What Movie Are You Watching?

Thor: Love and Thunder- The wife is watching and I’m reminded of all the things wrong with it. I singularly hated Zeus, but I don’t blame Russel Crowe just the creative mind(s) who thought this was sooo funny, not to mention screaming goats. :)
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The Menu, on HBO. Pretty damn entertaining, hard to talk about much as there’s a twist that demands discussion.
Avatar: the last water bender. Well, maybe "the way of water". It was big and colorful and full of excitement, and maybe a bit light on anything else. No unobtanium this time, but it seemed like Cameron couldn't decide if the driving force was revenge, magic goo or just because the earth is dying. I liked it ok.
My son says it’s just a repeat of the first story. I plan on seeing it at the theater to judge for myself. I can easily buy the idea that the humans want to take another shot at Pandora, from there, there is a lot of subjectivity involved If the story gets a thumbs up.
The Menu, on HBO. Pretty damn entertaining, hard to talk about much as there’s a twist that demands discussion.
Good movie. I strongly related with the cynicism of Ralph Fiennes' character, whether one likes the outcome or not, I get it.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)- One of the best adventure films ever made despite some far fetched premises. It’s fairly easy to maintain suspension of disbelief. :D George Lucas got half credit for the story.

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My son says it’s just a repeat of the first story. I plan on seeing it at the theater to judge for myself. I can easily buy the idea that the humans want to take another shot at Pandora, from there, there is a lot of subjectivity involved If the story gets a thumbs up.

Avatar: the last water bender. Well, maybe "the way of water". It was big and colorful and full of excitement, and maybe a bit light on anything else. No unobtanium this time, but it seemed like Cameron couldn't decide if the driving force was revenge, magic goo or just because the earth is dying. I liked it ok.
I have to see it. I have history with this series so I'm very curious to see the latest CGI generation.

Many years back, I put together a test shoot for Lightstorm & James Cameron. It was a project Cameron later abandoned called Brother Termite. They were trying to learn how to take alien skin and animation to the next CGI level. It took a year for us to see the final footage. I believe this clip is somewhere on the 1st Avatar’s extended DVD. In this scene, the male actor (playing the alien) was taller than the actress. So they attached a Huck Finn style fishing rod to the actress's back as a sight line for the male actor to look up to. In turn, he had a piece of gaffer's tape on his thigh which was her sight line when looking down at him. We shot this in Westwood, CA, at the Veteran's cemetery.

Although Brother Termite was abandoned, what they learned from this test shoot was later incorporated into developing the CG used to make Avatar.

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)- Close second to Raiders. Story by George Lucas.

Well I haven't seen it yet, but Sundance Film Festival has just screened a surprise documentary directed by Doug Liman about Justice Brett Kavanaugh's SCOTUS confirmation and specifically about failure to follow up allegations of sexual misconduct. Not everyone thinks the controversial and limited "investigation" by the FBI should ever have been the end of it, and so the beat goes on now in docu-land.

Liman, a filmmaker best known for his work on movies such as “Swingers,” “The Bourne Identity,” “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” and “Edge of Tomorrow,” explained in a statement that “‘Justice’ picks up where the FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh fell woefully short.

“The film examines our judicial process and the institutions behind it, highlighting bureaucratic missteps and political powergrabs that continue to have an outsized impact on our nation today,” he added. “Justice” is his first documentary.

The film includes interviews with experts who speak about how traumatic memory works in order to substantiate the credibility of Ford and Ramirez’s allegations. There are also discussions of the media discourse around Ford’s allegations in 2018, which in some cases attempted to paint the scenario as “boys will be boys,” or to counter the accusation by asking, “Why ruin a man’s life for something he did as a kid?” The film positions itself, in part, as an indictment of a broader culture that encourages us to forgive and forget misbehavior by privileged groups.

More about the film and keeping its existence under wraps.

