Howdy Friends!
@Alli reached out via text, but instead of relaying through her, I figured, what the heck, I'd just login with a quick weather related update. Short version: we're great so far.
We're up on the northeast coast of FL in the St. Augustine area, so have mostly not been involved in this season's storms, Helene, while it did create some peripheral shitty weather, wasn't any worse than the typical Nor'easter in this area. Milton - who I guess is still pissed off about his stapler - might be a bit challenging. We're locked down, like 99% of the folks in this area (mandatory evacuation, but really more of a CYA for emergency services).
House is decently sealed up - some may recall I used HD plastic wrap from a 100' x 20' roll to sort of bag the car(s), that's done. Well, one, the other should be fine (if it gets swamped that vehicles are the least of our worries). FWIW, neither car is what we had last time I was here, but that's a possible post for another day, let's say one is the same but different, and the other is no longer a product from a certain racist, misogynistic, man-baby tech douche
Our seasonal tides are a bit low (good), our dune reconstruction project resulted in a nice big barrier (also good) with pretty solid plant life (great for maintaining integrity). Winds and rain we can handle, hopefully we don't experience notable flooding, for us, it wouldn't be life threatening just create a lot of mess and really disrupt our lives. Fingers crossed.
I hope people in the path of this monster are/stay safe, west coast people, I hope you're nowhere near this.
Take care!