What's up with the attack on the US Post Office?

They're not doing the thing it looks like they're doing. They're doing something else entirely.
Wouldn't you think they'd install the new mailbox right where the old one was, instead of just hauling them off?

I call bullshit on that story.
other than pictures w/o context has ANYONE on the left shown any links actually detailing what is being done? I did NOT post a link to faux news.
After reports surfaced in the past week of postal workers removing those iconic blue mail collection boxes from street corners in multiple states, the U.S. Postal Service said it will halt further removals for 90 days, citing "recent customer concerns."

Local news outlets in places from Montana to Oregon and New York have reported on mailboxes being "hauled away in flatbed trucks" and "seen discarded behind a post office" in recent days.

On Sunday, the Postal Service said the removals were in keeping with "routine" efforts to "identify redundant/seldom used collection boxes."
Okay, according to Snopes, this is part of routine maintenance.

They say (per USPS spokespeople) that some mailboxes are being replaced.

We haven’t, though, seen anything about those new mailboxes or where they’ll be. (Could you imagine the Streets Department doing that? “We’ve removed all the stop signs at some intersections. We’ll have the new ones up in a few weeks.”)

If it’s only routine maintenance, it speaks to the fear and lack of trust this administration has generated with its attacks on the postal service, compounded by taking two days (in the age of the internet) to explain what the hell was going on.

I doubt that leaving mail sitting around undelivered, or postmasters sending out letters that your vote may not be counted, or DeJoy’s conflicts of interest, will be explained away so easily.
The major concern is what Trump's appointed head has been doing behind the scenes. You can read about a number of them here.

If it were done at any other time, you could almost write it off as business as usual. Just Republicans making small cuts to various services they don't like to play the fiscally conservative card. Thing is, the USPS doesn't even take up a full percent of the US budget, so why the sudden pressing concern to make all these sweeping changes right now at this very moment, when we're in the midst of a pandemic, three months from the election, and absentee voting is expected to reach record highs due to such?

Plus, there's the fact that Trump has stated, on record, that he's some of the reasoning behind the budget cuts are a response to mail in voting, allegedly to combat the massive amounts of fraud that are BOUND to happen.
Where the hell has Congress been on this besides whatever behind-scenes tongue clucking and a few remarks from prominent Democrats about how it's not nice to mess with the post office.

that is the crux of the matter here. The USPS's current state of affairs was created by Congress and can be remedied by Congress. At the very least let's hear proposals from Congress on what they mean to do to improve USPS service before the election. They owe the public some solid reassurance that this election is not going to be mucked up by Trump and the White House spin machine be damned, it's not up to them how to fix this situation.

As for the board of governors that installed DeJoy, let them rise up in shame and uninstall him. There must be some fine print on suitability for remaining in the post.
I guess we’ll find out when they go back in session next Monday, and bring in DeJoy for questioning.
I guess we’ll find out when they go back in session next Monday, and bring in DeJoy for questioning.

OK and so I will go back to believing I've been reading a bad dime novel script for four years. It seems a time-tested way for me to get from day to day in the Trump era. It's just that I don't always find the thing a page-turner if you know what I mean, even when I want to see some issue's loose threads tied up.

How can Congress feel it has to start by just questioning DeJoy? How about rise up and say ya know what, the way we took the USPS mostly off budget is not working out for delivery of service to the people. And put in some emergency funding (hell if you can emergency fund the Iraq invasion's aftermath for a few years after it occurred, which is what happened, you can throw a few billion at the USPS to make sure our mail gets handled properly).

lol there's an Ask Audit section at the USPS inspector general site that is dumb enough to put up a comments section and ask employees to report misdirected mail issues -- and says this isn't a site for customer comment... but somehow puts them up anyway... and there are some pretty rich ones up there already. Maybe they are from disgruntled PO employees. I'll be surprised if that doesn't get "fixed" by DeJoy pretty soon.

I’m still hoping it’s a page turner. I’ll even settle for the deux ex machina that I refuse to accept from my favorite tv shows.
...and says this isn't a site for customer comment... but somehow puts them up anyway... and there are some pretty rich ones up there already. Maybe they are from disgruntled PO employees. I'll be surprised if that doesn't get "fixed" by DeJoy pretty soon.
I hope not. I’m up for moderator there too.