Welcome new members!

Welcome to all the new members. It’s great to have you here.

Welcome to one and all, new members.
Holy cow! I hadn't seen all the new names. Aside from the ones already mentioned, we've got:

@Stratus Fear

You really do come with your own posse, don't you @Cmaier ? 😄

Okay. Now that we've got all these new people here, who wants to volunteer to go out and get more booze?

Edit: never mind, I'll do it. Eric, I'm borrowing the keys to the car.

Again, welcome to @Agent47, - @zakarhino I have already welcomed, but welcome again - @Entropy, welcome, and a warm welcome to @matram, @sparksd, @Ghstmars1010, @zarathu, @sgtaylor5 and @Stratus Fear; great to see you al here, and do please, feel free to make yourselves quite at home.