What are you doing today?

I had a highly successful day today. Went for my bone density scan this morning, came home and got chapter three written, so my committee chair now has all 3 chapters, with chapter 1 already including rewrites. I’m hoping I can defend my proposal by the end of April. 🤞🏻
I had a highly successful day today. Went for my bone density scan this morning, came home and got chapter three written, so my committee chair now has all 3 chapters, with chapter 1 already including rewrites. I’m hoping I can defend my proposal by the end of April. 🤞🏻
Sorry if I missed it, what are you proposing?
As long as you're still on the first floor you're in good shape, right?

Best of luck, it sounds like a large swath of southern USA is getting hammered by not only tornadoes but plain ol' t-storms and big rain dumps.

It didn't do much in my neck of the woods besides rain. Though last night, around 3-4AM, I'd say, my phone started blaring this godawful alarm right next to my head. I snap awake in a panic, thinking that my weather apps were telling me that a tornado was spotted, and to TAKE SHELTER!

...but no, it was an amber alert, which made me feel bad because it made me realize I was relieved over some kid getting kidnapped.

Mrs AFB isn't getting a jab?

Is she on any doctor's (surgery's) list?
She's registered at the same doctors as I am, but apart from when we went to register, neither of us have been since. Due to her allergies etc she would rather wait until things have died down and speak to someone. But I strongly suspect that won't ever happen. She doesn't do doctors as you know.
That’s my line of thought. My mum turns 87 on April 26th. My 2nd jab will be April 6th, so I’ll be able to drive over and celebrate. By then the entire family will have been vaccinated, with the possible exception of my daughter, who is still stalking the pharmacies every evening hoping for some left-overs.

Seems like most of it was well north of us (Birmingham, Tuscaloosa area), so we were lucky. I’m not complaining.
To be honest I think its at least 3-4 years since I've seen either of my parents. I speak to them every week, but they aren't getting any younger.
Sigh....... I was afraid of that. She's taking a big risk even though she doesn't go out much and you will have been vaccinated.....

This is a highly contagious condition - and, worse, - it is a thoroughly horrible thing to have.
She's registered at the same doctors as I am, but apart from when we went to register, neither of us have been since. Due to her allergies etc she would rather wait until things have died down and speak to someone. But I strongly suspect that won't ever happen. She doesn't do doctors as you know.
Yes, I know that she doesn't "do" doctors, and yes, you will be less likely to pass anything on to her (once fully vaccinated) but that does not mean that she will not be susceptible.

Actually, - notwithstanding everything else - I think it extraordinarily irresponsible on her part not to wish to receive the vaccine.

I know. But at least I will be less likely to pass anything on to her.
Yes, but that does not mean that she will not be susceptible.
To be honest I think its at least 3-4 years since I've seen either of my parents. I speak to them every week, but they aren't getting any younger.
While I'm glad that we don't have the (sustained) stress of trying to keep my parents safe in these Covid times, quite candidly, I'd give anything to be able to chat to them both at a time when they were lively and laughing and happy and healthy.

This is a highly contagious condition - and, worse, - it is a thoroughly horrible thing to have.

Yes, I know that she doesn't "do" doctors, and yes, you will be less likely to pass anything on to her (once fully vaccinated) but that does not mean that she will not be susceptible.

Actually, - notwithstanding everything else - I think it extraordinarily irresponsible on her part not to wish to receive the vaccine.

Yes, but that does not mean that she will not be susceptible.

While I'm glad that we don't have the (sustained) stress of trying to keep my parents safe in these Covid times, quite candidly, I'd give anything to be able to chat to them both at a time when they were lively and laughing and happy and healthy.
Its not that she doesn't wish to receive it. She just has so many allergies she doesn't want to take it right now as there are lots of people in her groups on FB who have had bad reactions. I've asked her to talk to a doctor about it, but that's just not going to happen. She won't talk to one regardless. I will keep trying, but at the end of the day I can't make the choice for her.

One things for sure. If I do have any reaction tomorrow, I will hide it from her the best I can!
And yes I will be very thankful if both my parents get through this ok. My mother is obese and has a lot of underlying conditions so has been a big worry. My dad is also in his mid 70's so not safe by any means.
They have both had their first jabs and await their second.
Just filled out my household's census for 2021. Funny the things they ask!

While my dad was alive, that was something he took exceptionally seriously, and completed it with meticulous attention, care, and pride.

And then, when he passed away, it was one of the (many) things that my mother handed over, tossed over, or surrendered - to me to deal with/attend to.
Its not that she doesn't wish to receive it. She just has so many allergies she doesn't want to take it right now as there are lots of people in her groups on FB who have had bad reactions. I've asked her to talk to a doctor about it, but that's just not going to happen. She won't talk to one regardless. I will keep trying, but at the end of the day I can't make the choice for her.

