What’s on TV?

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I don't want to say I dislike Invasion but we binged watched and my wife said "after three episodes we still don't know who's invading", which is a great point. It's a good show but they just keep adding new characters and stories without getting to the point and some of it is a bit nonsensical. I suspect they'll eventually get to it but they're losing us along the way.
It's boring and predictable AF. I'll watch the next episode and then will decide if it's a waste of additional time. I love suspense and build-ups, but this is ridiculous. Show the extraterrestrial fuckers already!! And enough with additional characters & story lines each ep. I'm already confused.


Resident Redneck
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Finished Ted Lasso last night. Great finale. But I want Nate to get what is coming to him.

Then we watched a youtube clip of the Best of Roy Kent. Laughed for 12 straight minutes. :)


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It's boring and predictable AF. I'll watch the next episode and then will decide if it's a waste of additional time. I love suspense and build-ups, but this is ridiculous. Show the extraterrestrial fuckers already!! And enough with additional characters & story lines each ep. I'm already confused.
The last show about an alien invasion didn’t show the alien overlords until the season was halfway over. I forget the name of it.


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The Problem with Jon Stewart (TV+) is, as you would expect from the man, impressive as hell. Stewart's Daily Show interviews were always informed and insightful, and he brings that same sensibility to this show.

There's not much comedy here--although Stewart is a jester and occasionally can't resist little gags like suggesting the show title should maybe have a comma in it. But for the most part this is ¹/₆ Last Week Tonight, ¹/₆ Real Time, and ²/₃ 60 Minutes.

Like LWT, there is a main topic, although on this show that single topic consumes the entire show. Like Real Time, there is a panel, although here the panel consists of people intimately involved in that single subject. On the first episode, available as a free preview, the subject is burn pits--war front waste dumps that cause diseases in soldiers--something I confess I hadn't heard about until now. You can see why this subject would have special meaning to Jon: there is a pretty direct parallel to the plight of the 9/11 first responders that he fought for.

I have to admit, the subject can be depressing. I actually stopped the show halfway though and finished it a bit later. And there's an interview with someone from the VA whom you almost have to feel bad for. He can't give Jon a straight answer to anything, and one ends up with the feeling that he is just as perplexed as Stewart on why this problem can't be solved.

Kudos to Apple and Jon Stewart for this series.

Started this as well - great show so far.


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Interesting that you say that. I watched the first episode a few hours ago, but it was so depressing I couldn’t get through it. I don’t believe I’ll go back and finish it though. I think I’ll stick with science fiction. It’s more entertaining and far less depressing.

One is fiction, the other one isn’t…


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I watched the first 3 episodes of The Morning Show and Foundation. I am really enjoying both. Foundation really feels like it’s going to be epic. For the Morning Show, the character played by Steve Carell (which is clearly based on Matt Lauer) is in a disgraced exile after revelations of sexual misconduct, and it’s interesting to see what he chooses to do with his life going forward. It’s just a side story, but with the rest of the show being about the war to win in the cutthroat news business, it’s a really good side story that rounds the show out a bit.

Morning Show: I thought it was interesting that these rather famous actors from the more lighthearted genres took these rolls on - maybe they wanted a new challenge in their career. I’m through season 1 and will likely start season 2 this week.

Agree on Foundation - it looks epic. The emperor would have made a good Julius Caesar in a movie about the Roman Empire too in my opinion.


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Just finished Midnight Mass (2021 Netflix)- Thumbs up horror story with some caveats- it’s slow, lots of talking, philosophizing, and Bible quoting. Some of this is intriguing and thought provoking, especially talk about living and dieing, what it means to live and die, and one character who is the Muslim Sheriff relates his sobering experience of 9-11 and forward.

Five episodes to set up, two with some quickening events. Seven episodes make it drag, talk, talk, talk. I was not expecting this ending, but was satisfied with it, despite a point, found in second spoiler. I expect some church people hated this, see spoiler. :)

Vampire Story

It is very interesting how some primary tenants of Christianity mesh so well with vampirism, drinking the blood of Christ, resurrection, life ever lasting. [emoji848]
Did the Head Blood Sucker survive?? [emoji848]

I always find it amazing when people claim to be Christians and at the same time act as if the new taste aren’t and the 10 commandments never happened. That’s probably a North American focussed version of religious extremism that we’re just not familiar with as Europeans.


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I’m finding invasion to be boring. How do you make a show where you’ve got space aliens invading and make it boring? So many cliches…

I was really looking forward to seeing the show, but now after the first episodes… FFS, give us more action and ease up on the drama side stories…


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
This post is associated with the road trip I’m currently on, but it has to do with a TV show we listen to on the radio when faced with a long day on the road, HLN- Headline News (listening on SiriusXM) which has a murder mystery show on just about every evening. After 6 hours of listening to music, instead of holding my interest, starts to put me asleep. So a good murder mystery wakes me up by drawing my attention, but the stories can be horrendous making me wonder just what kind of a species I belong too. :oops:
  • A woman working in a shop is caught stealing by another woman, so she attacks the other woman, cutting and beating her to death. This attack is listened too next door by Apple Store employees who can hear it through the walls, but don’t call the police. Then she stages a scene where they have both been attacked and zip tied and she sits in the shop all night long until she is discovered in the morning. Before that she takes a pair of shoe off the shelf and walks around the store leaving a man’s shoe prints, then cleans them off and puts them back on the shelf.
  • A guy in Colorado who falls in love with a coworker, while his wife is away, decides when she comes back to murder her and both of his little girls.
  • The worst was the pregnant woman who got called up to the third floor of her apartment to do some sewing for a woman who lives with her boyfriend. She disappears…
If you want to guess:
They strangle her into unconsciousness, and harvest her baby while she is still alive, so the predator can have her own (live) baby. They finish off the mother, smuggle the body out of the complex and dump it in a swamp.


Just watched the most recent Foundation episode. They've clearly been inspired by the Expanse but the tech/sociology edges of the story remain quite unpolished. I also am pretty certain already who Daneel R. Olivaw and Giskard Reventlov are (although Giskard is revealed early on). So if the story builds around a twist like "we'll reveal Daneel who's a ro-bot!" , it will fall short.


Site Master
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Just watched the most recent Foundation episode. They've clearly been inspired by the Expanse but the tech/sociology edges of the story remain quite unpolished. I also am pretty certain already who Daneel R. Olivaw and Giskard Reventlov are (although Giskard is revealed early on). So if the story builds around a twist like "we'll reveal Daneel who's a ro-bot!" , it will fall short.
I thought from the earlier episodes that the female robot that always accompanies Cleon (Demerzel) was Daneel as a woman.


I thought from the earlier episodes that the female robot that always accompanies Cleon (Demerzel) was Daneel as a woman.
In the books, there are two robot protagonists, Giskard who is very much robot-like inside out and Daneel who is absolutely human-like and can blend in 100%. One of the twists in the books was that (vague recollection) for Foundation to work out Giskard operated in the Empire's end, and Daneel on the Foundation end and it turned out that without their interventions the Foundation could not have worked. Daneel is Rayshard as Daneel Rayshard Olivaw. They try to distract by making it look like Rayshard killed Seldon. Since these robots can live for millennia, Asimov used them to mend all the stories in the Robots and Foundation universe together through them and the producers of the show would be foolish not to do the same.

AFAIR they also needed telepaths for all of this to work out. One of the later books chronicles The Mule a legendary telepath in the interregnum era, and the other twist is that it turns out to be Salvor Hardin. Here, they essentially said it in the first episode.
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