The Trump Indictment Thread


Mama's lil stinker
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I find it difficult to follow this conversation. We just had an entire legal trial involving hundreds of people and legal experts, where this issue was dissected and discussed into the smallest detail. The trial ended with a criminal conviction by an impartial, independently selected jury on every single charge. Are you claiming that the judge, the prosecution, and the jury did not understand the basic legal issue?
He's Trump's biggest defender, you'll never get any sort of rational response but most of us have fun pointing and laughing at him.

Chew Toy McCoy

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That is unknowable. ;)

What I do know is that even if Trump had made the payment to Stormy a line item in his FEC financial disclosures that said "I screwed a porn star and I am paying her $130K to keep quiet about it", based on the timing of the payment (October 27th), it would have not been part of his reporting until late November, which is AFTER the election.

So even if he had done everything 100% above board, it would not have been disclosed prior to the election.

To address your question, I have no idea if it would have leaked anyway.

But to follow up, what do you think this case was about?

Before I answer that, when I say “he” none of this is original thought and is straight out of the fascist playbook. I don’t believe he did a deep dive study on fascism. It just happens to perfectly fit his ideology and personality, but he does surround himself with fascists who guide him. Nazi direct or adjacent quotes aren’t a coincidence. This is also the near final brick in the wall. The buildup to this has been going on for decades.

Collectively I think these cases are about he destroyed the mental health of the nation whether you are a supporter or hater. He brings out the worst in people. He inspires hatred, bigotry and violence. He’s estranged friends and family, and I’m sure permanently in some cases. Far from draining the swamp, he attempted to fill it with loyalists to increase his wealth and power. He cons people out of their money to increase his wealth and attempt to save his ass, and only his ass. He’s convinced people that being a selfish asshole is patriotism when it’s the exact opposite. He’s convinced people everything is going to shit even when that doesn’t reflect their personal experience or reality. “I’m doing great but someplace I’ve never been is a cesspool of crime and depravity.” He’s convinced people we pay Congress to do nothing and all the power resides in the king President. He’s even ordered the Republican Congress to do nothing.

If your movement depends entirely on the survival of one man, it’s not a movement. It’s a cult. Al Capone was taken down for tax evasion, but is that what it was really about?


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
Before I answer that, when I say “he” none of this is original thought and is straight out of the fascist playbook. I don’t believe he did a deep dive study on fascism. It just happens to perfectly fit his ideology and personality, but he does surround himself with fascists who guide him. Nazi direct or adjacent quotes aren’t a coincidence. This is also the near final brick in the wall. The buildup to this has been going on for decades.

Collectively I think these cases are about he destroyed the mental health of the nation whether you are a supporter or hater. He brings out the worst in people. He inspires hatred, bigotry and violence. He’s estranged friends and family, and I’m sure permanently in some cases. Far from draining the swamp, he attempted to fill it with loyalists to increase his wealth and power. He cons people out of their money to increase his wealth and attempt to save his ass, and only his ass. He’s convinced people that being a selfish asshole is patriotism when it’s the exact opposite. He’s convinced people everything is going to shit even when that doesn’t reflect their personal experience or reality. “I’m doing great but someplace I’ve never been is a cesspool of crime and depravity.” He’s convinced people we pay Congress to do nothing and all the power resides in the king President. He’s even ordered the Republican Congress to do nothing.

If your movement depends entirely on the survival of one man, it’s not a movement. It’s a cult. Al Capone was taken down for tax evasion, but is that what it was really about?
All that and Herdfan's still voting for him. Seems like voting for Biden would be a saner, more ethical choice but I don't play the same 5th dimensional chess that Trump supporters do. They're so smart.


Resident Redneck
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I find it difficult to follow this conversation. We just had an entire legal trial involving hundreds of people and legal experts, where this issue was dissected and discussed into the smallest detail. The trial ended with a criminal conviction by an impartial, independently selected jury on every single charge. Are you claiming that the judge, the prosecution, and the jury did not understand the basic legal issue?

Because he wasn't charged with paying hush money. He was charged because of the way he payed it and recorded it.

Chew Toy McCoy

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All that and Herdfan's still voting for him. Seems like voting for Biden would be a saner, more ethical choice but I don't play the same 5th dimensional chess that Trump supporters do. They're so smart.

I have yet to have anybody on the right describe to me the unrecoverable dystopian hellscape that will happen under 4 more years of Biden, or even Harris for that matter.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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I have yet to have anybody on the right describe to me the unrecoverable dystopian hellscape that will happen under 4 more years of Biden, or even Harris for that matter.

