The Trump Indictment Thread

So boxes containing classified documents were moved to Trump's plane the same day as when his lawyers were meeting with Justice Department about classified documents? No! That isn't obstruction at all...

Where did the plane go on June 3rd?

that would be good to know. wonder who trump sold those documents to? Imagine if he becomes president were will be a revolving door for documents. the Russians come in empty handed leave with boxes.
It's not his money he's spending anymore. It's the RNC's cash now.

Trump’s cash flow is down and the DNC/Biden campaign are crushing it. It’s not going to get easier for Donny, he’s filing for delays in one case and using the excuse he’s got a court case somewhere else, then trying to get those cases delayed. All of that legal maneuvering costs money. Fighting Uncle Sam in Federal Court ain’t cheap. So the RNC will be taking in less while paying a gargantuan lion’s share to one guy. There’s a lot of creative ways of spending campaign money, especially on ads (you put two or more candidates on one flyer, you promote them all). But if your ad or mail money is going on legal fees, there’s no creative way to spend that on more than one candidates. Well, not unless you get one hell of a creative campaign specialist.

I’m convinced the rank and file are going through the motions and have braced for impact.

Not to sound like a broken record, but this is the grand finale of Trump’s mind-boggling cult/political career. I have all the fears of a second dipshit term like everyone else, but be that as it may, I can’t see millions of Americans heading to the polls, and him getting the most votes, either outright or through the EC. People think “wow, Biden has to win all those swing states again.” Yeah, well Trump has to not lose them again as well. Trump benefits from always being treated as the clear favorite despite being a proven loser and underdog.
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DA Bragg has requested a 30 day delay in the hush money trial.

Fatass will have to be voted out in November, the courts give too much baby nurturing of rich white collar criminals. They seem intent on treating him exactly the way he imagines he should be treated, with the sole exception of dropping the cases and imprisoning the prosecutors. But he’s literally been given damn near every break possible.

Meanwhile, he’s manages his greatest grift ever - getting a family member the control of the entire campaign coffers of a major political party. And I’m sure he and his team - many of them indicted, convicted, pardoned or co-conspirators - will be hard at work doing even worse things than they did last time.

He’s awaiting trial for a campaign finance violation, how’s this thing going to play out, what with him owing half a billion dollars in personal legal fines and with endless criminal cases moving forward, and no doubts tons of frivolous civil cases his campaign will file for everything imaginable. Does he have more trustworthy and disciplined people working for him now? This is Capone-level, blatant criminality. Can they afford it all? How will they distribute money to tight races across the country? (hint: they won’t. Lara Trump has literally said, multiple times, “every cent” should do to the Trump campaign. Every cent. Her words.)

He’s like an evil, criminal Forrest Gump, miraculously being given break after break despite being wholly unaware, of anything, and largely without any really great talent or plan. And instead of running, Trump’s gift is delaying.
And instead of running, Trump’s gift is delaying.

I don't think he wins against Biden. So after he has another election stolen from him (I already know that's coming), he's eventually going to run into a wall of legal issues he's been kicking down the road for later. The whole point seems to be to delay things till November. And then what? I don't think even he can delay things forever. He's playing every card in his hand right now. He has to if he's going to stay ahead of the wave of legal issues long enough to make it to November. If he doesn't win the election, he's probably not going to have a lot of cards left to play. If he loses, I think things will go from bad to really bad for him.

I look forward to the day when he runs out of rope. I wish nothing but peace and prosperity for all the other presidents still alive. They might not have been perfect and I might not have agreed with them on everything. But I believe in their own way, they at least wanted to do good for this country. All but #45. I hope he lives long enough to make it into the history books as a criminal thug. He doesn't deserve to die now and have all his legal issues left unresolved. He needs to be found guilty of a few things first as a warning for future generations.
Wait... "TLDR" followed by a doctoral theses where you highlight Biden's mental decline, apparently over skipping debates that he has no intention of skipping? All I can say is thank you for the highlights, who has time to read such a large load of crap.

