What’s on TV?

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Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
What’s the matter, not appreciating physically fit people anymore?

Business as usual, I mean, Thanos has always had the greater good in mind.
Thanos was deeply flawed, I’m going to fix the Universe (the Universe needed fixing?) by wiping out half the intelligent life… This guy exists at the top of the food chain so he’s staked out a philosophical position, but all he did was kick the can down the road by wiping intelligent life indiscriminately. :)


Resident Redneck
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Yesterday I binged the White Lotus. I was overjoyed that nothing in my wildest imagination prepared me for the finale. You get hung up on the first scene in episode 1 and make assumptions.

Also invested now in Nine Perfect Strangers.

The two shows share a lot in common. Both have great casts.

Got them recorded. Waiting for the offspring to go back to college.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Really liking The Defeated on Netflix. It takes place in Berlin right after the end of WWII when it was mostly a pile of rubble and just split into 4 sectors with Russians, Americans, French, and British watching over their sectors. As an American, I've never really seen this explored before. Interestingly related, they start the first episode with what looks like an old US newsreel talking about how great it was to have the soldiers back home and how great things are for the Germans with Hitler gone, full of footage of what looks like happy Germans in a thriving city...next opening shot scans over the pile of rubble that is Berlin.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Manifest showrunner Jeff Rake wants to make a two hour movie to tie everything up.

That would be awesome! Cause we need answers!

If that comes out, I’d be happy to continue watching. Thanks for the info!

Netflix steps in with the save!



I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Holy smokes, AHS S10, E01, hahaha, fantastic, so fun. S10EP2 this evening :D


Snowflake from Hell
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My family is rewatching "The Legend of Korra" I've tried to watch it twice, but I just don't seem to get in to it. But, I liked the Last Airbender, so meh.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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What we have started watching Evil, only the first two EPs, and it's as good as people say / as we'd hoped. Apparently S02 is even better, S01was on CBS (like broadcast network), then for S02, moved to Paramount+ which has apparently afforded them some additional creative opportunities :)

Very compelling from the first few minutes - with a stellar cast, nicely balanced between drama/thriller, love the tone, it's "supernatural", quotes by design.

I'll update after we finished Season 1.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
The I-Land (2019)- This is a limited series, watched the first 2 episodes which I enjoyed, very Lost like, and I loved Lost. Ten people are deposited on a beach, initially unconscious, with amnesia. Let the clues and group dynamics begin! :)

Look familiar? :)

But then I visited Rotten Tomatoes and saw both terrible critic and audience scores and: Bafflingly bad, the only mystery is how The I-Land got made in the first place, Auh-Oh.

So I plan on finishing this with bated breath. 👀


Site Master
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The I-Land (2019)- This is a limited series, watched the first 2 episodes which I enjoyed, very Lost like, and I loved Lost. Ten people are deposited on a beach, initially unconscious, with amnesia. Let the clues and group dynamics begin! :)

View attachment 8450
Look familiar? :)

But then I visited Rotten Tomatoes and saw both terrible critic and audience scores and: Bafflingly bad, the only mystery is how The I-Land got made in the first place, Auh-Oh.

So I plan on finishing this with bated breath. 👀
I watched this a while ago… it wasn’t the best show of all time, but it was still a decent watch.


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What we have started watching Evil, only the first two EPs, and it's as good as people say / as we'd hoped. Apparently S02 is even better, S01was on CBS (like broadcast network), then for S02, moved to Paramount+ which has apparently afforded them some additional creative opportunities :)
I loved it when it was on CBS. The first 3 episodes once it moved were good. And then I suddenly lost interest.
The I-Land (2019)- This is a limited series, watched the first 2 episodes which I enjoyed, very Lost like, and I loved Lost. Ten people are deposited on a beach, initially unconscious, with amnesia. Let the clues and group dynamics begin! :)
I loved this one! I even appreciated the ending.

Yesterday I decided to go back and pick up one of the few CW shows that I had missed and started watching The Outpost. I shall return to it today.


not questioning anything
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I'm onto the second (and most recent) season of Dave, from FXX on Hulu, about a white rapper who thinks he's the next big thing. I'm enjoying it. Anyone else?

Thomas Veil

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I loved it when it was on CBS. The first 3 episodes once it moved were good. And then I suddenly lost interest.
I'm just waiting for it to end its 13 episode run so I can binge it.

What we have started watching Evil, only the first two EPs, and it's as good as people say / as we'd hoped. ...
Episode 4 packs a wallop. The way it ends leaves one very disturbed.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
What we have started watching Evil, only the first two EPs, and it's as good as people say / as we'd hoped. Apparently S02 is even better, S01was on CBS (like broadcast network), then for S02, moved to Paramount+ which has apparently afforded them some additional creative opportunities :)

Very compelling from the first few minutes - with a stellar cast, nicely balanced between drama/thriller, love the tone, it's "supernatural", quotes by design.

