The Trump Indictment Thread

MAGA keeping it classy...

Ok, I am struggling with this: the court orders, "you (CFSG) cannot talk to <these other people, including your co-defendants>" – to a man who was playing it fast and loose with classified documents? Sure sure.

Was just wondering if they anticipate him breaking this order and, instead of trying to press the issue, just use it as further evidence in the case. And you can get the indictment is the only the tip of the iceberg of the evidence they have on Trump.

He’s banned from discussing this case with the other man charged, Walt Nauta, who is still working for Trump in a personal valet capacity. He lied to the FBI for Trump, brazenly. They have video. They have texts. They have images. They have witnesses. And probably more. Trump is paying for the man’s lawyers. No way they won’t be discussing the case, but whatever. Or maybe he’s wired. That would be a hell of a twist.

Or maybe he’s just a loyal lackey.
fuck Biden cause I like the law breaker instead. Pure Genius.
That's what I find so dismaying. Trump is a life-long con man and compulsive liar and in addition to his crimes he's a nasty, vindictive person (just consider how he attacked his former, loyal press secretary Kayleigh McEnany because she reported on a poll that showed him leading DeSantis by a large percentage instead of reporting another poll that showed a larger lead). Biden on the other hand is a relatively decent sort of fellow, genuinely religious if you count such things (which Trumpets seem to), he at least tries to do things for the American people as opposed to Trump who only cares about himself and yet he is vilified by the MAGA crowd. How is this?
Was just wondering if they anticipate him breaking this order and, instead of trying to press the issue, just use it as further evidence in the case. And you can get the indictment is the only the tip of the iceberg of the evidence they have on Trump.
Yes, Chris Christie, a former prosecutor, said that he was sure the DOJ had much more evidence than was disclosed in the indictment. No point to give it all away at this time.

And I was surprised there was no order preventing international travel.
That's what I find so dismaying. Trump is a life-long con man and compulsive liar and in addition to his crimes he's a nasty, vindictive person (just consider how he attacked his former, loyal press secretary Kayleigh McEnany because she reported on a poll that showed him leading DeSantis by a large percentage instead of reporting another poll that showed a larger lead). Biden on the other hand is a relatively decent sort of fellow, genuinely religious if you count such things (which Trumpets seem to), he at least tries to do things for the American people as opposed to Trump who only cares about himself and yet he is vilified by the MAGA crowd. How is this?

Because he is a dumb person’s persona of a strong, powerful, smart and successful man - this despite him wearing makeup and hairspray all the time and never having done any actual work in his life - and there are a lot of dumb mf’rs in America. Hey, I’m not even saying I’m not one of them. But I’m keenly aware, there’s lots of genuinely dumb people out there.
He’s talking about the Clinton sock drawer. It drew audible laughter.

His defense is political only, he’s speaking zero fact or defense. “I had a right to do it, the presidential records act said so.” “I didn’t have time to go through the boxes, I’m busy.”

*He may have another lawyer resign after his rambling tonight.
He’s talking about the Clinton sock drawer. It drew audible laughter.

His defense is political only, he’s speaking zero fact or defense. “I had a right to do it, the presidential records act said so.” “I didn’t have time to go through the boxes, I’m busy.”

*He may have another lawyer resign after his rambling tonight.
so he fully admits it out in the open. great. good luck o that defense that he did not know they were there . He is running out of idiots to take his cases.
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Fox News is losing their minds over this. Yes, this is a real headline.

Including the source:
fox is really becoming a joke. trying to get their base back from Onan I guess.
fox is really becoming a joke. trying to get their base back from Onan I guess.
They're finally getting a dose of reality around Trump. Take the partisanship out of it (and I get it will always play a role) and if this were any other regular person they would be in a prison cell right now, as has already happened to those around him for the same crimes.

What I don't get is why Republicans don't simply distance themselves from this guy, he's toxic on every level and continues to have a stranglehold on the party. We've seen a couple break, now even Pence is changing his tune so maybe there's a shift, who knows. But until they cut him loose they'll never be able to focus on a real agenda.
What I don't get is why Republicans don't simply distance themselves from this guy, he's toxic on every level and continues to have a stranglehold on the party.

It's simple: their voters love him. If they want to keep their jobs, they HAVE to support Trump.

They're quickly finding out that they're the first victims of the beast they created.
What I don't get is why Republicans don't simply distance themselves from this guy, he's toxic on every level and continues to have a stranglehold on the party. We've seen a couple break, now even Pence is changing his tune so maybe there's a shift, who knows. But until they cut him loose they'll never be able to focus on a real agenda.

because the only republican agenda, for as long as i can remember, has been “ ‘THEY’ are bad and ‘THEY‘ hate you and we must stop ‘THEM.’” And we know who “they” are. So, really, what’s not to like about Trump?
It's simple: their voters love him. If they want to keep their jobs, they HAVE to support Trump.

They're quickly finding out that they're the first victims of the beast they created.

Seriously, this.

Trumpism has hold of enough of the party, and is entrenched in a way that if they forced it out of the GOP, now you are talking about a third party challenge that specifically erodes the voting base of their party. Which in turn could render them mostly irrelevant in D.C.

That has to be scaring a lot of career politicians that if they don’t play along, none of the stuff they care about will come to pass. It still probably won’t with the moral panic setting the agenda, but they wouldn’t even have the opportunity to do so if they push back.

Just look at how many Republicans have been pushed out of congress in the last couple election cycles for not being Trumpian enough.
Was just wondering if they anticipate him breaking this order and, instead of trying to press the issue, just use it as further evidence in the case. And you can get the indictment is the only the tip of the iceberg of the evidence they have on Trump.

He’s banned from discussing this case with the other man charged, Walt Nauta, who is still working for Trump in a personal valet capacity. He lied to the FBI for Trump, brazenly. They have video. They have texts. They have images. They have witnesses. And probably more. Trump is paying for the man’s lawyers. No way they won’t be discussing the case, but whatever. Or maybe he’s wired. That would be a hell of a twist.

Or maybe he’s just a loyal lackey.

trump-hired lawyers for the guy? What could go wrong? In the end he's expendable.