America is destroyed! Her ruins lie smote upon the hill where her great city once stood!

...I think it's because we let the coloreds get too uppity. Not racist, by the way.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
I have yet to have anybody on the right describe to me the unrecoverable dystopian hellscape that will happen under 4 more years of Biden, or even Harris for that matter.

I noticed in my pile of tree-mail a letter from President Fuckface von Clownstick. So I opened it.

Wednesday Morning ( yes, it really said that )​
Dear Fellow Patriot,
… At stake this November is nothing less than our democracy, our national heritage and our very way of life …

Yeah, no shit, pal, I wonder who that threat could be coming from.

… It's clear that Crooked Joe Biden and the Far-Left are the true threats to our democracy.…
Snert. I told you breaking your mirror would bring you bad luck. Oh, and, "Far-Left"? Hyphenated? What the hell is that?

This is a fight for the heart and soul of our country – and it's one Republicans must win or we're going to have a country we no longer recognize!

Again with the broken mirrors. We already have a country you PoSs fail to recognize, and we really do not want one that you would.
This was where I took a Sharpie to the reply letter, suggesting cholla cactus suppositories. And I would have sent it in, but it had my name and address on it.

But it does help illustrate the MAGAt perspective. They want their ideal Truman Show sanitized society, but they are losing their grip. It is slipping away from them, they are desperately scrabbling to get it back, but it is clear that they will not. They have already lost, for good, the one thing they felt the greatest need for: with nothing else left to lose, they have become extremely dangerous.
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Elite Member
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Meh. He still won't be able to feign regret since he doesn't believe he's done anything wrong.
hell, he would never admit he did it and would claim all the stupid crap he did during the trial. should make him eligible for parole in 99 years. The more he brags about going well the more we know he failed miserably.


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Because he wasn't charged with paying hush money. He was charged because of the way he payed it and recorded it.

Who cares? Not being an ass, I’m trying to understand what the hang up is here. Going to a bank to take out some money is not illegal. Breaking into the safe after hours to take your money is illegal. You keep mentioning it’s not illegal to remove your money from the bank and consistently ignoring he broke into the safe. After a trial, cold hard evidence and corroborating testimony from Trump allies like Hope Hicks, David 🐔 and his own employees and 34 unanimous verdicts by a jury of 12 peers agreed on by Trump’s team, I don’t know why we keep going back to this.

It’s also more than just “how he did it”, more uncharged crimes were committed in the process. Again, I direct you to the literally thousands of cases where men and women - some of them greedy and some maybe falling on hard times - break the law and doing far less but ending up in prison, be it for embezzling a few thousand dollars from their job or lying on their taxes.
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Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
America is destroyed! Her ruins lie smote upon the hill where her great city once stood!

...I think it's because we let the coloreds get too uppity. Not racist, by the way.
There is a perception here that half of society has to be kept poor so the other half can live the good or at least comfortable life. This perception is especially true when individuals have accumulated huge piles of wealth. I’ll also ague that under Capitalism, this is likelty very true. The big C is not designed to share the wealth, but to grab the wealth, whether it be by good ideas, or cheating. 🤔


Resident Redneck
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There is a perception here that half of society has to be kept poor so the other half can live the good or at least comfortable life. This perception is especially true when individuals have accumulated huge piles of wealth. I’ll also ague that under Capitalism, this is likelty very true. The big C is not designed to share the wealth, but to grab the wealth, whether it be by good ideas, or cheating. 🤔

Are you willing to give any of your savings away, move into a smaller house and give up a lot of the comfort you worked all your life for?

You were a commercial airline pilot and I am sure you made a nice living and didn't steal or cheat to get it. You got it because you worked for it. I have a friend who just became a Spirit pilot and another friend's son is just starting his CRJ training. It is not easy. You worked/studied your ass off to become a pilot and then had the daily stress of having the lives of hundreds of souls in your hands.

Don't think for one minute you didn't earn and deserve every single dollar you have accumulated.


Elite Member
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Maybe there’s a kid who escaped poverty and got an air traffic control license on a scholarship. Which helps the pilots out. Should they not be proud, did they not work for it? If you paid your way, you can be that much more proud I suppose. I don’t think one takes away from the other, really.

Sorry to interject, but I’m getting flashbacks of the “you didn’t build that” debate.


Resident Redneck
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Maybe there’s a kid who escaped poverty and got an air traffic control license on a scholarship.

Regardless of the circumstances of how people got there, it wasn't given to them. Becoming a commercial pilot is hard, stressful work. Hat's off to anyone who makes it through.
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