The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward


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I can't get past the paywall, but the description / lead-in alone, is really beginning to sound scary.

Geez, and you don't want to ...

These are the plans:

Execute drug dealers
Move homeless people to outlying ‘tent cities’
Strip job protections for federal workers
Restrict voting to one day using paper ballots
Deploy federal force against crime, unrest and protests
Eliminate the Education Department


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Geez, and you don't want to ...

These are the plans:

Execute drug dealers
Move homeless people to outlying ‘tent cities’
Strip job protections for federal workers
Restrict voting to one day using paper ballots
Deploy federal force against crime, unrest and protests
Eliminate the Education Department
Holy Crap is someone, you know Who, trying to drag us into an alternate reality?? :oops:


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Cheney, WA
Holy Crap is someone, you know Who, trying to drag us into an alternate reality?? :oops:

That alternative reality already exists; ever since the mid to late 50s, because of the forced end to segregation, the Southern evangelicals have been working on creating their own complete and self-sufficient subculture. They didn't want to live around liberals (they were surrounded by them) and have the liberals tell them what to do.

Democracy in Chains, by Nancy MacLean talks about how libertarianism was started precisely by the Southern evangelicals to attack the liberal world order.

Long time coming. The South never really lost the Civil War; they lost the battles but they never lost the hearts of much of the population of the country.


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Not only has Trump seemed to devolve into an even more narcissistic, rambling maniac in the year and a half since he’s been off Twitter, but so has the entire right. His Twitter feed looks borderline sane compared to the stuff he and his allies are posting on Truth Social. And I’m just talking about the main posts on his feed, not the comments and regular users, which are no doubt going to be filled with thousands of white nationalists seeing who can kiss his ass more.

Chew Toy McCoy

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It seems Trump backed candidates are having problems raising money, especially compared to their Democrat challenger. It's as if Republican donors are sending their money to one source and that source isn’t sharing any of it with anybody else in the party. :ROFLMAO: Shop griftify!


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
It’s head games directed at STUPID. Unless something miraculous happens at the polls, where the Southern States are busy undermining our elections, I fear for our collective peaceful future.

So apparently does the IRS. They are doing risk assessments of all 600 of their facilities in the wake of revived threats being bandied about now by right wing extremists. Old memes and new lies or abusive remarks offered up by pro-Trumpers (and also by Republican officials) have alarmed the agency enough to launch the first physical security audit on a group of federal buildings since 1995 when the Oklahoma City bombing had occurred. paywall removed Washington Post piece

The Internal Revenue Service will launch a full security review of its facilities nationwide, Commissioner Charles Rettig announced Tuesday, as congressional Republicans and far-right extremists are lashing out at the agency and the new funding it is slated to receive in a massive spending law.

“We see what’s out there in terms of social media. Our workforce is concerned about their safety,” Rettig told The Washington Post in an interview. “The comments being made are extremely disrespectful to the agency, to the employees and to the country.”

Many Republicans have drawn baseless comparisons between the IRS’s new enforcement funding and the FBI’s search of former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla.

“They have 80,000 employees. You know what the IRS also has? 4,600 guns. 5 million rounds of ammunition. Why? Democrats want to double its already massive size,” House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) said on the House floor this month, days after the FBI search.

“With this new power, the IRS will snoop around in your bank account, your Venmo, your small business. Then the government will shake you down for every last cent,” he added. “In light of [the FBI’s search of Trump’s residence], let me ask: Do you really trust this administration’s IRS to be fair, to not abuse their power?”

Chew Toy McCoy

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It seems Trump backed candidates are having problems raising money, especially compared to their Democrat challenger. It's as if Republican donors are sending their money to one source and that source isn’t sharing any of it with anybody else in the party. :ROFLMAO: Shop griftify!

