What's up with the attack on the US Post Office?

I've almost got enough steaks stored up in the freezer to ride out the oncoming apocalypse, so I say BRANG IT!

funny how both sides are fighting.
funny how both sides are fighting.

If you want my god honest opinion on the matter, the current distrust of our elections lies solely on Trump's shoulders.

Sure, people have been bitching about gerrymandering being unfair, or illegal immigrants slipping through the cracks in the system to vote for years now, but no one ever believed our elections were outright rigged until Trump took the stage, and began making his endless accusations of such.

He's doing it simply because the chaos benefits him, no matter which way it goes. If he ends up winning the election after pulling all this seedy bullshit, and his detractors end up rioting (which they probably will) it'll only serve to strengthen the resolve of his followers, who will likely use their actions as an excuse to grant him even more police powers for his second term. All the better to enforce Law and Order on our hobbled nation, and Make America Great Again. If he loses, hey, that's just proof he was right all along. There's no way that Trump, our greatest president ever, could possibly lose. The election was rigged! They'll believe themselves justified to do whatever is necessary to take their country back from those radical leftists, which will probably include a few riots, and Trump will have a place front and center during all of it. Likely as a talking head on OAN.

No matter what happens, Trump wins, and the country suffers. It's not like we're experiencing anything new here. We've seen it happen a hundred times in a hundred different countries. It's merely new to us. All it takes is that seed of doubt, and it all rolls downhill from there.

We're a nation torn in half, lead by a demagogue with a textbook example cult of personality following, and anger is overriding everyone's common sense. We like to joke around, but I think we need to realize just how shitty and precarious of a situation we are in.
the thing is all of the political main that is mailed out as cheaply as possible is going to get dumped. so Democrats and republican candidates are going to loose out. so we just need to point that out to these fools that think it is a good idea.
If you want my god honest opinion on the matter, the current distrust of our elections lies solely on Trump's shoulders.

Sure, people have been bitching about gerrymandering being unfair, or illegal immigrants slipping through the cracks in the system to vote for years now, but no one ever believed our elections were outright rigged until Trump took the stage, and began making his endless accusations of such.

He's doing it simply because the chaos benefits him, no matter which way it goes. If he ends up winning the election after pulling all this seedy bullshit, and his detractors end up rioting (which they probably will) it'll only serve to strengthen the resolve of his followers, who will likely use their actions as an excuse to grant him even more police powers for his second term. All the better to enforce Law and Order on our hobbled nation, and Make America Great Again. If he loses, hey, that's just proof he was right all along. There's no way that Trump, our greatest president ever, could possibly lose. The election was rigged! They'll believe themselves justified to do whatever is necessary to take their country back from those radical leftists, which will probably include a few riots, and Trump will have a place front and center during all of it. Likely as a talking head on OAN.

No matter what happens, Trump wins, and the country suffers. It's not like we're experiencing anything new here. We've seen it happen a hundred times in a hundred different countries. It's merely new to us. All it takes is that seed of doubt, and it all rolls downhill from there.

We're a nation torn in half, lead by a demagogue with a textbook example cult of personality following, and anger is overriding everyone's common sense. We like to joke around, but I think we need to realize just how shitty and precarious of a situation we are in.
the shit show benefited him bigly the first election cycle, this one? it may come to bite him in the ass due to all the people who are tired of the shit show.
Just because he’s sitting in Trump’s pocket doesn’t mean he’s brave enough to go against the country.

Yeah when it starts looking like someone might go to prison for what seemed a harmless tweak, well...

Messing with the mail in any way has quite a wide distribution in the penal codes of the USA.
A Philly Postal Worker Union Head on New Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and Trump’s War on the USPS

The postal service is the highest rated agency in the country. We are trustworthy. We are loved by the American public, but because of what he’s doing, the American public isn’t happy. And once the American public turns on the postal service, then [Trump is] going to do what he has to do, which is what he has always done from the start: he wanted to privatize the American postal office. But now [Trump’s] main agendanow is to have this vote by mail, where it’s not delivered on time, people didn’t get their ballots in the mail to get the ballots in on time. And he’s going to blame the postal service.
Cross-posting this. Voter suppression really makes me sad. The Republican party has been doing this for decades (centuries?), and it's their only way to win. It's so disgusting and so contrary to the spirit of our democracy.

Trump’s Handpicked Postal Service Chair Has A Long History Of Voter Suppression
Robert Duncan chaired the RNC during the party’s unprecedented escalation of voter disenfranchisement efforts in swing states.

