This is something that I haven't thought about in decades, but when I noticed
this particular article on phoronix, I thought Cmaier might enjoy a trip down memory lane, depending on his involvement. What I found striking about the article is that I had always thought about extensions to the x86 ISA as being like a singularity; once something goes in, it never comes out. So much cruft and barnacles have built up over the decades, that it never really occurred to me that compatibility might be intentionally removed. Recently, we've contrasted this philosophy with how Apple handled the switch to Apple Silicon with the Mac and the resultant changes. Sure, there's been some pain from the removal of 32-bit support and other relatively minor issues with switching to ARM, while using the transition as a useful excuse to clean out the gutters, but it's a lot better than still booting into Real Mode, or whatever oddball revenants still lurk within modern x86 CPUs. I get that compatibility is king with Windows and x86, because you never know when you might need to pull up that proprietary spreadsheet application written in 1985, but I wonder why this house of cards hasn't been removed (or collapsed) long ago. The engineering teams that work on these chips must get tired of dealing with shoehorned kludges and would like a clean break. Perhaps that's some of the appeal of working for Apple and other modern RISC vendors: no longer having to worry about legacy garbage. Regardless, we may have lost 3DNow!, but at least there's still SSE4a.