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Resident Redneck
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Watched the documentary Never Surrender on Amazon. If you like Galaxy Quest this is worthy. Of interest, the studio insisted that this movie be PG so they cut out the profanity originally in it. Remember when they go through the chompers and Sigourney Weaver says “Screw This”? She originally used the F word and they just dubbed over it, so if you lip read… :D Quoted:

According to Pulitzer Prize winning Playwright and Screenwriter David Mamet the 4 perfect movies are:

The Godfather
A Place in the Sun
Galaxy Quest

It is a great movie and like you noted, one that if it is you will lose 30 minutes of your life sitting down to watch. There are really no slow parts so any 30 minutes you come upon will be good.

"Miner's, not minors!"
"I don't get it."

Will definitely give the Doc a look.



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The Misty Mountains
633 Squadron (1964)- Saw on Amazon, watched this many years ago, a decent story about a mission to Norway with British Mosquito bombers to attack a factory producing rocket fuel For the Nazis. Fictional story. Now I recognize the origins of Top Gun: Maverick, fly up a narrow fjord, throw out the bombs to hit the underside of a cliff, then pull up to clear a tall mountain . :)

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The Misty Mountains
The Magnificint Seven (2016)- Did not see this in the theater, let it slip by as just another remake, a remake of an excellent 1960 film by the same name, which was a remake of an excellent 1954 movie, Seven Samurai. This version was about a town in the USWest being abused by a rich industrialist. I’ll call it good and watchable, beautiful US Western scenery, while being a bit over the top, with some of the amazing shots that are made, and the numbers of hombres required to be killed, explosives help. :) I liked the cast, especially Chris Pratt who can inject humor while being dramatically serious.

I’ll also take this opportunity to recommend Shane (1954) a good story about the cattlemen vs the settlers for a 10 second gun fight, and Unforgiven (1992) a depiction of just how sloppy gun fights more likely could be.

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Elite Member
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Watched the new version of All Quiet on the Western Front on Netflix the other day. Aside from superlative production design and execution, which made for some of the most graphic depictions of war I've ever seen, the movie was bolstered by having Germans portray soldiers using their native language. I've never seen the 1930 release, which won Academy Awards for Best Director and Best Picture, but the major roles were played by American actors. From the trailer, it feels less authentic, although it was probably the best that could be done in that period.


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The Misty Mountains
Free Guy (2021)- In a massive multiplayer online (MMO) game, based in Free City with daily mayhem, a non-player character (NPC) gains self awareness as a conflict brews about the direction the game should take between the software developer and the a-hole boss/owner Taika Waititi. I did not care for him in this role, too good of a job being a shallow one dimensional, prick. While Ryan Reynolds seems to be eternally likable. The movie is not something I would own, but to be fair, I should give it a second watch. :)



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The Misty Mountains
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)- My favorite movie set in the US South, human interest/drama, an outstanding slice of Americana even though it’s fictional, some truths are revealed, includes a murder, outstanding characters and is set in the middle of some ugly racial history, but is still charming and sentimental. The basis upon which the trial proceeds is an eye opener, but I feel confident trials such as this could have been pushed based on zero evidence.



Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
Finally got around to watching Avatar 2 last night and couldn't finish it, the story was terrible and all over the place with no direction. Great visuals but it just wasn't enough to sustain it for me, my wife finished it though and seemed happy enough.


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The Misty Mountains
Finally got around to watching Avatar 2 last night and couldn't finish it, the story was terrible and all over the place with no direction. Great visuals but it just wasn't enough to sustain it for me, my wife finished it though and seemed happy enough.
In my mind, because humans came back, it was supposed to carry the story of the fight for Pandora forward, but this chapter mostly served as pretty filler. For the last big fight Jake and Awa rallied the planet against the interlopers to prevail. This time, he chose to run away? It does not make sense to me especially if there is the ability to rally a planet of lethal critters around the purpose of keeping the human colonists from establishing a foothold on the planet.


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
In my mind, because humans came back, it was supposed to carry the story of the fight for Pandora forward, but this chapter mostly served as pretty filler. For the last big fight Jake and Awa rallied the planet against the interlopers to prevail. This time, he chose to run away? It does not make sense to me especially if there is the ability to rally a planet of lethal critters around the purpose of keeping the human colonists from establishing a foothold on the planet.
This was the first sign of cheese that was the hardest to get around. In the first movie Jake was a badass, becoming Navi and an in your face fighter, it was so well written all the way around. This time he's cowering father who wants to run/flee with his family while teaching his kids dad lessons, to the point it was laughable at some points. Seriously, this could've been filmed in a cul de sac somewhere in suburbia.

I expect this with some sequels where the original director/writers have bailed but not from James Cameron. It was like he phoned it in and relied on special effects to carry it. What a disappointment.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
I’ve never been one to defend the Avatar franchise, but I thought it was pretty damn watchable (saw in IMAX 3D). Visuals, obviously, are incredible.

For the story, I was disappointed we’re going round 2 with the humans, and even the same fucker who died last time. But, he is a great performer and fun to root against.

Why they ran away was because they didn’t want to endanger their community, right? The fight was going to be too costly, according to memory. So they hoped to hide, protect the family. I get that’s not a long term solution but parents make emotional decisions, and they were ultimately wrong about staying hidden.

I liked how the dialogue was written. Mostly only the words required and they got their points across sharply. I liked how the parents were harsh with their kids by necessity.

It’s certainly too long but Cameron makes it go by. Please don’t make me defend Avatar again, feels weird.


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The Misty Mountains
Gunpowder Milkshake (2021)- Top notch cast. I like strong women and kickass fights but did not care for the coreagraphed fighting in this movie. It broke my suspension.



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Been watching a lot of 80’s and early-90’s movies. Not just for the content, but the cinematography. I love them. From Terminator to Groundhog Day, from Dutch (underrated John Hughes film) to the first Keaton Batman.

I like the 4K versions. The look of them (plus the 80’s and 90’s costumes and sets) take me back to a much calmer couple of decades.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
Pushing my way through The Master right now. Never watched it, though I’m a big PT Anderson fan. I’ve always struggled with Joaquin Phoenix. His performances typically strike me as a showcase for him to act really fucking weird, and this film is no exception. With a couple of exceptions (I really like Her) his energy just sucks for me.

edit: Finished. Visually gorgeous, good music, and what a cast. But, a joyless slog for me, and a lesser PTA film. And yet, I read that it’s his favorite one. Ah, sometimes I just don’t get shit.
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