BTW, as long as you guys only target Biden when Trump has shown himself to be (at a minimum) at least as bad, nobody's going to take you seriously. The real world is not Fox News.

Biden’s decline should be obvious to anyone who has ever had a family member suffer decline. To deny otherwise is being willfully ignorant or completely oblivious to what aging looks like. The transcript from Biden’s DOJ interview is quite alarming. Not only does it demonstrate lapses in memory of significant life events, it appears there is difficulty in following conversation.
And to argue against this reality but then say Trump is the same or worse indicates disingenuous.

Let’s not forget the mainstream democrats called into question Biden’s competence in the 2020 primaries. It wasn’t until others dropped out to propel him to victory that this question became off limits.

The behavior of his administration does nothing to instill confidence either.

I will say I was pleasantly surprised by his SOTU speech, but such is the nature of dementia. The symptoms are not static. It’s the fact so much of his other time on camera indicates issues that concerns me.

Now that Trump has been in the spotlight far more recently than the past few years, I will agree he too is showing signs of decline. They don’t seem nearly as bad from what I can see at this point but indeed are present and appear more frequent than ever. Issues that go beyond a simple misspeak.

Trump continues to have a complex unscripted sense of humor which would suggest, if anything, very early stages.

What concerns me about Biden are not just the memory issues, but potential personality changes (notably inappropriate displays of irritability which seem uncharacteristic for him) and rigid motor movements (may or may not be related, but can be a symptom).

Just because I’m critical of Biden should not be taken as an endorsement as Trump. I like to think we in healthcare can make assessments independent of politics or our personal feelings about clients. As someone who has worked in psych for nearly a decade such factors have never been a consideration. And as someone dedicated to the rights and dignity of those with mental health conditions, if Biden’s decline is what I think it is, I think having him serve as POTUS is very unfair to him.

I do not support Trump for many reasons. While I don’t necessarily think Trump’s mental status would inhibit his duties, the problem is that dementia is a progressive disease that progresses rapidly. So I would be concerned by the end of his term its possible would not be in a condition to lead, if he’s even still alive. The same concerns exist for Biden, but even more so.

This is the problem with electing octogenarians to the position of POTUS. I know 85 year olds who are vegetables and others who are seemingly sharper than people decades younger. But once signs appear they only get worse. And that’s assuming they make it to the end of their term… Biden doesn’t have the cleanest medical history while Trump’s lifestyle is notoriously unhealthy.

I cannot in hood conscious vote for Biden as I am already concerned about his fitness- and it doesn’t help Kamala inspires so little confidence. I won’t be voting for Trump for a quite number of issues (many similar to your reasoning I’m sure) regardless of his cognitive status- but I suppose you can add his potential long term cognitive status to the list.

And to be clear, the job in question is President of the United States. We need someone who is on their A-game 24/6/365.

Again, my criticism of Biden is not to say people should vote for Trump. I don’t think people should vote for either of them. It’s a travesty these two are effectively the choice we were given. IMO the Democrats made a very poor decision running Biden as the 2024 candidate. He was supposed to be a 4 year transitional figure and was basically marketed as such in 2020. Unfortunately no one came forward to be his natural successor.
I cannot in hood conscious vote for Biden as I am already concerned about his fitness- and it doesn’t help Kamala inspires so little confidence. I won’t be voting for Trump for a quite number of issues (many similar to your reasoning I’m sure) regardless of his cognitive status- but I suppose you can add his potential long term cognitive status to the list.
If you actually understand that Trump is evil, and potentially heralds the end of democracy in the US, your conscience may steer you towards voting for Biden. You don’t seem to comprehend the threat Trump is. Most Americans want a different choice but this is it, and it’s stark, virtually a choice between good and evil. That sounds dramatic but Trump is that bad, and one need not be a genius to recognize it.
If you actually understand that Trump is evil, and potentially heralds the end of democracy in the US, your conscience may steer you towards voting for Biden. You don’t seem to comprehend the threat Trump is. Most Americans want a different choice but this is it, and it’s stark, virtually a choice between good and evil. That sounds dramatic but Trump is that bad, and one need not be a genius to recognize it.
Thank you for pointing out that part of what seems like a tireless diatribe about Biden's decline because there was no way I was reading that far, what a load of shit. We get it AG, you're MAGA and could've just summed that up in a few words.
Sadly, the DNC ignored the obvious and had no Plan B or risk mitigation/management plan in place to deal with where we are, and instead kept their fingers crossed hoping for the best.
And if Biden wins? Is anyone certain that even if we had a ticket like Newsom/Jeffries the base would be more energized? We've had many "next big candidates" who fizzled out when it was showtime. Conversely, I'm not convinced support wouldn't materialize for Harris were she to find herself as the candidate.

