The Trump Indictment Thread

Um, okay :oops:

All caps authoritarian social media rants. From a former president. That one, single post alone should be disqualifying.

The GOP folks running in the primary against Trump are going to look ridiculous defending him now and then trying to go after him later on a debate stage. They’re so bad at standing up to Trump you have to wonder if they’re really even trying.

Democrats need to work on messaging. This is not the same as the Clinton scandal. Republicans like Graham and Rubio are saying “maybe he shouldn’t have done it, but nothing happened so he shouldn’t be prosecuted”. So the obstruction is fine, showing the info to others is fine… unless you can point to an actual life that was lost as a direct result of his actions, he should suffer no consequences. And even if that were to happen, well, I’m sure Hillary and Bill have killed plenty of people so why should we single out Trump? 🙄

He’s literally on tape talking about showing classified information - classified by his own admission - to an aid and journalist who weren’t authorized. His own lawyer has notes discussing Trump’s plan to obstruct.

Democrats really need to hammer home the point the only targeting would be for special treatment if Trump was NOT charged. That’s a fact. If there was any actual evidence of Hillary obstructing in this manner, she’d have been charged too. And we’ve heard the bleachbit argument which was disclosed to the FBI and found no evidence Clinton instructed such an event. Definitely not on tape!
Democrats need to work on messaging. This is not the same as the Clinton scandal. Republicans like Graham and Rubio are saying “maybe he shouldn’t have done it, but nothing happened so he shouldn’t be prosecuted”. So the obstruction is fine, showing the info to others is fine… unless you can point to an actual life that was lost as a direct result of his actions, he should suffer no consequences. And even if that were to happen, well, I’m sure Hillary and Bill have killed plenty of people so why should we single out Trump? 🙄

I’m actually surprised Trump and friends haven’t gone full sovereign citizen yet. ”There is no victim! I challenge the court’s jurisdiction! Is this a court of admiralty or common law?!?! I do not want to contract with the DOJ!”
I’m actually surprised Trump and friends haven’t gone full sovereign citizen yet. ”There is no victim! I challenge the court’s jurisdiction! Is this a court of admiralty or common law?!?! I do not want to contract with the DOJ!”
Careful, if he sees this he may try to hire you.
Careful, if he sees this he may try to hire you.

”I do not consent! I do not consent!”

(I am fairly addicted to watching YouTube videos of sovereign citizens getting their windows smashed at traffic stops when they refuse to get out of the car)
Democrats really need to hammer home the point the only targeting would be for special treatment if Trump was NOT charged.
Yes, and no more of that "when they go low we go high" stuff next time around. If Trump's the nominee any debate with him should explicitly point out what a moron and horrible human being he is, how he cheated on taxes, insurance, his three wives and even his Foundation (charity); his multiple bankruptcies, his failure to build the wall and have Mexico pay for it; his failed trade war, etc. etc.
I’m actually surprised Trump and friends haven’t gone full sovereign citizen yet. ”There is no victim! I challenge the court’s jurisdiction! Is this a court of admiralty or common law?!?! I do not want to contract with the DOJ!”
trump cant then he could not run for office.
trump cant then he could not run for office.
Oh, sovereign citizens don’t believe in consistency. They say that they are not subject to state laws despite the 10th amendment, but then insist they can do whatever they want because of the 4th amendment.
Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. I don’t anticipate big crowds. He’s going straight back to Jersey anyways, to get some grift in while he can with another big speech full of lies. Just play the last one from after he got indicted in New York. And you can also predict the future, it’s the same greatest hits - the likes of which, frankly, have never been heard before - that he’ll be singing after indictments for January 6.
Look at all of those Trump defenders!

Nothing is more hilarious than a Fox News talking head calling somebody a partisan hack, but this really takes the cake. Judge Jeanine went on a diatribe calling Jack Smith a partisan hack with an ax to grind. She cited going after John Edwards as another example. Um, John Edwards is a Democrat. :ROFLMAO:
Nothing is more hilarious than a Fox News talking head calling somebody a partisan hack, but this really takes the cake. Judge Jeanine went on a diatribe calling Jack Smith a partisan hack with an ax to grind. She cited going after John Edwards as another example. Um, John Edwards is a Democrat. :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, But he has republican hair.