I hope at minimum we eventually get a nice pie chart showing how much of Trump’s rube treasure didn’t go to what he is claiming. Maybe put it on a MAGA shirt which MAGA loyalists won’t see for the insult that it is. Should make for some good rally photo ops. I said before that Trump has raised more money than the DNC and RNC combined.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I hope at minimum we eventually get a nice pie chart showing how much of Trump’s rube treasure didn’t go to what he is claiming. Maybe put it on a MAGA shirt which MAGA loyalists won’t see for the insult that it is. Should make for some good rally photo ops. I said before that Trump has raised more money than the DNC and RNC combined.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely... but we usually focus on the behavior of the guy with the power, and not on what happens to the hearts and minds of the people being corrupted all the way down the line.

Corruption is corrosive, and really hard to reverse. Even reacting to corruption is so often corrupt in the end. After it's clear that the way to go is to bribe someone, or to "get something" on him, what else is there in the end? Stand up and blow a whistle? Sure, that happens, and it's courageous, but there is such a price to pay: where is what's his name now, or what's her name? Yeah: out of power, that's where. It's easier just to find a way to go along and hope to get along "for now".​

A lot of money and power have been put into propping up this sociopath that the GOP once thought they could use and then discard when they'd got what they wanted out of his presidential pen and their own clout in Congress. Now that thoroughly corrupt and Trump-hijacked GOP is finding their boy more and more of an embarrassment, and problematic for their prospects in 2024, but so far they can't undo the certainty of Trump's base that he's the only one who can fix everything. Oops. Well maybe after the 2022 midterms...

Meanwhile Trump carries on with his grifting of millions more dollars he'll use for legal fees, supporting pols he expects can put him back into power in 2024, making mischief under the table in god knows what ways.

The terrible irony there is that Trump's supporters do believe "only he can fix everything," even while they also figure that he can't do it without their help and so they chip into what they still see as a good cause. After all, from their point of view, how can it not be a good cause if everything isn't fixed yet and he's the only one who can fix it?

So yeah I'd like to see that pie chart of what has happened to their contributions too, and it's heartbreaking that ordinary people will put their money into supporting a sociopath now fleeing legal consequences for his own behavior.

But I'm not convinced Trump's supporters would ever believe any assertion of misdirected contributions.

It's so hard to look in the mirror and say

wow, that guy took me on some ride, and for what? Three rich white folks in black dresses on the Supreme Court who ended up making my niece bear a stillborn fetus, and some tax breaks for people making money I'll never see, and I gave him a dime outta my broke-ass pocket?

Chew Toy McCoy

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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely... but we usually focus on the behavior of the guy with the power, and not on what happens to the hearts and minds of the people being corrupted all the way down the line.

Corruption is corrosive, and really hard to reverse. Even reacting to corruption is so often corrupt in the end. After it's clear that the way to go is to bribe someone, or to "get something" on him, what else is there in the end? Stand up and blow a whistle? Sure, that happens, and it's courageous, but there is such a price to pay: where is what's his name now, or what's her name? Yeah: out of power, that's where. It's easier just to find a way to go along and hope to get along "for now".​

A lot of money and power have been put into propping up this sociopath that the GOP once thought they could use and then discard when they'd got what they wanted out of his presidential pen and their own clout in Congress. Now that thoroughly corrupt and Trump-hijacked GOP is finding their boy more and more of an embarrassment, and problematic for their prospects in 2024, but so far they can't undo the certainty of Trump's base that he's the only one who can fix everything. Oops. Well maybe after the 2022 midterms...

Meanwhile Trump carries on with his grifting of millions more dollars he'll use for legal fees, supporting pols he expects can put him back into power in 2024, making mischief under the table in god knows what ways.

The terrible irony there is that Trump's supporters do believe "only he can fix everything," even while they also figure that he can't do it without their help and so they chip into what they still see as a good cause. After all, from their point of view, how can it not be a good cause if everything isn't fixed yet and he's the only one who can fix it?

So yeah I'd like to see that pie chart of what has happened to their contributions too, and it's heartbreaking that ordinary people will put their money into supporting a sociopath now fleeing legal consequences for his own behavior.

But I'm not convinced Trump's supporters would ever believe any assertion of misdirected contributions.

