.

Well the Georgia state legislature is certainly doing its part to move things away from where voters actually matter. They're in yet another round of proposing new state laws to amplify the effect of the ones they've already passed since 2020 to constrain the right to vote... and to enable overturn of disliked outcomes.

The vote suppression efforts have been made on the extremely ironic ground that since there was no significant fraud found in Georgia's 2020 electoral loss of the White House and of two US Senate seats, they want to make sure there won't be any fraud again any time soon either. wtf. After numerous investigations it was found that four fraudulent votes were cast, all four by relatives of dead people.

A lot of this agitation for yet more restriction of voting options is just campaign fodder for state assemblymen if you ask me, and it's certainly not limited to the legislature of the state of Georgia. It's the updated twist on "We're not soft on crime!!"

Proposed Georgia election bills

  • Authorize the GBI [Georgia Bureau of Investigation] to investigate election-related allegations without a request from a local government.
  • Eliminate absentee ballot drop boxes.
  • Replace touchscreen voting computers, called ballot-marking devices, with hand-marked paper ballots. Touchscreens would remain available for those who prefer to use them.
  • Ban voting by noncitizens, which is already prohibited by state law.
Speaking of the religious right, they seem to be so obsessed with God sending in a savior in the form of Trump that they are missing the equally likely possibility that he was actually sent by Satan, the master of deceit. Look at Trump's words and actions. Which side of the force do you think would be more likely to endorse them? For a hint, which side is love thy neighbor and which is divide and conquer?

I also believe that the end times is preceded by Satan taking over before Jesus comes down to kick his ass. But before you get all “Yay, it’s started!”, I’m pretty sure that worshipping Satan while he’s in his process of destruction isn’t the key to you getting into heaven.
Speaking of the religious right, they seem to be so obsessed with God sending in a savior in the form of Trump that they are missing the equally likely possibility that he was actually sent by Satan, the master of deceit. Look at Trump's words and actions. Which side of the force do you think would be more likely to endorse them? For a hint, which side is love thy neighbor and which is divide and conquer?

I also believe that the end times is preceded by Satan taking over before Jesus comes down to kick his ass. But before you get all “Yay, it’s started!”, I’m pretty sure that worshipping Satan while he’s in his process of destruction isn’t the key to you getting into heaven.
Satanists are quite offended by your suggestion that they are in any way associated with Trump!
It's true the indies are more likely to stay home than vote for a third party. That works too though. For Dems, assuming they can motivate turnout.

I've moved on for today. Now considering the world we live in as Ars Technica sees it this afternoon.

God help us. The goldfish and the Navy Seals aren't gonna bother.

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Regarding the judge who ruled that Navy Seals don’t have to be vaccinated, I’m surprised, not aware of any Christian tenant against vaccines. Is this garbage in, garbage out?

I remember being told not asked when I was active duty. I’m not sure what would have happened in the 1980’s if I refused vaccination while in the USN, but do imagine it would have torpedoed the career of any one intent on making a career (with retirement benefits) in the US military.
Speaking of the religious right, they seem to be so obsessed with God sending in a savior in the form of Trump that they are missing the equally likely possibility that he was actually sent by Satan, the master of deceit. Look at Trump's words and actions. Which side of the force do you think would be more likely to endorse them? For a hint, which side is love thy neighbor and which is divide and conquer?

I also believe that the end times is preceded by Satan taking over before Jesus comes down to kick his ass. But before you get all “Yay, it’s started!”, I’m pretty sure that worshipping Satan while he’s in his process of destruction isn’t the key to you getting into heaven.
The problem with religious fantasies first off, is just how much you can count on the source material? Or has it been a manipulative scam and power grab from the start?
Then there is when the ”believers”:
  • pick, choose, and preach just the part of the fantasy they actually believe or are vested in… while ignoring the rest,
  • twist the meaning of said fantasy to suit their desires.
  • worse, make up their own shit on the fly to support their selfishness and maybe fool you some more.
Speaking of the religious right, they seem to be so obsessed with God sending in a savior in the form of Trump that they are missing the equally likely possibility that he was actually sent by Satan, the master of deceit. Look at Trump's words and actions. Which side of the force do you think would be more likely to endorse them? For a hint, which side is love thy neighbor and which is divide and conquer?

