What are you doing today?

still recovering from our tandem crash. I can ride a few miles a day thats about it before my groin hurts too much. My wife racked her kneed bone and can't walk for a month so she has to use a walked. I got her these styling berkinstocks for ease of putting on with her still swollen foot. got the bill hey only 800.00 to repair everything.
Online funerals. They really don't offer any closure do they? Really tough watch. So many people going through this at the moment.
Feel like I need a stiff drink now.
The entire purpose of a funeral is to gather to honor someone so I don’t see online as filling the bill.
still recovering from our tandem crash. I can ride a few miles a day thats about it before my groin hurts too much. My wife racked her kneed bone and can't walk for a month so she has to use a walked. I got her these styling berkinstocks for ease of putting on with her still swollen foot. got the bill hey only 800.00 to repair everything.
What happened? If it’s not to embarrassing to discuss. ;)
What happened? If it’s not to embarrassing to discuss. ;)
I posted it here I think. wife and I crashed on our tandem bike a couple weeks ago. I landed on the end of the handlebar on my pubic bone got a huge hematoma and tons of bruising and hard to walk. wife cracked her knee bone. it was a site her in a wheel chair me pushing her using the wheel chair as a crutch a ice pack down my pants.
I posted it here I think. wife and I crashed on our tandem bike a couple weeks ago. I landed on the end of the handlebar on my pubic bone got a huge hematoma and tons of bruising and hard to walk. wife cracked her knee bone. it was a site her in a wheel chair me pushing her using the wheel chair as a crutch a ice pack down my pants.
Sorry to hear that, was just curious if there was any noteble event that caused the crash. I did not go back and search posts.
still recovering from our tandem crash. I can ride a few miles a day thats about it before my groin hurts too much. My wife racked her kneed bone and can't walk for a month so she has to use a walked. I got her these styling berkinstocks for ease of putting on with her still swollen foot. got the bill hey only 800.00 to repair everything.
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I can fully attest to the comfort of the Birks. I have two pairs. Wear mine everywhere! They make great house slippers and especially excellent to wear to the pool on lap swimming days. I hope your wife enjoys her as much as I do and well done for getting them for her. :)
Online funerals. They really don't offer any closure do they? Really tough watch. So many people going through this at the moment.
Feel like I need a stiff drink now.

I feel your pain.

Normally, that expression is such a cliché, but agreed, online funerals are brutal, and very very tough, heart-breaking and gut-wrenching.

And no, they don't offer closure.

Not real closure, the way funerals usually do, for this is something almost unbelievable about them, something that defies reality, although they are all too painfully real.
I feel your pain.

Normally, that expression is such a cliché, but agreed, online funerals are brutal, and very very tough, heart-breaking and gut-wrenching.

And no, they don't offer closure.

Not real closure, the way funerals usually do, for this is something almost unbelievable about them, something that defies reality, although they are all too painfully real.
It’s like you were watching someone’s grief. Very surreal. Hopefully the last one I’ll have to attend.
Sorry to hear that, was just curious if there was any noteble event that caused the crash. I did not go back and search posts.
it was a mess up on my part. I did not notice they put the post back on the path and I was looking to the right and drifted right into it. we clipped it with our peddles.
I can fully attest to the comfort of the Birks. I have two pairs. Wear mine everywhere! They make great house slippers and especially excellent to wear to the pool on lap swimming days. I hope your wife enjoys her as much as I do and well done for getting them for her. :)
I was after crocs something easy for her to slip on her her swollen foot and found these.
I posted it here I think. wife and I crashed on our tandem bike a couple weeks ago. I landed on the end of the handlebar on my pubic bone got a huge hematoma and tons of bruising and hard to walk. wife cracked her knee bone. it was a site her in a wheel chair me pushing her using the wheel chair as a crutch a ice pack down my pants.

I'll be honest; tandems terrify the life out of me. Certainly, it is not something I would readily contemplate.

However, I think you said that your wife was visually impaired, thus, cycling (by herself) may not be possible.
A bit of a lazy day today. Some photo editing. Went on a short walk. Still feeling the ill effects from Saturday's jab. Ulcers at the back of my throat so hurts when I swallow. Mrs AFB made me another jelly.
A bit of a lazy day today. Some photo editing. Went on a short walk. Still feeling the ill effects from Saturday's jab. Ulcers at the back of my throat so hurts when I swallow. Mrs AFB made me another jelly.

Saturday's jab and yesterday's funeral, both, I suspect.

Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself; for some, these are awful days and tough times.
Just got the first round of the Moderna vaccine shot into me. No adverse effects so far, other than it feeling like someone frogged me in the arm.

It's funny. I've been calling the local health department every couple of weeks since January trying to schedule a shot. At first, they told me I wasn't eligible, since I'm not 65 or older, and/or suffering from any debilitating conditions that could be aggravated by a case of the covids. Now, they don't even answer the phone anymore. It just rings and rings without even an automated message picking up to tell you what's what.

Yesterday, I'm at my local Publix, buying my usual sandwich of the week, and I see that the pharmacy there is offering the vaccine. I walk up to them, ask them if I'm eligible, they say yes, and put my name on the waiting list. I was expecting to hear from them about a week later, if they ever bothered calling me at all. But nope. Not even a full 24 hours later, they call me up, and I go on my merry way.

It's sad when the grocery store is more competent than the local government.