General Your Health Care Headache

Just completed a at-home Sleep Study to verify if I have sleep apnea or not. My doctor suggested this after I asked him about it, based on my wife’s complaints that I snore, at least when sleeping on my bac. But she can’t say she notices me gasping. Several people told me that an in-clinic sleep study is better with someone watching you.

While I won’t call it hellish it was 3 nights of lost sleep, I slept, but I lost sleep. A strap around the chest with a t-shirt worn under, possibly a heart monitor, an uncomfortable face device, not a mask, but narrow thing with prongs that rested on the opening of my nostrils to not monitor breath, very noticible, and a finger monitor for pulse. Number one I hated being strapped up, and while I normally would have enjoyed sleeping on my back, this position was uncomfortable as I became very conscious of my breathing and I ended up on my side. As I said I lost several hours of sleep each night.

So now, I ship it back to the company to analyze and wait for the doctor’s input. I really don’t want to wear a mask when I sleep, but we can’t always get what we want, can we? :unsure:
How did you get rid of toenail fungus?
I just learned that toenail fungus, until I can come up with something better than visiting a podiatrist, is something I’m going to have to live with. And here I thought she would have something better than a prescription for a three month regimen of once a day tablets of terbinafine whch worked for me 20 years ago, but in the last year I did 2 regimens of 90 days each, and It’s still there. The doctor told me that if it did not work in the previous attempt though my general practishiiner, it would unlikely work by trying it again.

Also, I had heard of laser treatments, but she told me she did not have a laser for this purpose, because it was so expensive. This is Texas I am residing in. :oops:

The issue here that foot fungus is an opportunistic organism, it is not health threatening beyond disfigured yellow nails. If you can get rid of it, but it’s not that hard to be reinfected and if you don’t treat all your shoes with Lysol or some disinfectant, you may get reinfected. I might consider that if the medicine worked, but it’s not. What I’m seeing is a slight improvement, but it‘s not eliminated and this is a medicine where they have to monitor your liver when you take it, to make sure the cure is not killing you. :unsure:
So I’ll keep searching to see if there is a cure or maybe find someone with a laser… however reports are statistically,lasers are less effective than oral treatments, but tha would not rule it out as effective for me.

While the overall success rate was about 63% — slightly lower than medication treatments — laser therapy may offer a more suitable option due to the risk of side effects associated with medication use. Other types of lasers may also be effective and safe