I also believe that the end times is preceded by Satan taking over before Jesus comes down to kick his ass. But before you get all “Yay, it’s started!”, I’m pretty sure that worshipping Satan while he’s in his process of destruction isn’t the key to you getting into heaven.

Judging from a few glances in at some evangelical publications, seems to me they're about trying to hold their presumed faith-based constituency together by talking in massive generalities about politics... sometimes running what amounts to guest opinion rather than putting their own editorial necks on the line (as one magazine did last year in making some mild rebukes of Trump and for that had fetched sharp condemnation from readers).

One such magazine currently runs a headline 'How to Disagree Nicely but Not Lose Your Convictions', which tops a piece adapted from a book called Winsome Conviction: Disagreeing without Dividing the Church. The mere fact that such a book exists suggests that the so-called "evangelical vote" has some fissures.

You know to me all this walking on eggshells around Trump-related concerns --from the GOP and from the high profile pro-Trump evangelical clerics, and now even from some conservative pundits-- is just an extension of the naked emperor syndrome. Only now it's even more absurd because the guy doesn't even have a throne to sit on, never mind the robes and crown that he imagined he wore while he occupied the White House.

And yet the Republican Party honchos kowtow to the possibility that Trump just forgot to get dressed this morning, (as usual?) and surely by nightfall he'll be in resplendent form once again thanks to being propped up by Fox, by his dwindling social media base and by incompetent mainstream outlets.

Too bad at least the press don't rise up as one and refuse to print Trump's name short of indictments or significant changes in health.

Maybe that would nudge the RNC's fear-meter away from the red zone, and they'd find the spine to propose some candidates capable of growing the Republican Party's potential electorate. Sure, it would be a step back to their plans after their loss in the 2012 elections, but they were actually making some headway then in outreach to Hispanics and women, both as potential voters and candidates for office. Trump interrupted all that and in the short term he looked good. A tiger to ride to victory. Dismounting is proving all hell to achieve, even though so much of Trump's presidency was meant as theater, even if also propaganda in aid of a fascist state.

It would be revitalizing to see a GOP with a plan that engaged again with the realities of American democracy while it's still largely functional. I say largely because the press doesn't print good news, it goes for clicks and we relish providing them for tales of impending or actual disasters. But see, despite all the angst in the USA right now, we still do elect at least our nominal governance. The RNC must realize that despite having packed the federal bench and stacked the high court as well, our judicial system still does put at least a few limits on how much "wink and nod" will be granted to a deluded former prez and his deluded but tiny if very loud band of followers. So what could be better for the GOP than attracting new voters, when this country still does actually have elections?

There's still time for more responsible Republicans --so many have remained silent out of fear-- to call a halt to Trump worship and observe as one that the wannabe emperor appears to be stark naked and needs to be covered up with a blanket and escorted farther offstage. Since Trump cancelled his earlier scheduled 1/6/22 press conference, I will find right-leaning commentary on his January 15th rally in Arizona interesting, assuming that that rally takes place. To me it will indicate a little more about the rate of disintegration of the Trump wing of the party. Make no mistake, the RNC and nominal GOP leadership are on edge now. More than ever they don't know what to do with this guy, or what he'll do... and the clocks on the campaign trails are ticking.
... and apparently caused them and their fellow Trump fans also to lose what was left of their minds. And for what? For... what?

How will the next version of the Republican Party look back on their performance in the Trump era? Folly? Theater? Fraud? Self-immolation?
I’m patiently waiting for the implosion, but if I held my breath I’d be unconscious by now. :unsure:
It will be a combination of fascism, idiocracy and kleptocracy. They will get away with it because they will keep shouting "freedom" whilst restricting people's freedoms. As long as the average American can have a gun, drive a v8 pickup truck, drink awful US beer and feel superior over liberals and brown people, they will be happy. Within a few decades the corporations will become more powerful and the government will become a weak figurehead. Basically a dystopian corporate fascism as shown to us by many popular writers and film makers. I find it equally fascinating and horrifying to be privileged to watch an empire destroy itself in real time.
So all those dystopian future imaginations we see in literature apparently are not that far fetched. :unsure:
The problem with religious fantasies first off, is just how much you can count on the source material? Or has it been a manipulative scam and power grab from the start?
Then there is when the ”believers”:
  • pick, choose, and preach just the part of the fantasy they actually believe or are vested in… while ignoring the rest,
  • twist the meaning of said fantasy to suit their desires.
  • worse, make up their own shit on the fly to support their selfishness and maybe fool you some more.