In other news, the judge in the Atlanta case has ruled Fani Willis can remain on the case if Wade resigns. Good job Trump team, you got the supposedly unqualified guy removed from the team, hopefully to be replaced with someone even better qualified to prosecute the former president and his allies.

The judge did admonish Willis. And the defense. The troubling part is how easy it is to create a mountain out of a mouse turd - the actual accusation of Willis trying to profit from this was never even CLOSE to being proven, and the thing immediately devolved into a scandal. If Willis and Wade had used credit cards for everything and casually paid for these things as they went, which is what they did with the cash, no facts would have changed. So you have to believe they lied about that, to lie about the relationship, when none of this was wrong in the first place.

At the end of the day, yes, I wish she hadn't had this affair. But that's not what really what was addressed. The accusation was she had an affair with this guy, then hired him onto the case solely to enrich themselves. That was the accusation, and it was never even close to proven.
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Conversely, I'm not convinced support wouldn't materialize for Harris were she to find herself as the candidate.

I think for many that support would be in the form of "She's better than having trump in office."

Is anyone certain that even if we had a ticket like Newsom/Jeffries the base would be more energized?

Certain? No. Feeling a lot better about the situation? Yes.
She really should get out there and show the country that she is up to taking the reins should the need arise. That she would be a better option than Individual-ONE or whoever is running alongside him.

True. Her "getting out there" seems to be just starting. And I would characterize it as tepid, at best.
She really should get out there and show the country that she is up to taking the reins should the need arise. That she would be a better option than Individual-ONE or whoever is running alongside him.
It is not the job of the VP to “get out there.” The only time you ever hear about something a VP has done is when it’s a major gaffe. The fact that she’s been invisible to most people suggests she’s doing her job, and doing it well.
It is not the job of the VP to “get out there.” The only time you ever hear about something a VP has done is when it’s a major gaffe. The fact that she’s been invisible to most people suggests she’s doing her job, and doing it well.

I'm wondering if Harris getting more out there recently is an attempt to improve optics for the election.

That is, due to Biden appearing more frail (appearing to losing a lot of weight over the last couple of years, his walking gait becoming more stilted, his recall/memory issues recently getting a lot of press, etc).

And that Harris could step in and be an effective President should Biden suffer a major medical event (or an even more visible general decline) over the next 4+ years.
Most Americans want a different choice but this is it

America has been handed two bowls of shit. You can choose the solid, old turd that's long past it's freshness date, but at least it doesn't stink anymore (Biden), or you can take the bowl of steaming, runny diarrhea, a few questionable lumps floating therein, and also maybe poison (Trump).

Either way, bon appetit.
It's an unfortunate truth in politics that incumbency represents a massive advantage even in cases of dissatisfaction with the incumbent. Parties which try to replace an incumbent or do replace them suffer very, very badly in the election. Newsom or other possible Democratic candidates not named Harris are largely an unknown for most of the electorate and while that can present advantages it often entails massive risk as it is equally possible for your opponent to define you as it is for you to define yourself. If Trump weren't running, then, considering Biden's age, that would have been a risk worth taking. Now it isn't. It's really just that simple.