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For fans of the 1966 film Gambit (yes, the then youthful Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine), news from PopMatters of a 4k restoration in Techniscope, "as God and Universal intended." Of course there are a few spoilers but ya should have seen it by now.

Atomic Blond (2017)- Watched 3 times in the last 2 weeks.i love just about everything in this quintessential espionage story. Theron has an incredible screen presence.

What kind of amazes me is how the melee fighting looks so real and forceful, it‘s as if you can see Theron’s muscles contract and expand as she delivers blows and receives them, without these actors hurting each other. And you know there is a stunt double but I can’t see the switch I think she may have done the tumble down the stairs in this, one of many impressive fight sequences, and how they got the camera in the middle of this has to set some new standard: :)

This is R rated action

Stunt Analysis of apartment fight​
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Ok, I gave John Wick (2014) a try, it is decent but it’s mostly him shooting people in quick succession. It can’t compete in story or with the ratio or quality of melee fighting and gun play in Atomic Blond.
Finished watching The Menu (2022). It was enjoyable for the most part. Even with a few predictable turns. Right balance of comedy, camp and interplay between the actors.
Avatar 2 (2022)- I’m going to have to watch this again. My first impression are the visuals are photorealistic and considering this was all CGI, the big battle that takes place is technically impressive, the underwater shots are wonderful, and Neyteri becomes a super bad ass in a fight for her family, however the story did not really grab me.

The same music, bringing back all of the characters including the dead ones, the same characteristic vocalizations and exclamations such as “Let’s get some!”, “Your not in Kansas any more” made it feel like the writers were trying to remind the audience how good the original was, but it felt repetitious to me. And that big battle, kind of fissiles out as a setup for the next movie, where instead of running away again Sully at the end of three hours declares it’s time to fight again. Uh huh….

The first time Sully took it upon himself to organize the clans and surprise, all the Pandora fauna decided to jump in and kick some human butts, ejecting them off the planet. So here they come again, and no organizing the clans, where’s Eywa (?), and just running away? Sully should know that the best way to defeat the colonists is to hit them hard and quickly before they can get established, seems like a better time to call up Taruk Makto. Maybe that will happen sometime in the future timeline.
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Enchanted, followed by Disenchanted. (Two different nights.) Not great, but entertaining.
Pacific Rim (2013)- If you like Transformers (large mechs) and Godzilla monsters, you’re good to go. CGI and visual dynamics are superb. Large creatures are entering this world though an inter-dimensional rift in the bottom of the Pacific intent on destruction. And I really enjoy the premise, that it takes two pilots to link mentally to run the machine an extension of themselves, the fight sequences, and the interpersonal relationships and conflicts, especially the two bickering scientists. Idris Elba is an on screen force. :D

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)- Close second to Raiders. Story by George Lucas.

I see you haven't listed Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. :ROFLMAO:

When our daughter was growing up she started watching these movies and we told her not to bother with the 4th. She didn't listen and then admitted that a couple hours of her life she will never get back. :)

Mad Max Fury Road 2015​

I walked into this the first time unaware that it was a 2 hour chase and was carried away. The choreography and cinematography are top notch that and great characters.


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Sunday afternoon. The 3D version with only 5 other patrons. I liked better than the 1st Black Panther movie and like the setup for future BP movies. Won't spoil it for those that haven't seen it yet.
I watched it last night on Disney+. Although some parts were good, I was disappointed overall.
  • It was too long at 2 hours and 43 minutes. I was bored some of the time.
  • The scenes with Martin Freeman and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, which were there mostly for comic relief I suppose, were cringe-worthy.
  • I realize the laws of physics are out the door in superhero movies, but Namor soaring and outflying nearly everyone supported by ankle wings was too much. I couldn't take him seriously as a villain.
  • Riri Williams/Ironheart was there to more fully introduce the character, but including her storyline seemed contrived.
  • The battle between the Wakandans and the Talokans wasn't believable, even given the context.