The "Wordle" thread

Again, had a string at it was just guesses at that point.


Wordle 229 5/6

I almost had it -- just guessed the wrong letter at the end!! DANG! I am going to start waiting until later in the day to do these things when I am more awake and alert. I really am not a morning person.....

Wordle 229 X/6

In case the NYT eventually does something crappy you can get this
Wordle 230 3/6

First time I’ve ever gotten all the letters right but in the wrong order 😮

Got that last letter wrong and the first four correct twice.
Third try today. How are you guys doing these colored square screenshots without letters? I’m using my iPhone on Safari to play.
I've been using the version for people with color-blindness, although I'm not color-blind. I just like the bright orange and blue colors better! So far I've been doing Wordle on my computer rather than on the iPhone so when I have finished the game and the screen comes up with the final results, I then click on "Share," to put in here. This copies to the clipboard and then when I paste and share the image, it shows plain white squares for the letters that were incorrect altogether, bright blue for the letters that are part of the word but in the wrong position and bright orange for the correct letters in the correct spaces.
Some of the words definitely are not ones that we use every day, that's for sure!
This distrubution rings a bell… :LOL:


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