The Trump Indictment Thread

If the first thing Dark Brandon does isn't to lock Trump up because "I can do fuck all" the day the SCOTUS rules that a president is above the law I'll be pretty disappointed.

At times it does feel like the Supreme Court is dragging their feet on the immunity case because they’d love to do that for Trump as he is the perfect tool for the conservative authoritarian takeover project, but then shortly after realize that means it will also apply to Biden or any Democrat President. So they sit on their hands until they can wordsmith something together to justify their unpopular decisions and views that are a relic of the distant past.
At times it does feel like the Supreme Court is dragging their feet on the immunity case because they’d love to do that for Trump as he is the perfect tool for the conservative authoritarian takeover project, but then shortly after realize that means it will also apply to Biden or any Democrat President. So they sit on their hands until they can wordsmith something together to justify their unpopular decisions and views that are a relic of the distant past.
They rule in his favor and the law isn't enacted until Jan 2025, thought ought to do it.
Trump must be tired, his victory speech was borderline sane and rational, at least given his own standards.
Trump must be tired, his victory speech was borderline sane and rational, at least given his own standards.
How either of these guys make it through the next year is beyond me. Politics aside, they're beyond retirement age and should be eating their pudding and watching Perry Mason reruns at the home.
How either of these guys make it through the next year is beyond me. Politics aside, they're beyond retirement age and should be eating their pudding and watching Perry Mason reruns at the home.

A lot of analysis from “experts” are pointing to Trump’s recent frequent behavior as early signs of dementia. If that gets worse and impossible to ignore I’m confident a good percentage of his voters won’t give a shit because “Biden is destroying the country!”. In this case Trump’s VP pick might be even more critical to voters than Biden with Harris. Whoever it is you can pretty much guarantee it will be an ass kissing nutter who believes we live in the United States of Trump. Trump doesn’t want to court the moderates this time or have anybody who isn’t brainlessly loyal.
In this case Trump’s VP pick might be even more critical to voters than Biden with Harris. Whoever it is you can pretty much guarantee it will be an ass kissing nutter who believes we live in the United States of Trump.

According to the NYT trump is meeting with Elon Musk today for a cash handout.

I'm just glad Musk was born in South Africa. Not that trump would know why that's important.
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According to the NYT trump is meeting with Elon Musk today for a cash handout.

I'm just glad Musk was born in South Africa. Not that trump would know why that's important.
If it’s one thing Musk is good at it’s dumping his money into investments where he’s guaranteed to lose billions on it.


Of course Trump got it exactly backwards. Postponing the trial until after the election would give him an unfair advantage, not the other way around.

Not to mention the biggest trial is specifically about the election, not some random business felonies. This would be like postponing a class action lawsuit against a car manufacture that sells cars that spontaneously explode until after they are allowed to sell all their existing inventory.
Trump posted the bond today for E. Jean Carroll. $91M+. Not sure who the bond company was.
As an attorney, and ignoring for a moment Trump is involved, do you think the verdict was excessive?
No. How much money would E. Jean Carroll need in order to pay for an advertising campaign to convince all the people who believe trump, and restore her reputation? The point of a tort lawsuit is to make the victim whole. In this case, to pay for counseling, security, and reputation restoration. And given his unheard-of recalcitrance, the punitive damages are appropriate. If he continues to libel her, it would be appropriate to increase the damages even further next time. Note that, as a rule of thumb, a multiplier of 20 for punitive damages vs. compensatory damages is often considered the point where you may be getting excessive. Here we’re talking 3 or 4 to 1. As for the compensatory damages part of it, the jury heard a bunch of evidence, so you either believe in the jury system or you don’t. I didn’t hear all the experts who talked about the damages figures, but I can easily imagine that it would take $12million or more to pay for ads and marketing in order to restore her reputation (in fact, no amount of money will accomplish that, but all a court can do here is award money, so…)
As an attorney, and ignoring for a moment Trump is involved, do you think the verdict was excessive?

Given that part of the judgement is to “punish” the defamer and prevent them from continuing to do so, I’d say it was the correct amount, as he seems to have gotten the message, minus a slip-up or two.

If he mentions the name E. Jean Carroll again outside the context of an apology or a confession, then I’d say it wasn’t enough.
Jered Kushner. Turns out there was a suitcase of Saudi money that accidently got put in Ivanka’s shoe closet. So they gave the bulk of it to Trump and used the rest for a down payment on an island.
Yeah, and Jared and Ivanka were eager to get rid of the suitcase because it had an odd smell from dismembered body parts mixed up with the cash.
Trump posted the bond today for E. Jean Carroll. $91M+. Not sure who the bond company was.
Funny how the timing of the RNC vote and him posting the bond all coincided.

As an attorney, and ignoring for a moment Trump is involved, do you think the verdict was excessive?
How was it not excessive? He doubled down on the last 5 million ruling and then defamed again. Then proceeded to continue to lie and trash her character. How do you make him stop if not to hurt him where it hurts the most?