I’m of the belief that all evangelical churches are led by conmen who weed through the Bible to find scripture they can twist to justify enriching themselves while making the members feel doing so is their only way to salvation. So it’s really not surprising that they also latched on to the country’s biggest secular conman. I also believe these people are God addicts trying to fill a massive void in their life that only gets filled with fear, hate, and resentment.
Judging from a few glances in at some evangelical publications, seems to me they're about trying to hold their presumed faith-based constituency together by talking in massive generalities about politics... sometimes running what amounts to guest opinion rather than putting their own editorial necks on the line (as one magazine did last year in making some mild rebukes of Trump and for that had fetched sharp condemnation from readers).

One such magazine currently runs a headline 'How to Disagree Nicely but Not Lose Your Convictions', which tops a piece adapted from a book called Winsome Conviction: Disagreeing without Dividing the Church. The mere fact that such a book exists suggests that the so-called "evangelical vote" has some fissures.

You know to me all this walking on eggshells around Trump-related concerns --from the GOP and from the high profile pro-Trump evangelical clerics, and now even from some conservative pundits-- is just an extension of the naked emperor syndrome. Only now it's even more absurd because the guy doesn't even have a throne to sit on, never mind the robes and crown that he imagined he wore while he occupied the White House.

And yet the Republican Party honchos kowtow to the possibility that Trump just forgot to get dressed this morning, (as usual?) and surely by nightfall he'll be in resplendent form once again thanks to being propped up by Fox, by his dwindling social media base and by incompetent mainstream outlets.

Too bad at least the press don't rise up as one and refuse to print Trump's name short of indictments or significant changes in health.

Maybe that would nudge the RNC's fear-meter away from the red zone, and they'd find the spine to propose some candidates capable of growing the Republican Party's potential electorate. Sure, it would be a step back to their plans after their loss in the 2012 elections, but they were actually making some headway then in outreach to Hispanics and women, both as potential voters and candidates for office. Trump interrupted all that and in the short term he looked good. A tiger to ride to victory. Dismounting is proving all hell to achieve, even though so much of Trump's presidency was meant as theater, even if also propaganda in aid of a fascist state.

It would be revitalizing to see a GOP with a plan that engaged again with the realities of American democracy while it's still largely functional. I say largely because the press doesn't print good news, it goes for clicks and we relish providing them for tales of impending or actual disasters. But see, despite all the angst in the USA right now, we still do elect at least our nominal governance. The RNC must realize that despite having packed the federal bench and stacked the high court as well, our judicial system still does put at least a few limits on how much "wink and nod" will be granted to a deluded former prez and his deluded but tiny if very loud band of followers. So what could be better for the GOP than attracting new voters, when this country still does actually have elections?

There's still time for more responsible Republicans --so many have remained silent out of fear-- to call a halt to Trump worship and observe as one that the wannabe emperor appears to be stark naked and needs to be covered up with a blanket and escorted farther offstage. Since Trump cancelled his earlier scheduled 1/6/22 press conference, I will find right-leaning commentary on his January 15th rally in Arizona interesting, assuming that that rally takes place. To me it will indicate a little more about the rate of disintegration of the Trump wing of the party. Make no mistake, the RNC and nominal GOP leadership are on edge now. More than ever they don't know what to do with this guy, or what he'll do... and the clocks on the campaign trails are ticking.
Don’t count on it, the trajectory is on a little pieces scattered about outcome. :oops:
I’m of the belief that all evangelical churches are led by conmen who weed through the Bible to find scripture they can twist to justify enriching themselves while making the members feel doing so is their only way to salvation. So it’s really not surprising that they also latched on to the country’s biggest secular conman. I also believe these people are God addicts trying to fill a massive void in their life that only gets filled with fear, hate, and resentment.
The former are the conmen, the latter are victim/suckers. :unsure: