The Trump Indictment Thread

I knew many Trump voters in 2016, friends, co-workers, others. Although I thought Trump was unfit for a number of reasons, I understood why they chose him: he was a “populist businessman” who promised to upend Washington and get things done for people.

This is along the right path.

Most think he does something that pulls people to him. When in fact, people are being pushed away and he is the one that just happens to be where they are being pushed.

The easiest one is the southern border. We either want to live in a sovereign country or we don't. Those who do see what is happening at the border a true crisis and want something real done about it. (A recent poll even indicated than a majority of Hispanics want mass deportations) We have laws and most of those laws were passed with a lot of Dem votes, but now they seem to have little to no interest in enforcing the laws they voted for.

So in 2015 people are getting pissed and looking for someone to fix it. In walks Trump talking about the border. Now he could have said what he said in a much better way, but the simple fact that he was saying something and the people didn't just think he was pandering is what got him support.

So I will say it again, some of the left's policies are pushing people away. And Trump is one of the few who are speaking to them about this.
This is along the right path.

Most think he does something that pulls people to him. When in fact, people are being pushed away and he is the one that just happens to be where they are being pushed.

The easiest one is the southern border. We either want to live in a sovereign country or we don't. Those who do see what is happening at the border a true crisis and want something real done about it. (A recent poll even indicated than a majority of Hispanics want mass deportations) We have laws and most of those laws were passed with a lot of Dem votes, but now they seem to have little to no interest in enforcing the laws they voted for.

So in 2015 people are getting pissed and looking for someone to fix it. In walks Trump talking about the border. Now he could have said what he said in a much better way, but the simple fact that he was saying something and the people didn't just think he was pandering is what got him support.

So I will say it again, some of the left's policies are pushing people away. And Trump is one of the few who are speaking to them about this.

Yeah yeah yeah.. no problem with white collar crime at all though, as we see with the guy you’re supposedly being pushed to. I bet he still employs undocumented immigrants too, he was during his presidency and only started doing verification when the press ratted him out. He’s such a pathetic individual that you lose whatever message you’re trying to convey with him, which may otherwise be valid. I seriously considered voting conservative as recently as 2012 until 2016 came along and killed whatever possible future I had in that party. Trump doesn’t describe or properly discuss any deeper rationale, he’s a used car salesman who sees the racism in the party, and he’s a racist himself, so he he just parrots right-wing talking points… drill, clean coal, end Obamacare, and immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country.

You are free to go in that direction, but when you do, it’s harder to hear your policy concerns over the overt racism and subversion of democracy coming from your side, the flames fanned hardest by your leader.
One central problem as I see it is the increasing ability, thanks to social media, and the cynical pandering to money by news organizations, to wrap yourself into your own information bubble.
What we have collectively lost as a nation is a common reality. Without it, you cannot have any kind of productive discussion.
We are far from Cronkite's "And that's the way it is."
There is also a voting bloc who has no idea why he came to power. Nor do they seem to care.

I guess it is easier to just say "Trump voters are stupid" instead of trying to figure out what the other side did to make him appealing.
Unless Trump is going to pardon you or make you rich because you are in his inner circle. There is no compelling reason to vote for him in November, and anyone that isn't in those category continue to vote for him against their own best interest, then yes they are stupid.
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Unless Trump is going to pardon you or make you rich because you are in his inner circle. There is no compelling reason to vote for him in November, and anyone that isn't in those category continue to vote for him against their own best interest, then yes they are stupid.
STUPID or co-conspirators…
This is along the right path.

Most think he does something that pulls people to him. When in fact, people are being pushed away and he is the one that just happens to be where they are being pushed.

The easiest one is the southern border. We either want to live in a sovereign country or we don't. Those who do see what is happening at the border a true crisis and want something real done about it. (A recent poll even indicated than a majority of Hispanics want mass deportations) We have laws and most of those laws were passed with a lot of Dem votes, but now they seem to have little to no interest in enforcing the laws they voted for.

So in 2015 people are getting pissed and looking for someone to fix it. In walks Trump talking about the border. Now he could have said what he said in a much better way, but the simple fact that he was saying something and the people didn't just think he was pandering is what got him support.

So I will say it again, some of the left's policies are pushing people away. And Trump is one of the few who are speaking to them about this.
Pretty gullible to believe a Sociopath who blows with the wind as long as it pushes him up. Number 1 Trump is a criminal, the type of immoral, fascist POS, no body familiar with Trump and in their right mind would consider for President. To vote for Trump is a death wish for the Nation and maybe this is what some people want, especially with the threat of equal opportunity, level playing fields, clean air and water, my god that is heinous! 🙄 I don’t think STUPID, has even thought what it means to live in a fascist system… just “whites in charge, I’m good with that, we’ll eliminate who needs eliminating. Just remember to be agreeable.” 🤔🔥
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One central problem as I see it is the increasing ability, thanks to social media, and the cynical pandering to money by news organizations, to wrap yourself into your own information bubble.
What we have collectively lost as a nation is a common reality. Without it, you cannot have any kind of productive discussion.
We are far from Cronkite's "And that's the way it is."

Yeah, and local papers are being bought up and dumbed down (if not killed off), and Sinclair Broadcasting has poisoned local broadcasts.

Republicans are anti-press, because NBC, CBS and ABC have “left-leaning bias” (which I believe is because republicans have gone off the deep end, and any truthful coverage will appear biased by nature). The distrust from the right doesn’t seem to go in their own direction, and indeed, they get mad when they aren’t lied to. Fox had to apologize incessantly and fired people for reporting - factually and accurately - election night news.

I defy anyone to tell me that an MSNBC viewer was more misinformed about Trump’s trial than a Fox viewer. Or anything going on, for that matter. There could be a whole news organization that exists purely to point out Fox’s lousy coverage.

Hannity - in prime time - covers stories planted by social media trolls and self-owns.

Also, dumb people like to feel smart, and making them think they know more than the average person is very easy. “Ah, all you sheeple think prices of food and goods go up and down all the time for a variety of factors. If you would take off your blinder, you would see that Hunter Biden was hanging out in China with his father to push inflation during Trump’s term and help him win the White House”.

They get these stories, sometimes based on things taken grossly out of context, sometimes totally fabricated and based on nothing - and run with it.

In all honesty, if the media was biased, Trump would have been over a long time ago, I still don’t see anyone covering him like the actual moron that he is. It’s painful to watch coverage of him as if he’s a normal adult male.
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I’ve made repeated comments about how I feel about Trump. Just because I think this “hush money” case is incredibly flimsy and perhaps more importantly, very poorly executed, doesn’t mean I think he’s not guilty of other crimes or I’m going to vote for him.

Seriously, people wonder why this country is so partisan. It’s this pathological dichotomous, black and white thinking. There’s this manifestation of borderline personality disorder on a both an individual and political-societal level. People are either worshiped idols or are arch enemies. If the former, they can do no wrong, if the latter, everything they do is wrong. Do you realize how unhealthy this is?

When you and others make disingenuous interpretations in regards to my beliefs, contradictory and ignorant to my statements am I to conclude
1) A reading comprehension issue
2) A personal political ideology so rigid and extreme that any nuance is regarded as opposition
3) You’re so bored of everyone having virtually the same opinion in a “political discussion” that you have a create the opposition you want to engage despite not existing.

Or should I assume you subscribe to the conspiracy theory/delusion that I’m actually a pro-Trump operative pretending to be opposed to Trump, seeking to manipulate the minds of 10 primarily left leaning people on an obscure web forum. Makes total sense.

I have been told I must Pro-Trump through because I am not critical enough of him… my opposition to voting for him, my belief he is likely guilty of certain crimes, my concern he is a dangerous person/leader… evidently is insufficient.

Do you realize how insane this type of thinking is? That’s like saying you’ve only made a few posts promoting LGBT rights/equality- you must be a homophobe!

I was under the impression this was a “political discussion” thread, not one to virtual signaling how much we dislike Trump. Perpetual agreement isn’t an interesting discussion nor is at all useful.
Based on this, I feel like I'm making fun of the kid on the short bus.

Yes, we have all read that you "are against Trump". But, that's not what you post, which is all the rest of us can see of you.
The easiest one is the southern border.

The problem is the "easy" part. The US went to a lot of effort to set Central America on fire. Now those people are fleeing the flames, so we want to lock the fence to prevent them from escaping the conflagration that we created. But it is so much "easier" to point to the "flood of immigrants", because we put up a metaphorical wall to keep us from seeing the spent torches marked USA that we tossed over their way.

The simple rhetoric is much "easier" to sell, especially in a country that the RW has striven to fill with idiots by trashing public education. It is hard to sell beyond-the-symptoms approaches to problems.
N Y Court of Appeals has declined to end the gag order, rejecting the appeal on the grounds of groundlessness.

I doubt Trump could say anything about the case that will change anything in either direction. He just wants to include it as part of his personal grievance rallies…which I’m hearing more and more people are leaving early these days.
I doubt Trump could say anything about the case that will change anything in either direction. He just wants to include it as part of his personal grievance rallies…which I’m hearing more and more people are leaving early these days.
He might not be able to sway anyone's opinion, but let's say he says something even more threatening than he already has about the judge, the judge's daughter, the jury, the prosecutors, or anyone else he views as an enemy. When will his criticism of these people spur his MAGA supporters to harm them?

And what happens after he's sentenced? It's my understanding the gag order will expire. Per Georgetown Law, it's a "felony under federal law to intentionally solicit, command, induce, or otherwise endeavor to persuade another person to engage in a crime of violence against a person or property." But Trump always seems to just stay within bounds.
I doubt Trump could say anything about the case that will change anything in either direction. He just wants to include it as part of his personal grievance rallies…which I’m hearing more and more people are leaving early these days.
The freak show is losing its luster….
I doubt Trump could say anything about the case that will change anything in either direction. He just wants to include it as part of his personal grievance rallies…which I’m hearing more and more people are leaving early these days.

The gag order has nothing to do with the case. Not a thing. He can blort all he wants about the case. He is enjoined from talking about court staff (except it does not cover the judge) or the jurors. The only reason it would prevent him from talking about the case is that the man just cannot stay on script and would probably wander into restricted territory.

I mean, any politician can campaign with out deprecating everyone in sight. That is, unless they are trying to get a horde of berserkers foaming for the cause and ready to turn the country into chaos.
I can understand why so many found him appealing in 2016.

Now? Not so much.

I understood the arguments they were making. But I never understood, either then or now, why they chose him in particular to lead them. Perhaps that’s at my own expense, I just don’t see the appeal in picking a corrupt criminal to expose people you think are corrupt, an orange-flamed devil who breaks the commandments to help bring back Christianity, a liar to expose the truth.

Nine years of continuously being proven right by this fool.
I never understood, either then or now, why they chose him in particular to lead them.

Scott Walker
Jeb Bush
Rafael Cruz
Carly Fiorina
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio

Such was what the Republiopath Party had to offer. In that crowd, he stood out. He shouted over them, tore them down, offered something different. They could not win on personality (cf. Willard Romney), so they went with the steamingest pile, because he was the one that got the attention, got coverage, got actual traction amid a flat field of insipid ciphers. They could not inspire America to them, so they inflamed instead.