The "Wordle" thread

So I got one of yesterday’s words today.

Wordle 285 4/6


I got stove. Yesterday I had harry but my wife had stove. What the hell.
So I got one of yesterday’s words today.

Wordle 285 4/6


I got stove. Yesterday I had harry but my wife had stove. What the hell.
At least I got a fresh one!

Wordle 285 3/6

Whew! Pressing enter on that 6th guess was a little nerve-racking ...

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Wordle 285 3/6


This was one of those where it took me a long time to think of that third guess (which told me it was probably right and it was).
An explanation for two different words today.

HARRY is a word I know, but it does seem a bit esoteric. I have to criticize some of the words they accept though. Sometimes if I can't think of a word, I start typing in nonsense and pressing "enter", knowing they won't be accepted, but seeing different words written out helps. Pressing enter has never failed me because these fake words are never accepted. But in a recent game, I typed in SHAUL and it accepted it. SHAUL is not a word, it is not in any dictionary I could find and I protest their accepting it. I will sue the NYT. :p
Early on it was challenging, to say the least, but then I lucked out in line 5 to bring me to a winning finish after all!

Wordle 285 6/6

This was my adventure for today. Two "starter" words to get even one hit, but after that it wasn't too bad. I did stare at their virtuel keyboard of leftover letters for awhile before making my fourth go. Once in awhile I space out and re-use some letter than was rejected way back in the first go. Trying not to do that any more.

Wordle 285 5/6

I failed today. I wasted my first guess trying “lowly” from yesterday to see if I was receiving the current word. Turns out I am. Today’s word had a lot of possibilities for that second letter and I blew it.

Wordle 286 X/6

Wordle 286 6/6


What an embarrassment. Left my glasses in the kitchen, tried the puzzle anyway, so for my third go I really squinted to see my hits in the first two shots, misread one of them, got three hits in the right place in the third go but didn't notice that I had substituted a different and lucky hit for one of those three... then was mystified until the end when thinking WHY CAN'T I GET THIS?!, went out to the kitchen to retrieve my spectacles and finally realized that my "missing" letter was featured right up at the top, just not in the right place.

And so yeah, I got to see the "whew" reaction from the game if you get all the way to your last shot at getting it right. It's already seeming comical but at that moment I was not all that amused!
@lizkat You have the same pattern (from guess 3 forward) as @Edd !

I guess without an elimination letter - H, C, P, T you and he were both working through the S*OUT pattern:


and the eventual answer:

@lizkat You have the same pattern (from guess 3 forward) as @Edd !

Right, but I didn't realize I had already gotten my "missing" 2nd letter way up in the top row.

I thought my three green hits in row 3 were the same three yellow letters as in rows 1 and 2, but actually i had picked up a fourth letter when I made my third entry, and the fifth letter with my row 4.

But meanwhile I'd abandoned one of the yellow letters in row 1 without realizing it.

Later on I'd exhausted my idea of the most common possibilities and started double-checking what I was working with. Then I finally saw what I'd done.
Wordle 286 5/6


Liz, I've done that before, forgotten that I had a perfectly good letter that would make a difference! A couple of times early on I lost the game due to that. So now I'm particularly mindful to be sure I'm using all my "good" letters and not accidentally wasting them.
Wordle 286 5/6


Liz, I've done that before, forgotten that I had a perfectly good letter that would make a difference! A couple of times early on I lost the game due to that. So now I'm particularly mindful to be sure I'm using all my "good" letters and not accidentally wasting them.

Yeah that was painful. :LOL: Think I'll be making sure that I keep all my hits on board going forward!
The game reset the streak for me and the wife. We’re both back to one game played.

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