What Movie Are You Watching?

Encounter (2021)- A father goes on a mission to save his sons from a non-terrestrial threat. This is a good movie with good portrayals, a good story, but there is a 50-50 chance you won’t like the ending or you won’t like how this was sold, considering why you sat down to watch it.

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The Truman Show
1998 | PG | 1h 43m

Watched this with the daughter this weekend, she loved it, now it's one of her favorites, and for me, who's seen it a dozen times, just reinforced why it remains one of mine. Just brilliant, and so prescient of reality TV, social media, productizing people - a perfectly cast Jim Carrey, amazing supporting cast, perfect direction by Weir, and Philip Glass doing amazing soundtrack work.

It even out-Matrixed the Matrix a year sooner :D

The Truman Show
1998 | PG | 1h 43m

Watched this with the daughter this weekend, she loved it, now it's one of her favorites, and for me, who's seen it a dozen times, just reinforced why it remains one of mine. Just brilliant, and so prescient of reality TV, social media, productizing people - a perfectly cast Jim Carrey, amazing supporting cast, perfect direction by Weir, and Philip Glass doing amazing soundtrack work.

It even out-Matrixed the Matrix a year sooner :D

Watched that on hallucinogens once. Still unsure if that was a good idea. Once of my faves, along with Pleasantville which came around the same time. The latter is messier, and weirder. I need to give Pleasantville a watch again. Where did I put that acid?
Black Sea (2014)- Seeking a fortune in Nazi gold on a sunken sub.. It’s a good movie, good performances, but I won’t talk about the ending. Depending on your perspective maybe good, ok, or ehh.

The Man in the Iron Mask (1998)- I was so turned off by everyone having some kind of a European accent except DiCaprio as King Louie and his Yankee accent, so out of place, immersion destroying. Wife is watching… 😛
The Man in the Iron Mask (1998)- I was so turned off by everyone having some kind of a European accent except DiCaprio as King Louie and his Yankee accent, so out of place, immersion destroying. Wife is watching… 😛
I have watched that movie so many times I could probably write the entire script from memory. It was a favorite to show in class so the kids could distinguish history from fiction.
The Selling (2011)- Description: A too honest for his own good real estate agent learns how frightening the housing market can be when he tries to flip a haunted house. Comedy Horror. Good laughs. (y):)

83% at RT :)
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“Sonic the hedgehog”. I was aware of the game, but never played. My youngest loved it.
The Player
1992 | R | 2h 4m

One of Robert Altman's best, delicious black comedy about Hollywood, it's silly at time, shallow, like the industry it skewers, terrific performances all around, lots of fun with cameos. The single take, nearly 8 minute opening is genius. Holds up really well, even with some things being a product of its time (i.e., 1992).
The Usual Suspects
1995 | R | 1h 46m

The less said the better, perhaps the best twist ending of all time (and yes, I'm considering The Sixth Sense), simple version of the plot from IMDB: A sole survivor tells of the twisty events leading up to a horrific gun battle on a boat, which began when five criminals met at a seemingly random police lineup.

Fantastic, holds up well even with repeat viewings, spectacular cast, terrific writing, watched it with Daughter, she had such a great time with The Truman Show and the surprises, I figured this would be terrifically mind blowing, and she just flipped out in the best possible way. :D
This looks solid, if for nothing else than the talent involved - I really like Jessie Buckley, and I'm a huge fan of Alex Garland (and A24 has been producing some stellar films).

Since the Oscars are close, did anyone like Power of the Dog (2021)?
If so why? I’m not against drama, but I did not like it, and won’t argue with anyone who calls the story a good one. I probably prefer him as Dr Strange. ;)

This looks solid, if for nothing else than the talent involved - I really like Jessie Buckley, and I'm a huge fan of Alex Garland (and A24 has been producing some stellar films).

Is this at the theater or streaming?
Since the Oscars are close, did anyone like Power of the Dog (2021)?
If so why? I’m not against drama, but I did not like it, and won’t argue with anyone who calls the story a good one. I probably prefer him as Dr Strange. ;)

Yeah, I liked it, in that it held my attention well. The ending was a good payoff, I didn't see it coming. I'd agree that the hype is a bit much, though.