One things for sure. If I do have any reaction tomorrow, I will hide it from her the best I can!

I have allergies, too, which I mentioned at the time of the initial application and then again when actually seated in front of the nurse about to administer the jab to me, and the allergies about which they are most concerned have to do with the specific ingredients of the actual vaccine, and they are not the common, usual ones. People with Hay Fever, allergic rhinitis, allergies to eggs....all are cleared to take the vaccines against COVID-19. Even people with various immune disorders are being vaccinated against COVID-19, with varying side effects/reactions. Everyone's body is different, of course, and their response to the vaccination is likely to vary from no reaction at all to some sort of specific one, often commonly remarked upon as experienced by others as well, but it passes quickly. It is still better than getting COVID-19 and dealing with the sometimes fatal results or even long-lasting effects of the disease.

Groups on FB are seriously, truly NOT a good source of reliable medical information and actually can do more harm than good.....
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Just filled out my household's census for 2021. Funny the things they ask!

We had the census thing in 2020, and for me it was very quick and easy since there is just one person in this household and most of the questions asked were not relevant to me at all.
One of my friends who has a particular medical condition was on some FB groups for a while and she finally realized that this was not beneficial to her because people who had the same diagnosis on one hand may or may not have some of the actual physical manifestations through life that she had experienced, and she was seeing all these horror stories of this that or the other which could go wrong and yet she was doing just fine mostly when it came to the physical stuff....it finally clicked that this was not healthy for her to keep reading about other people's experiences which might be vastly different from her own in so many ways, and she quit all of those groups.

My own experience was similar in that I was involved in a couple of FB groups related to the syndrome with which I was born, Treacher Collins Syndrome, and after a while realized that this was not at all helpful to me to keep reading about others' experiences, especially new parents' where it was all rehashed time and time again..... I decided that I didn't need to be reminded on a daily basis of my syndrome and that in many ways it was far healthier to move on past that and live my life as I had been -- taking it into account but also doing my own thing in spite of it or working with it. Early on, though, in the very beginning before there was even a FB thing at all some of us, especially adults with TCS, did make a connection through first an email "loop" and later a Yahoo group and that really was valuable in a lot of ways.

The other example which I can offer as being more harmful than useful and helpful is that of groups focused around eating disorders, as for me when I was really in the midst of it, those web-based online forum groups felt essential and supportive, but only later as time went on and I made a gradual shift in my own thinking and behaviors did I realize that actually, this really was not the way in which I wanted to continue living my life and I stopped visiting/reading those forums. This was years ago, when the whole "thinspiration" thing was getting underway on some sites while on others recovery and a different approach to one's life were emphasized. I saw both of them as they were developing and happening. I have no idea of what kinds of groups related to eating disorders are on FB because I've moved past that whole thing now.

To repeat: the internet and web-based discussion forums and FB groups around specific physical and medical issues are not in any way a reliable source for actual in-person medical advice and treatment.
One of my friends who has a particular medical condition was on some FB groups for a while and she finally realized that this was not beneficial to her because people who had the same diagnosis on one hand may or may not have some of the actual physical manifestations through life that she had experienced, and she was seeing all these horror stories of this that or the other which could go wrong and yet she was doing just fine mostly when it came to the physical stuff....it finally clicked that this was not healthy for her to keep reading about other people's experiences which might be vastly different from her own in so many ways, and she quit all of those groups.

My own experience was similar in that I was involved in a couple of FB groups related to the syndrome with which I was born, Treacher Collins Syndrome, and after a while realized that this was not at all helpful to me to keep reading about others' experiences, especially new parents' where it was all rehashed time and time again..... I decided that I didn't need to be reminded on a daily basis of my syndrome and that in many ways it was far healthier to move on past that and live my life as I had been -- taking it into account but also doing my own thing in spite of it or working with it. Early on, though, in the very beginning before there was even a FB thing at all some of us, especially adults with TCS, did make a connection through first an email "loop" and later a Yahoo group and that really was valuable in a lot of ways.

The other example which I can offer as being more harmful than useful and helpful is that of groups focused around eating disorders, as for me when I was really in the midst of it, those web-based online forum groups felt essential and supportive, but only later as time went on and I made a gradual shift in my own thinking and behaviors did I realize that actually, this really was not the way in which I wanted to continue living my life and I stopped visiting/reading those forums. This was years ago, when the whole "thinspiration" thing was getting underway on some sites while on others recovery and a different approach to one's life were emphasized. I saw both of them as they were developing and happening. I have no idea of what kinds of groups related to eating disorders are on FB because I've moved past that whole thing now.

To repeat: the internet and web-based discussion forums and FB groups around specific physical and medical issues are not in any way a reliable source for actual in-person medical advice and treatment.


Very well said.

And I completely agree.