As it happens, one of the party’s favored tactics relied on the U.S. mail. In 2004, Republicans in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania sent thousands of nonforwardable letters and postcards to select voters — particularly minority voters — and used the mail returned as undeliverable to come up with voter registration challenge lists.

Duncan’s history is the latest alarm bell for those fearful that Trump is attempting to undermine the U.S. Postal Service in order to win reelection.

The Postal Service group that Duncan has chaired since 2018, the board of governors, selected Louis DeJoy to be postmaster general after Trump’s treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, reportedly suggested him strongly. DeJoy is a Republican megadonor who has given money to Trump and has overseen what voting rights advocates and Democrats said is a mass disenfranchisement campaign against voters who plan to cast their ballots by mail.

It was Duncan who raised DeJoy’s name to Mnuchin as a possible candidate for the job, The New York Times reported Saturday.'
I found a great article about how well-researched, well-formed questions gave DeJoy and USPS Board of Governors' members just enough rope to hang themselves in House questioning. From getting him to admit that he is pursuing an aggressive early retirement push at the same time he bemoans not having enough workers, to admitting that his company XPO is profiting and he hasn't divested... they really exposed DeJoy and some on the Board of Governors. If Trump loses, these guys should probably try leaving the country ASAP.

I found a great article about how well-researched, well-formed questions gave DeJoy and USPS Board of Governors' members just enough rope to hang themselves in House questioning. From getting him to admit that he is pursuing an aggressive early retirement push at the same time he bemoans not having enough workers, to admitting that his company XPO is profiting and he hasn't divested... they really exposed DeJoy and some on the Board of Governors. If Trump loses, these guys should probably try leaving the country ASAP.

The line of questioning was very well thought out and they have him on record with a lot of questionable things. How are we to believe this guy was appointed to go in and do all he did without ever talking to Trump about it? If they investigate that he's likely in big trouble, not like this congress would ever hold him accountable but the next one sure might.
What I'd like to know is why is it widely accepted that only Democrats are capable of voter fraud and not Republicans? I never see anybody arguing that. It's all just about the level of how much it happens and somehow favors a Democrat winning.
the shit show benefited him bigly the first election cycle, this one? it may come to bite him in the ass due to all the people who are tired of the shit show.

This is very true. We'd been back and forth with a bit of more-of-the-same, then Bozo comes along and it seems like a better option? Not the status quo? Draining the swamp? A "businessman" (I couldn't stop laughing writing that ...)? Let's give it a shot.

It fucking failed spectacularly, let's get this ship upright again.
What I'd like to know is why is it widely accepted that only Democrats are capable of voter fraud and not Republicans? I never see anybody arguing that. It's all just about the level of how much it happens and somehow favors a Democrat winning.
In PRSI we have. Since 45 came along, we've learned the name for it is "projection". Since the greatest number of cases involving fraud have been by republicans, With I believe a recent case in NJ involving democrats. Before that we had a judge in TX I believe who got a slap on the wrist, before that a Black woman who is D that was in jail, got released, and voted. Not knowing that she wasn't allowed to and of course got the book thrown at her.

The big scandal before that of course was the republican shit show in NC, that was laughingly bad it embarrassed everyone.

It's easy to forget ALL the stuff we've discussed in PRSI, it turns out we covered quite a bit in the last few years.
In PRSI we have. Since 45 came along, we've learned the name for it is "projection". Since the greatest number of cases involving fraud have been by republicans, With I believe a recent case in NJ involving democrats. Before that we had a judge in TX I believe who got a slap on the wrist, before that a Black woman who is D that was in jail, got released, and voted. Not knowing that she wasn't allowed to and of course got the book thrown at her.

The big scandal before that of course was the republican shit show in NC, that was laughingly bad it embarrassed everyone.

It's easy to forget ALL the stuff we've discussed in PRSI, it turns out we covered quite a bit in the last few years.

I somehow missed it, which coincidentally validates me as a standard PRSI contributor. "Echo chamber, table for one. Echo chamber." 😝
What I'd like to know is why is it widely accepted that only Democrats are capable of voter fraud and not Republicans? I never see anybody arguing that. It's all just about the level of how much it happens and somehow favors a Democrat winning.

Especially since the recent cases of election fraud were alll perpetrated by Republicans.
Since 45 came along, we've learned the name for it is "projection".
Sorry, but it was long before that. I only ever took HS Psych, but "projection" was one of the things that was touched on. Those of us who remembered the term from younger days have seen the Republiopaths engaging in that kind of bullshit since at least the mid '90s. It is most decidedly nothing new.