What are you doing today?

I will say though, that it is SO easy to get caught up in that kind of thing, especially when people are discussing something to which one can really relate, and are taking about behaviors, physical symptoms, emotional responses to situations, whatever, which echo whatever one's own experiences have been. It brings about a sense of "belonging," of not being so weird after all, and a comfort in knowing that one is not alone in whatever is going on. For me it was certainly an extraordinary experience after many years of being "the only one" with my particular syndrome to find others who looked like me, who had similar experiences to my own in growing up, etc., etc...... And again with the ED it was once more an experience of feeling not alone as I read thoughts expressed by others, descriptions of behaviors, etc., and realized that I wasn't the only one who had certain ideas and who did certain things around what is supposed to be a perfectly ordinary aspect of life. The problem with that, of course, is that while I felt a certain kinship (which felt good, and welcome to someone who had always been somewhat of an outsider) participating in these groups also did tend to pull me deeper into the illness and the behaviors. Once I began pulling myself away from the ED behaviors and thought patterns, which took rather a while, when I looked at the ED groups they now seemed more and more alien to me and it wasn't all that difficult to one day just begin to go there more casually and gradually and then finally stop at some point altogether...... A while later -- months? A year? I deleted the bookmarks as well.....

Now, while all this was going on I actually was in treatment -- outpatient therapy while at home and also from time to time my visits to the ED forums were interrupted by a few stints in inpatient treatment, which was not uncommon among the population of those forums. Someone would disappear for a while and eventually word would be passed along that, oh, she's back inpatient again. There were reviews of various ED treatment facilities, and of course patients' perceptions of what was a good place undoubtedly differed from that of the clinicians running it! Some people seemed to actually take it as a badge of honor the number of hospitalizations/residential treatment facilities they'd had, the lengths-of-stay and the type of treatment. Extremely low weight? Bedrest? Only allowed to be transported from place to place in a wheelchair, no walking or physical exertion allowed? An NG tube inserted into one's nostrils? Oh, or maybe a more permanent type of hyperalimentation with a J-tube or a G-tube? Ah, there we go, then, a really "good" anorexic..... [Never mind that the reality is that a truly "good" anorexic" all too often becomes a dead anorexic.]. Thankfully, something that I appreciate now, I wasn't quite a good enough anorexic and, hey, I'm still alive to talk about it. Some of my friends who were extremely good at it aren't here any more.......
Skiing today! I never ski Saturdays with the normals but New England snowpack is going to take a big hit this week and my goal is 40 ski days this year. Awesome spring day. Enlarge the pic and you can see Mt Washington, highest peak in the Northeast.
To be honest I think its at least 3-4 years since I've seen either of my parents. I speak to them every week, but they aren't getting any younger.
Keep in mind that in the end our only regrets are the things we didn’t do.

I talk to my mother every day on FaceTime, whether I’m in the mood to talk or not.
Groups on FB are seriously, truly NOT a good source of reliable medical information and actually can do more harm than good.....
Talk about an understatement!
Today is laundry catch up day. It's taking over the house so either it gets done or I'm charging it rent.
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Keep in mind that in the end our only regrets are the things we didn’t do.

I talk to my mother every day on FaceTime, whether I’m in the mood to talk or not.

Talk about an understatement!
We have a complicated family. My Dads wife basically banned us from there house 15 years ago. She’s got some issues. Whenever I’ve met up with my dad since he’s had to lie to get away. But now he’s retired he can’t do that. Whenever we talk (2-3 times a week), he’s always outside if he answers. Usual walking the dog.
My relationship with my Mum and her husband are also complicated.
I should also mention I’m 3-4 hours away from both.
Out and about on a lovely spring day; some bills paid, and some shopping done, and some beer bought.
We got a cold front in Houston and the weather has been glorious, nights near 50F, days 60-low 70s...while I know that HOT is waiting in the wings readying to shove it’s way back on stage. :)
We have a complicated family. My Dads wife basically banned us from there house 15 years ago. She’s got some issues. Whenever I’ve met up with my dad since he’s had to lie to get away. But now he’s retired he can’t do that. Whenever we talk (2-3 times a week), he’s always outside if he answers. Usual walking the dog.
My relationship with my Mum and her husband are also complicated.
I should also mention I’m 3-4 hours away from both.
I remember you saying that at some point in the past. That’s a shame.
After the night I’ve had today I’m going to be doing very little.
My reaction to the jab includes
Flu like aches and pains
Hot and cold shivers.
Like flu meets a hangover. So much for hiding my symptoms from Mrs AFB.
After the night I’ve had today I’m going to be doing very little.
My reaction to the jab includes
Flu like aches and pains
Hot and cold shivers.
Like flu meets a hangover. So much for hiding my symptoms from Mrs AFB.
1st or 2nd? Which manufacturer? How long after the shot did you get symptoms?
After the night I’ve had today I’m going to be doing very little.
My reaction to the jab includes
Flu like aches and pains
Hot and cold shivers.
Like flu meets a hangover. So much for hiding my symptoms from Mrs AFB.
Hopefully that means you should get no side effects after the second jab then.
After the night I’ve had today I’m going to be doing very little.
My reaction to the jab includes
Flu like aches and pains
Hot and cold shivers.
Like flu meets a hangover. So much for hiding my symptoms from Mrs AFB.

Good luck.

The only jab I have had an unpleasant and somewhat negative reaction to (sore arm from the flu jab doesn't really count) was the rabies jab.

Nevertheless, it is still better than Covid.
Hopefully that means you should get no side effects after the second jab then.
I wouldn't count on that; I had reactions to both jabs -- different in each situation, too. Reactions to the second Moderna dose were somewhat milder than to the first dose, although I didn't really realize until a few days later that I probably had experienced a fever and chills along with the other more recognizable symptoms, and at the time it didn't even occur to me to check my temperature.
Good luck.

The only jab I have had an unpleasant and somewhat negative reaction to (sore arm from the flu jab doesn't really count) was the rabies jab.

Nevertheless, it is still better than Covid.
Have you had the Covid one yet? But absolutely agree it’s better than Covid. It’s not even that bad unless I’m eating, drinking or passing water!
I wouldn't count on that; I had reactions to both jabs -- different in each situation, too. Reactions to the second Moderna dose were somewhat milder than to the first dose, although I didn't really realize until a few days later that I probably had experienced a fever and chills along with the other more recognizable symptoms, and at the time it didn't even occur to me to check my temperature.
The fever and chills was just the first night. I’m still a bit ache, but if it wasn’t for the headache and sores I’d be almost be fine.
I wouldn't count on that; I had reactions to both jabs -- different in each situation, too. Reactions to the second Moderna dose were somewhat milder than to the first dose, although I didn't really realize until a few days later that I probably had experienced a fever and chills along with the other more recognizable symptoms, and at the time it didn't even occur to me to check my temperature.

The fever and chills was just the first night. I’m still a bit ache, but if it wasn’t for the headache and sores I’d be almost be fine.
Well, - re jabs - as my mother said when I complained about the rabies jab (which was really rotten, and I felt vile), "if you feel this bad now, just think of what it is protecting you from."