There‘s one old show I never get to watch and dearly want back: Northern Exposure. It’s never on anything. From what I’ve read, there’s a music rights issue, which sucks but WKRP (another great show) had similar issues and I’ve seen that on Hulu a number of times. They replace the good songs with generic shit but I’d rather suffer that than never see the show again.
That show inspired my 26 YO self to spend a summer in Alaska. I worked at a fish cannery in Egegik. Back in 1996, it was not a nice place. No police, medical facilities, and a lot of other things. I did not have the Northern Exposure experience I hoped for

But it was an awesome summer nonetheless. We had trash bags over the windows because the sun barely left. It snowed at sea level in July. I showered several times over 3 months. I met some amazing people and some very scary ones. I kept in touch with some for 5 years or so after leaving but no longer unfortunately. I only have a few photos from a disposable camera to show for it.
Not certain if my facts are straight with why that show never streams but it’d certainly earn a whole new fan base if it ever does.