Will Kevin McCarthy become Speaker?

he's not going to get 218 but he could still win if a handful of democrats don't vote for Jeffries
If McCarthy were smart he would guarantee not to pull committee positions for a no Jeffries vote to some of the targeted democrats.
he's not going to get 218 but he could still win if a handful of democrats don't vote for Jeffries

He has to get at least one over half of yes votes. Democrats aren't going to change their vote after voting for Jeffries. As it is now, it looks like Jeffries will have more votes than McCarthy (again).

McCarthy's only hope is that people cave, or enough people vote present to lower the threshold - without lowering it enough that Jeffries can win with 212 votes.
I was wrong on the 1st Round voting. The total "other" votes was for all others besides those nominated.

Looks like McSpineless will have even less votes than the 1st Round as Gym Jordan already has 19 votes with about 50 left to be counted.
Wow, not one person budged for McCarthy in their second vote. They all moved to Jordan and at least a couple reps have said their vote will not change.
Wow, not one person budged for McCarthy in their second vote. They all moved to Jordan and at least a couple reps have said their vote will not change.
Hmmm while they might sort themselves out eventually, that’s not a good sign for McCarthy if resistance is growing rather than receding
Well it looks like 19 renegades. Will McSpineless insist on continuing votes till they concede? I still doubt any of them will vote "Present" and give the gavel to Jeffries.
Total stalemate! Which side will cave first? McCarthy and his allies have said he's determined to stay on the floor as long as it takes. His detractors have said they aren't budging. Very interesting to watch.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy critic GOP Rep. Bob Good said he thought his allies would get 10-15 "no" votes against McCarthy on the first ballot and was pleased to get 19.
He said he expects more "no" votes on the second ballot.

“He is never going to be speaker. We will never cave. We will never vote for him. The sooner he pulls out, for the good of the country, for the good of the Congress, for the good of the conference, the better everyone it is and we can move together to find who the best person is who can get 218,” he told reporters off the House floor.
He said he will vote for Rep. Jim Jordan on the next ballot and expects Jordan and others to get more votes going forward.

I disagree. I think it is a win for everyone.

These "leaders" need to be reminded who they work for, and that applies to both parties. Taking one down every once in a while may wake them up a bit.

Hmmm I’m not sure I agree. While I’ll admit that the partisan in me is enjoying the schadenfreude of “republicans in disarray”, overall I view this a continuing sign of the degeneration of the Republican Party and American politics. The reason this is happening is a lack of leadership that doesn’t come from the extremes and rather than a healthy desire to hold a party/government leader accountable. This isn’t Goldwater going to Nixon and telling him to resign. It’s coming from a different, more destructive impulse.

I think it's holding the party hostage for the extremists, just as an AOC would do for the Democrats.

I don’t think AOC would (at least not to this extent) but I agree with your overall point.
Just read this...
Conservatives will vote for Rep. Jim Jordan on the third ballot too, according to GOP Rep. Bob Good.
Good told CNN that he expects Jordan’s support to grow.
He said the fact that Jordan doesn’t want the gavel is “exactly” why they want him.
That doesn't seem to be a good reason to elect someone as Speaker of the House.

I disagree. I think it is a win for everyone.

These "leaders" need to be reminded who they work for, and that applies to both parties. Taking one down every once in a while may wake them up a bit.

Well it's clear the hard right is still a tiny minority in the GOP conference, so if their only realistic goal is to chide or deride McCarthy as "establishment" and so not to their liking, a handful of them should grow the spine to vote for Jeffries.

Yeah, just put him over the top and see how McCarthy likes having been defeated by a Democrat for Speaker of a Republican majority House. The hard right always only wanted a circus House anyway, they talk about spending restraints but more than a few of them are in the House just because the times permit it, and so for media exposure and a paycheck bigger than the one they had as a strip dancer or running a couple broke restaurants.

That handful of hard right votes for Jeffries would indeed be "defeating the establishment" in the sense of sticking a Dem with the gavel over a Republican House... with the improbable challenge of bringing any viable legislation to the floor with a minority of the House behind him for regular order of business.

Stranger things have probably happened.

(OK, so I'm influenced by the fact that it's January in the Catskill Mountains and tomorrow the low will be 50ºF and the high 57ºF. These are both about 40 degrees above average. We are living in extremely strange times.)​

I hope McCarthy doesn't make any more concessions. It's bad enough what he already has done.
Well it's clear the hard right is still a tiny minority in the GOP conference, so if their only realistic goal is to chide or deride McCarthy as "establishment" and so not to their liking, a handful of them should grow the spine to vote for Jeffries.
This gets my vote. In fact, it would be quite entertaining.
Everyone looking at this from the outside is justified in pointing and laughing, what a total joke, no wonder they lost their asses in the midterms.
Bob Costa said he's heard some democrats may go home early and let McCarthy have the win. I suppose they could spin it as "Since republicans couldn't do the job, we'll do it for them", but I'd much rather they stay put, vote for Jeffries and let the republican side unravel as it may.

Chip Roy stood up and said "So this is what it looks like when there's a floor debate and bodies are in chairs", or something to that effect. I mean, he's not wrong. The far-right is having a "broken clock" moment. If I didn't know more about the people making the arguments, they may have fooled me.

*Round 3, here we go! If McCarthy doesn't gain a vote or two, it may be time for republicans to look elsewhere.
Bob Costa said he's heard some democrats may go home early and let McCarthy have the win. I suppose they could spin it as "Since republicans couldn't do the job, we'll do it for them", but I'd much rather they stay put, vote for Jeffries and let the republican side unravel as it may.

Chip Roy stood up and said "So this is what it looks like when there's a floor debate and bodies are in chairs", or something to that effect. I mean, he's not wrong. The far-right is having a "broken clock" moment. If I didn't know more about the people making the arguments, they may have fooled me.
As it is you already heard Nancy Pelosi get up and say they just want Republicans to get it done so we can all get to work. So far she's been the only adult in the room.