The "Wordle" thread

Bombed out again.... I need to refine my strategy! LOL!

For me it's vowel elimination and consonant combo and/or position determination.

I think the using 5 letters was a very careful choice, it opens up the word catalog, while limiting the patterns once you've determined what it's not (so to speak).
Still missing a 2 or 1, although 3 is nice too.

Same initial word as always, one of these days it’s gonna work out for me! I don’t care about it not being the statistically most appropriate first guess, it’s my word! :mrgreen:

Wordle 226 3/6

Whew! I could've lost this one, the missing first letter could've run me out of guesses ...

Wordle 226 4/6

I find this to be a difficult game and want to know how many of you resort to Google to assist?? :D
I’m better off with Sudoku. ;)

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It DID seem hard, didn't it? Having arrived at line 6 without resolution, I wrestled with the rearrangement of the letters and then all of a sudden they fell into place. Whew!!!

And, no, I do not resort to Google. I play with different combinations of the letters on a piece of paper after having tried getting as many letters as possible on the first two lines. Today I bombed the third line altogether, not one letter. Fortunately I was able to redeem myself by the end!

Wordle 226 6/6


I never got the hang of Sudoku, gave up on that pretty quickly.
It DID seem hard, didn't it? Having arrived at line 6 without resolution, I wrestled with the rearrangement of the letters and then all of a sudden they fell into place. Whew!!!

And, no, I do not resort to Google. I play with different combinations of the letters on a piece of paper after having tried getting as many letters as possible on the first two lines. Today I bombed the third line altogether, not one letter. Fortunately I was able to redeem myself by the end!

Underlined == Right, then why bother to play? :)

I really like that you have to submit your guess, so I use the actual game board to knock around different combinations.
I've got a couple of words with which I usually start out, in order to snag the vowels, and then try playing with words that contain other letters and that gives me something to go on. And, yep, sometimes I use the actual game board to try out the words, too, rather than the piece of paper. Sometimes I just stare at the board for a moment and suddenly the letters magically position themselves in the right places....
Oh, I take hours sometimes, like I'll make a play or two, then just go back to doing something else since I tend to "background process" things.

Yeah, the opening word is a big part of it, if you choose a good one, even no letters is super helpful.
I tell myself that this is just a fun thing, and if I bomb out altogether on the word, so be it; I try not to spend a lot of time on it. When I have gotten things wrong I'm usually chagrined at my mistakes, though, when I see what the actual word turns out to be.
Today was hard only because I had the last 4 and multiple options for the first letter. I do not have the winning first letter in any of my initial words, so it took me 3 guesses to get the right one.
3/6 today after failing for the first time yesterday. That sucked, but I'm coming back stronger!
I hate it when I totally bomb out on the word -- mortifying, isn't it?! On the other hand I remind myself, "it's just a fun little game, just enjoy the daily challenge!" You win some, you lose some....
Just saw this news, too. Well, darn!!!! So how long will it be before the NYT puts this game behind a paywall???!!!!! Just when everybody was really getting hooked on it.....

Can't blame the originator, though -- he had a good thing going and he might as well profit from it.
I think the wife said it best:

Another 3 before it gets paywalled, ad-infested and “Our European visitors are important to us yadda yadda unavailable yadda yadda”:ed.

Wordle 227 3/6
