What are you doing today?

I put the Czech/Netherlands match on hold to watch the US Olympic 5,000 meters finals from Eugene, Oregon. The temp is 95° F on the track! It will make it interesting.

Paul Chelimo wins!

Did you watch any of the gymnastics the other night? I'll swear those people have superpowers.
Into the blender, one frozen banana, 1 frozen plum, peach, or nectarine (pits removed before freezing), 3 large frozen Strawberries, a squirt of lemon juice, some amount of refridgerated water, blend and sweeten to taste (I use Stevia sweetner). The banana is a must because it gives the blend body.
You can also add in a dollop of unflavored Greek yogurt.
You can also add in a dollop of unflavored Greek yogurt.
I tend to dislike the dairy taste of purchased smoothies, so I avoid the yogurt, but the good thing with home made, you have control regarding how much. I have been known to add a jigger of Peach or Plum Brandy to the mixture. :D
So the vehicle plan is work exactly how I had hoped!

Jeep keeps the roof off most of the time, great for when you want that fresh air, open sky, for accessing the "4x4 only" areas of the beach, for a run up to Lowes where it's much easier to load up. Will be nice in spring and fall, (especially the latter) when it's cool _and_ dry.

But like yesterday, when it was hot and steamy and we were going out, nobody wants that, we need a fully controlled environment and a roof when there's a threat of rain. *boom* The new sedan :D
I am cheering on the amazing Simone Biles and the outstanding American Gymnastics team and I'm also cheering on our very own local girl, Katie Ledecky, born and raised in the Maryland suburbs of DC and a multi-medal winner at the Olympics and world championships.....that girl is an absolute wonder in a swimming pool! Our swim team this Olympics is very strong, with Katie in the forefront. Those are the two sports which I will be following most closely at the Tokyo Olympics.
I am cheering on the amazing Simone Biles and the American Gymnastics team and I'm also cheering on our very own local girl, Katie Ledecky, born and raised in the Maryland suburbs of DC and a multi-medal winner at the Olympics and world championships.....that girl is an absolute wonder in a swimming pool! Our swim team this Olympics is very strong, with Katie in the forefront. Those are the two sports which I will be following most closely at the Tokyo Olympics.
I watched the American trials yesterday and Biles is simply amazing, she's literally taken the olympics to a new level. You are also seeing male gymnasts now using her signature moves in their routines now as well, that's got to be a great feeling for her.
She is just absolutely stunning and indeed has moved the sport of Gymnastics to a whole new level, and, yes, the Olympics as well. Right now she has at least one particular gymnastics strategic move/series of moves, whatever they call it -- named for her and I think that if she uses a couple of the new ones she's perfected over the past year or two when she's at the Olympics that they, too, will be named for her as well. Watching Simone Biles in action is absolutely breathtaking, time after time after time. She's one for the record books and then some! Just an astonishingly gifted athlete and artistic gymnast.......
You can also add in a dollop of unflavored Greek yogurt.

I've pretty much settled on a bag of frozen banana chunks (homegrown mostly - frozen because ERR_TOO_MANY_BANANAS), a cup of "0% fat" (how is that even possible?), relatively low sugar yoghurt, a spoon of honey and milk. If the bananas were over-ripe before freezing, I'll generally reduce or omit the honey.

Swapping the banana for frozen mango (also home grown, they ripened too quickly and I didn't get to eat them in time) is quite interesting too.

A couple of years ago we made faux banana ice cream essentially the same way, just with a lot less milk, and then re-freeze for a bit. Was quite good actually.
I've pretty much settled on a bag of frozen banana chunks (homegrown mostly - frozen because ERR_TOO_MANY_BANANAS), a cup of "0% fat" (how is that even possible?), relatively low sugar yoghurt, a spoon of honey and milk. If the bananas were over-ripe before freezing, I'll generally reduce or omit the honey.

Swapping the banana for frozen mango (also home grown, they ripened too quickly and I didn't get to eat them in time) is quite interesting too.

A couple of years ago we made faux banana ice cream essentially the same way, just with a lot less milk, and then re-freeze for a bit. Was quite good actually.
I’ll assume your frozen bananas are peeled before freezing. :) The thing about bananas they have a limited shelf life even when frozen, only lasting a month maybe 2 before they an unappealing brown. :oops:
Swapping the banana for frozen mango (also home grown, they ripened too quickly and I didn't get to eat them in time) is quite interesting too.
Considering my sweet tooth, I find mango too sweet. However, I have been known to use a small amount to replace any kind of other sweetener.
I’ll assume your frozen bananas are peeled before freezing. :) The thing about bananas they have a limited shelf life even when frozen, only lasting a month maybe 2 before they an unappealing brown. :oops:
Heh they’re peeled this time around yes.

only made that mistake once.

and yes they do go weird after a while - we had some from ages ago in the other freezer we don’t use much. Despite being frozen they still somehow managed to become… less solid and individual. However Based on what we’ve seen here they seem to last several months at least. The current lot went in around April after I ripened bunch-zilla in the shed, and show no signs of deteriorating yet.
Considering my sweet tooth, I find mango too sweet. However, I have been known to use a small amount to replace any kind of other sweetener.

I think I’d get sick of them if I had a more consistent/regular supply - I don’t actually get that many here, despite probably a dozen trees on the property. Most of them get eaten by my wife/her family while still green 😕
I think I’d get sick of them if I had a more consistent/regular supply - I don’t actually get that many here, despite probably a dozen trees on the property. Most of them get eaten by my wife/her family while still green 😕
Do you do the avocados mashed with milk like they do in Guam?
A thoroughly enjoyable night of football for me. Can't believe we actually beat Germany at a tournament.

Other than that work and exercising. In other words the usual!
Do you do the avocados mashed with milk like they do in Guam?

come again?

No. I do not mix avocados with dairy unless I happen to be making pasta sauce.

I have heard of my SIL having avocado smoothies (but I don’t think they include milk here) and our non-smoothie use of them (in salad, in sushi, in hamburgers/ sammiches, or whatever) was somewhat unknown to eg MIL.
Portland and I am sure the surrounding areas are canceling all fireworks this year. Now there were few professional shows this year but they are canceling personal fireworks too.
Portland and I am sure the surrounding areas are canceling all fireworks this year. Now there were few professional shows this year but they are canceling personal fireworks too.
Cancel culture, fucking libs!

Joking aside, sounds like the obvious and right thing to do. Still, I’m sure plenty of people will complain about this decision, how it infringes on their rights (to set Portland on fire? Isn’t that ironic?)