It's so hard to look in the mirror and say

wow, that guy took me on some ride, and for what? Three rich white folks in black dresses on the Supreme Court who ended up making my niece bear a stillborn fetus, and some tax breaks for people making money I'll never see, and I gave him a dime outta my broke-ass pocket?

I don’t blame Trump supporters for being angry, but you know what? They don’t have a monopoly on anger and the rest of us didn’t elevate one guy to infallible deity status because they waved at us once and has a minimal vocabulary. People on the right would like to think Bernie has similar statues on the left but A). that’s because they think the left has a similar hive mind as they do (we don’t) and B). Bernie does get called out on caving on his standards when he does do that and those who do call him out on it blame him for the most part, not blame everybody and everything except Bernie.

Recently I’ve been hearing a trend. People who have been leaving Trump/Trumpism/the current Republican party are citing a reason that isn’t the most obvious. They’re tired of being angry all the time and that’s all that side of the aisle is offering them, never-ending outrage and no solutions to real problems. If anything they’ll offer some iteration of Reaganomics and that’s already been proven not to work over decades and the people who are the most angry have felt that more directly the most.


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Recently I’ve been hearing a trend. People who have been leaving Trump/Trumpism/the current Republican party are citing a reason that isn’t the most obvious. They’re tired of being angry all the time and that’s all that side of the aisle is offering them, never-ending outrage and no solutions to real problems. If anything they’ll offer some iteration of Reaganomics and that’s already been proven not to work over decades and the people who are the most angry have felt that more directly the most.

That's all Fox News and Republicans offer is outrage. They're so mad. Every single conservative I see on social media is outraged and mad all of the time. My best friend rarely talks to her own brother anymore because of how angry he is all the time. They can't have dinner without him bringing up some angry political view he saw on Fox News.

They offer no real solutions to any problem. It's why Beto has spent the last several months campaigning throughout Texas but Abbott does absolutely fucking nothing. He doesn't care to get out and listen to the issues people are having. He knows he doesn't need to do shit to win votes from Republicans.


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I'm only mad that I didn't take advantage of it years ago. I could have made so much money selling Trump merch to these idiots. lmao

trump merch in San Francisco. Looking back, I kind of wish I purchased a roll or two to send to some friends on Christmas.

trump tp.jpg


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
They're just rerouting the pipes on their money toilet from their megachurch preacher to Trump.
Waiting for these down-at-pocket voters to think how weird it is for rich white pols to be railing on about the cost of groceries but their solution is to ask you to up your donation to their campaigns.


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The Biden admin notches another victory today.

Also, I'm really surprised Trump supporters are dumb enough to respond to those insane emails they receive for cash.

"Hey Cletus!

President Trump noticed its been six hours since you last donated to the OWNING THE LIBS TO SAVE AMERICA fund! He wanted me to email you personally to let you know he feels hurt. Are you a loyal follower of MAGA, or should I tell President Trump he can no longer count on your support? Do nothing and help the radical liberals destroy America, or donate now and President Trump will put you on his personal list of most loyal supporters! Click below to donate and help President Trump SAVE AMERICA!"


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Also, I'm really surprised Trump supporters are dumb enough to respond to those insane emails they receive for cash.
You're not too far off. Some Mango Muncher mistakenly used my email address to sign up for the grifter. This is from one of the earlier emails (the Grifters send 5+ daily):

For TODAY ONLY, I’m giving YOU a FREE TRUMP GIFT to show you just how much you mean to me. This offer is meant for YOU, Rxxxxx, and is not intended to be shared.

You have 1 HOUR to claim your FREE TRUMP GIFT before I release it to the next Patriot in line. Don’t wait.
The next email came about an hour later. With a completely new line of begging. :D


Elite Member
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You're not too far off. Some Mango Muncher mistakenly used my email address to sign up for the grifter. This is from one of the earlier emails (the Grifters send 5+ daily):

The next email came about an hour later. With a completely new line of begging. :D
I wonder if gifts actually get sent out?
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