Will Kevin McCarthy become Speaker?

Any idea what his view is on the 2020 presidential election being rigged and stolen?

He should probably be subpoenaed for that, and we’d all know he’d comply given how seriously he takes them when his committee issues them.

Anyway, the republicans are aiming for their next shit show tomorrow. This is the equivalency of Senate Majority Leader Cruz.

Anyways, we shall see how many more republicans turn out to be liars…


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The light at the end of the tunnel is if we can keep MAGA out of ultimate power, and I mean power more than just obstruction, for the next couple years their whole thing will implode and you can already see signs. Far right movements just start getting weird, incoherent, and anti-problem solving. Sooner than later most people, even on their side, start realizing book bans, contraceptive restrictions, and corruption fishing expeditions aren’t solving a damn thing for them or anybody.
Yeah, I don't think this logic is anything close to what they can come up with. They don't Care. MAGA!!!!!!

"It's not working??!?? Double down on the absolute stupid!!!!!!!!"
“I thought, ‘surely even they can’t be so stupid as to elect Gym as Speaker’. It was then that I realized it was I who was the stupid one, for indeed, they were”.

But fear not, there’s still hope.

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“I thought, ‘surely even they can’t be so stupid as to elect Gym as Speaker’. It was then that I realized it was I who was the stupid one, for indeed, they were”.

But fear not, there’s still hope.

15 no votes (so far, not even finished yet) on the first round of voting. Let's see what happens, but even if he gets through this eventually on round X, it won't be pretty and he'll likely be as weak as McCarthy.

EDIT: 20 no votes, more than opposed McCarthy. Let's see how long this lasts.
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15 no votes (so far, not even finished yet) on the first round of voting. Let's see what happens, but even if he gets through this eventually on round X, it won't be pretty and he'll likely be as weak as McCarthy.

EDIT: 20 no votes, more than opposed McCarthy. Let's see how long this lasts.
That restores my hope in humanity, and I can tell myself that not EVERY Republican is a sub-human. However every sub-human is a Republican. ☺️
That restores my hope in humanity, and I can tell myself that not EVERY Republican is a sub-human. However every sub-human is a Republican. ☺️

I would prefer not to adopt that language for reasons that should be obvious. Stupid fascist assholes magicked into walking upright despite the lack of spine, talking despite the lack of brains, emoting despite the lack of heart will do quite nicely as a more accurate and precise summation of the majority of the Republican House caucus and especially its "leadership". While I'll admit that House Republicans do not have a monopoly on any individual trait I've mentioned, they do seem to have a monopoly on those that combine all of them.

Oh and McCarthy was quoted as saying Jordan totally had the votes to get through on the first round. Not being able to count votes is another reason why he wasn't a very good Speaker.
Much like his political career in which he's passed no bills, his own image and "firebrand" are the most important things to him and the only thing he has going. He just said "I've got enough, screw it, let 'em vote me down on the floor". That's not leadership.

Republicans broke their own conference rules (the rule of both caucuses, really), in that the consensus candidate has the vote of the conference. Republicans can't do that. They couldn't elect McCarthy without getting into a literal fight, they couldn't get Scalise, and now they're back to their number three pick as their nominee.

What's odd here is that the folks against Jordan span the political spectrum on the right. These aren't all ultra-right or moderates opposing him, Jordan has far-right nay votes, probably because they agree with him ideologically, but not his tactics.

As much as I hate a lot of republican bills, it's a different and more tolerable sting when they pass the legislation I'm against through ethical, normal means while respecting their opponents and the process. Jordan does neither.
What's odd here is that the folks against Jordan span the political spectrum on the right. These aren't all ultra-right or moderates opposing him, Jordan has far-right nay votes, probably because they agree with him ideologically, but not his tactics.

I think Jordan still claiming the 2020 presidential election was rigged and stolen violates a litmus test for many republican House members who believe in democracy, the Constitution, and rule of law in the US. And if that's not enough, Jordan, at the end of the day, is just a clownish putz.

While that's not a very high bar, I still tip my hat to them.
I think Jordan still claiming the 2020 presidential election was rigged and stolen violates a litmus test for many republican House members who believe in democracy, the Constitution, and rule of law in the US. And if that's not enough, Jordan, at the end of the day, is just a clownish putz.

While that's not a very high bar, I still tip my hat to them.
It's sad, though not surprising, that so many Republicans are willing to vote for Jordan. He shouldn't be serving in the House, let alone as speaker. It's appalling to think that he'd be in the line of succession to the presidency after VP Harris. They may as well nominate George Santos.
It's sad, though not surprising, that so many Republicans are willing to vote for Jordan. He shouldn't be serving in the House, let alone as speaker. It's appalling to think that he'd be in the line of succession to the presidency after VP Harris. They may as well nominate George Santos.

It is pretty astonishing and something I'll never get. It's like they have this golden opportunity to rehabilitate their past image (believing/claiming the election was stolen), and starting fresh electing a responsible/respectable House Speaker. But nope.
It is pretty astonishing and something I'll never get. It's like they have this golden opportunity to rehabilitate their past image (believing/claiming the election was stolen), and starting fresh electing a responsible/respectable House Speaker. But nope.
Trump is likely to be their nominee for president and still basically leads the party. They've made their bed. Hell, it's why they are defending Menendez, a Democrat, on charges of corruption (and worse)! They can't do anything else and still back Trump.
Breitbart - which is cheering Jordan's speakership - is reporting Scalise voted for Jordan but won't commit to helping him whip votes, refused to give a nominating speech, and this is his response, which isn't all that glowing of an endorsement...

Scalise spox: "Leader Scalise has been the only candidate throughout this process who has publicly declared he will be supportive of whomever the conference nominates for Speaker, and his position has not changed. He voted for Jim Jordan on the floor and will continue to do so."

Breitbart - which is cheering Jordan's speakership - is reporting Scalise voted for Jordan but won't commit to helping him whip votes, refused to give a nominating speech, and this is his response, which isn't all that glowing of an endorsement...
I was listening to the vote, and they Rs erupted in cheers when Scalise voted Jordan. The whole thing is enough to make one question reality.
I think Bobcat Goldwaith (in his vintage prime) would be an outstanding Speaker, and would be much more logical and coherent than Gym.
Sorry Gym, not today. Recess, have a meeting, come back tomorrow, and lose again. (y) A loss for Jordan is a loss for Trump, who predicted a Jordan victory yesterday. :ROFLMAO:

I was listening to the vote, and they Rs erupted in cheers when Scalise voted Jordan. The whole thing is enough to make one question reality.

I saw that and thought the same thing. Cheering another indoctrination, a good cult follower doing as he's told.
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I have to believe Gym has presidential aspirations. And the more animated trump-like character he projects, the better his odds are with republicans who are still in love with trump (who may be forced to accept the hospitality of a Federal prison for some number of years).

Time to nip this clown in the bud rejecting him as a House Speaker.
Next up for Speakership? Or will dum-dum try to ram it through, and become the second straight wet noodle Speaker of the House?
Today today? Oct 18th? Not seeing that it’s over.

Not happening, he's done. Toast, finished.

He now has plenty of time to get back to what he does best - covering up crimes, grandstanding and performing for an audience of one. He should be relieved, he won't have to start doing any work, passing bills or legislating. I'd hate to think Jordan could pass no legislation in 16 years and then become Speaker. I won't have to.

He will not become Speaker, even though - oddly - he actually is probably the best embodiment of what the republican party has become.