Welcome new members!

Shoes??? You mean I can't go traipsing around here in my rather ratty Haflinger wool clogs that have seen better days? And old, but comfy fuzzy socks? Or my PJs? Now it's getting colder I'm wearing more than I did this past summer.....
Shoes??? You mean I can't go traipsing around here in my rather ratty Haflinger wool clogs that have seen better days? And old, but comfy fuzzy socks? Or my PJs? Now it's getting colder I'm wearing more than I did this past summer.....
You’ll steal my PJ’s from my cold dead icy fingers….
I don‘t care how many folk join - I still refuse point blank to wear any shoes while wandering around here.

I came when this place was informal wear and now @Eric’s making it more “serious” I’ll be dammed if I put my shoes on for anyone.
You mean we're supposed to be wearing shoes too?

*whistles*Don't mind me, just putting my pants and shoes on *whistles*
Looks like several new members since I went to sleep. Nice!
Yeah no more only meme replies! You'll get banned for a month!