I'll update after we finished Season 1.
So what are you watching this on?


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
The I-Land (2019)- This is a limited series, watched the first 2 episodes which I enjoyed, very Lost like, and I loved Lost. Ten people are deposited on a beach, initially unconscious, with amnesia. Let the clues and group dynamics begin! :)

View attachment 8450
Look familiar? :)

But then I visited Rotten Tomatoes and saw both terrible critic and audience scores and: Bafflingly bad, the only mystery is how The I-Land got made in the first place, Auh-Oh.

So I plan on finishing this with bated breath. 👀
Ok, finished, not satisfied with it. While the premise could have had potential, the writing was just too muddled and the idea execution unworthy. The best parts were when the group was trying to figure out their situation. Heavy Lost vibe, The reality was stupid and some of the events indicate poor, not thought out writing.

  • The idea of redemption in a simulation where your memories are wiped is stupid.
  • Redemption would require therapy not pot luck.
  • A battered wife who drowns her kids and then attempts suicide is on death row?
  • A stalker who murdered a woman who rejected him should be in a mental hospital.
  • The nurse who has been helping other people on the island (never mind she euthanized 25 elderly people) kills a man in self defense in the simulation… and?
  • The mall shooter is murdered by the stalker, what he just loses out?
  • The pipeline bomber who gets killed accidentally by the Cooper who ”accidentally” killed his girl friend’s Mom has a flashback While threatening him with a gun?

The mitigater is that this is set in Texas, so I have to think about that. :unsure:
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I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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So what are you watching this on?

We’re watching on Paramount+ but I see S01 is on Netflix (maybe they’ll run them a season behind).

FYI, as mentioned in another thread, this is a fantastic service for determining where to watch (if you register you can even select the specific services you use so results are pre-filtered):



Resident Redneck
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How does everyone find all these new shows? I see stuff mentioned on here I have never even heard of. Not that I would have time to watch it, but sometimes a good show could get moved into the rotation.

Seems like big 4 networks just regurgitate the same old shows with new characters: The Wonder Years (ABC) or new locations CSI: Hawaii (CBS). So sometimes I like to try new things, but I guess not working in a corporate office I don't get the chatter where people talk about these things.

Plus, I like simple. I bought my first Tivo DVR back in 2000 when the offspring was born. Now I like my DirecTV DVR's where I can record and watch with one interface. Not a huge fan of having to go to several streaming platforms. And pay them. Not that it is a lot of money, but seeing all those $7-12 charges just annoys me because I know I am not getting full value from them. For example, I am going to have to subscribe to Paramount + this fall for 1 damn show (Seal Team). Might wait until the end of the season, sub for one month and binge them (our binging is watching 1 a night for a couple of weeks) and then cancel.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
How does everyone find all these new shows? I see stuff mentioned on here I have never even heard of. Not that I would have time to watch it, but sometimes a good show could get moved into the rotation.

I read a number of sites / listen to a several podcasts, about TV and film, reviews, analysis, then anything that's well received, I do a little more deep dive into it, read through comments, etc., and oftentimes in discuss one show, recommendations for others will come up. We know the genres we like, we follow specific, writers, directors, actors, even certain podcasters you start getting an affinity with, like you know if so_and_so likes it, you probably would too. We tend to stay away from more traditional network TV, especially "comedies" (quotes by design ...).

That's why we rarely run into any stinkers, we make pretty informed decisions about shows to pursue.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
How does everyone find all these new shows? I see stuff mentioned on here I have never even heard of. Not that I would have time to watch it, but sometimes a good show could get moved into the rotation.

Seems like big 4 networks just regurgitate the same old shows with new characters: The Wonder Years (ABC) or new locations CSI: Hawaii (CBS). So sometimes I like to try new things, but I guess not working in a corporate office I don't get the chatter where people talk about these things.

Plus, I like simple. I bought my first Tivo DVR back in 2000 when the offspring was born. Now I like my DirecTV DVR's where I can record and watch with one interface. Not a huge fan of having to go to several streaming platforms. And pay them. Not that it is a lot of money, but seeing all those $7-12 charges just annoys me because I know I am not getting full value from them. For example, I am going to have to subscribe to Paramount + this fall for 1 damn show (Seal Team). Might wait until the end of the season, sub for one month and binge them (our binging is watching 1 a night for a couple of weeks) and then cancel.
I’m basically absent from network TV theses days. :unsure:
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