
No effing way was I thinking the same thing!
You DO realize I'm talking about the guy that tied the dog outside, right? Not-so-subtle-hint in the "eye for an eye" comment for those that weren't following...

Wait...are you one of these people that thinks animal cruelty can be fixed with a slap on the wrist and a hug? :D
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No...he needs to be tied to a pole....maybe in a shark tank? (though that would be too quick).

Edit: Think how much better behaved everyone would be if we had "eye for an eye" justice? :D

So who all have seen the videos of elderly people being knocked on the street for no other reason than shits and giggles. Just once I would like to see a bystander walking by cold cock the person who did it.
So who all have seen the videos of elderly people being knocked on the street for no other reason than shits and giggles.

Never! That's a thing?

Just once I would like to see a bystander walking by cold cock the person who did it.

Just once? Come on now, wouldn't it be better to see that every time? :ROFLMAO:
We need Good Samaritan laws - protecting people that want to step in and help (and deliver some justice to those that would prey on the elderly). Too often, someone steps in and they're charged with assault, not the bully.
Polar vortex is on the move:

I definitely remember these and no I won't miss them.
CA may be getting hammered with storms and high seas but looks like we're at least escaping this one.
Looks like we're gonna get at least three days of winter.
No snow here yet (at least, in the places where most of us live). We usually get a week or so of summer in January, but it kind of seems like it came early this year. Maybe we will get pounded in February.
Looks like we're gonna get at least three days of winter.

And another 3 days. Stay safe!

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Thanks to the Polar Vortex, in central Texas, as of Tuesday we will have had 4 nights of below freezing 3 nights of hard freezes. Monday night several inches of snow fell. You want to put Texans (at least this part of Texas) in a panic, mention snow. ;) A couple weeks prior when it fell to about 30F briefly, my outside philodendron shook it off, but the Elephant Ear folded. Now the philly is flat too, although I covered its base with a thick layer of fabric. I suspect/hope it’s not dead. All the important potted stuff is either sitting in the kitchen on the table or the floor, or in the shed with a heat lamp going. This morning was the coldest 24F, but the high will be 47F.


From the local paper:

"MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Tonight, we witnessed history.
A record broken after 130 years, right here on the Gulf Coast.
The Mobile Regional Airport reported seven and a half inches of snow."

You'd think the world had ended. But it did make for some great photo ops.