What are you doing today?



^^ Uh... well at least the allegedly malignant nurses can usually find a vein to put a line in... which is maybe why some interns never quite master the art after the patients realize how it tends to go. As a patient I'd rather sure rather see a nurse than a doc approaching me with any needle.
I haven't done a venipuncture since medical school:) I'm pretty good at arterial punctures though and some other stuff. NYC nurses are legendary for their union and willingness to push nursing duties on interns. One of my co-residents (who was an intern in NYC) told me at one point the nurses were on a strike, so residents had to feed the patients... (disclaimer: my wife is a nurse [wasn't one when we met before anybody makes assumptions])
As far as emulating narcolepsy, one of my uncles was a surgeon and was entirely capable of joining us in the living room after a holiday meal that he'd only half-attended thanks to existence of a whole slew of people having put off surgery they needed until they landed in the ER via ambulance... but he'd be making dutiful small talk for just a few moments, after which time he was clearly sleeping with his eyes open, sometimes even having left a sentence unfinished.

My aunt had reluctantly become used to this after decades of it, so she would roll eyes, shrug and go over and put a blanket over him, take his eyeglasses off and tip his eyes shut.. and so he willingly became part of the furniture for the rest of the evening. I sometimes wondered if the guy ever really got to do much more than carve a holiday turkey on festive occasions. Talk about a busman's holiday.
My father used to be in a surgical specialty and he still has this skill. He can socialize and take a nap on a chair for 20min then get on his business. Pretty cool and ridiculous at the same time.

As the joke goes, a surgeon's wife is a widow whose husband is still alive.


I have a few more job interviews left for the day (3-piece suit for a zoom call, lol). I had no grand plans for the day as I expected to be very distracted, and it is what it is. I'll get some measurements completed and some admin stuff. I put in a good 24-26H of work on Mon and Tue so I don't feel THAT guilty.

Apple fanboy

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Been so busy today didn’t really get much time to read or think much about the election. Currently on my break before my evening shift begins.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
I have a few more job interviews left for the day (3-piece suit for a zoom call, lol). I had no grand plans for the day as I expected to be very distracted, and it is what it is. I'll get some measurements completed and some admin stuff. I put in a good 24-26H of work on Mon and Tue so I don't feel THAT guilty.

Dude, just wear a short/jacket/tie, but no pants. It's incredibly liberating ...


Yeah, so liberating that one might even get carried away with the idea of associated freedoms and lose a career over exercising them at inappropriate times... ask around...
Dude, just wear a short/jacket/tie, but no pants. It's incredibly liberating ...
You guys are hilarious. For some patient visits, I wore basketball shorts with shirt&tie, but I also tell the patients (definitely not show though), because it's hella funny and I'm not a hypocrite. (Also, my patients know that I'm there for them through thick and thin, most have my cell# too, so it's rather friendly)
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Ventured out and purchased beer, butter, sparkling water, crisps ("chips" to our Transatlantic Cousins), organic milk and organic double cream.

And put on a wash.

Yesterday (having crawled into bed at 5am) found it hard to summon the energy to do anything except read stuff on line, while peering nervously between my fingers.

I almost long for the days when a US presidential election does not leave many of us compelled to watch compulsively, yet exhausted, sapped of energy, but enervated, almost everywhere else on this planet.
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Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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It's another gorgeous day here and in a little while I'm heading outdoors for a walk around the lake, as I definitely want to take advantage of this great weather while it lasts. Just have to drag myself away from the computer, give myself a break from repeatedly looking at The Washington Post and other sites for indications of some resolution to this election situation....


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Bath, United Kingdom
Tonight is Bonfire Night (aka Guy Fawkes Night) and I am idly watching all the suburban firework displays…

Some people really push out the boat.

We are very fortunate in our position here up the hill… so we have almost a bird's eye view of central and east Bath… all the way into Wiltshire.

Usually the Rotary Club put on the "Big Event" but unfortunately this year due to Covid that was cancelled. So tonight people are even more eager to set fire to their money.



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After stressing online late last night (till nearly 2 a.m.), woke up a bit early and read results for outstanding vote counts. Then talked a few hours with a Civil Rights crusader who's legally blind. He had me read vote totals in PA, GA, AZ and NV. He said his sources say Biden-Harris should be declared the projected winner by early evening, if not sooner.

Heading for a nice walk around the local park and then probably a quick nap before back at agonizing over the slow counts.


Staff Member
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Tonight is Bonfire Night (aka Guy Fawkes Night) and I am idly watching all the suburban firework displays…
I read that and thought - that’s impossible. Guy Fawkes isn’t until....and then I remembered it was, indeed, November.

I’m doing a little work and a lot of MSNBC watching. I hope they wrap this up soon cause I have a paper due on Sunday that isn’t going to get written if I’m glued to the tube. I have a Live session this evening for the class with the paper due. No clue how I managed to complete my paper for the other class.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Ventured out and purchased beer, butter, sparkling water, crisps ("chips" to our Transatlantic Cousins), organic milk and organic double cream.

And put on a wash.

Yesterday (having crawled into bed at 5am) found it hard to summon the energy to do anything except read stuff on line, while peering nervously between my fingers.

I almost long for the days when a US presidential election does not leave many of us compelled to watch compulsively, yet exhausted, sapped of energy, but enervated, almost everywhere else on this planet.
Re: Presidential Election, it’s talk talk talk talk for hours with a meaningful tidbit sprinkled in every few hours. I’m preferring to listen in the morning for a bit, and then tune out until dinner. 👀 Then do other stuff, and tune in briefly before bed.


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Ran some errands earlier. About to do a post-mortem with a Civil Rights couple (the wife has never been as giddy as the past two days, I can only imagine her answering the phone when I call at 2 p.m.). Then can't wait to call Grams about 5 p.m. She's hated this asshole for nearly 40 years. She does not hold back when discussing him.


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What am I doing today?

Not getting any work done. That's for sure.

Actually, I'm laughing.

Is that an activity that passes muster on a thread with the title "what are you doing today?"

I'm laughing.

And tonight, I shall be drinking.

Not enough to become much more than somewhat cheerfully inebriated, (whereas irrepressible joy and ecstatic oblivion do beckon, one must admit), as I must arouse myself early tomorrow to visit the farmers' market, in order to collect my free range, organic eggs, and organic vegetables, (and French bread) and I hate visiting the market with a hangover.
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Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
Main Camera
I've got my Stella chilling in the refrigerator -- hoping I'll be able to crack it open tonight!!! If not, I'll wait to enjoy it tomorrow, but it's not going to be opened until the definitive answer is announced and it's official.....

In the meantime I spent some time out on my deck this morning with the camera and the Bazooka on the tripod shooting the Hooded Mergansers...... They were quite a ways away but I put the 1.4x teleconverter on the lens, too, so I could get closer (840mm). Gorgeous day out there, just delightful!


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Bath, United Kingdom
Actually, I'm laughing.

Is that an activity that passes muster on a thread with the title "what are you doing today?"

I'm laughing.

And tonight, I shall be drinking.

Not enough to become much more than somewhat cheerfully inebriated, (whereas irrepressible joy and ecstatic oblivion do beckon, one must admit), as I must arouse myself early tomorrow to visit the farmers' market, in order to collect my free range, organic eggs, and organic vegetables, (and French bread) and I hate visiting the market with a hangover.
Hit the bottle time chez nous.

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