17 Year-old Blue Lives Matter Activist with AR 15 Charged With Murder After Two Killed at Protest

Well, this is interesting...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1461389837286653961/

Which has led to this...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1461388305409495048/

Which has the right wing press frothing, and declaring that the kid is the most put upon victim in America.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1461407881463582727/

Thing to bear in mind... The judge is doing this based on an allegation, as it's still under investigation.

This trial never fails to surprise.

Nor does the judge who despite protests, seems to really love being the spotlight of the trial.
If a Fox “journalist” did the same thing, would the police have reacted the same way? Would the judge have reacted the same way?

I guess we’ll never know.

If the jury returns a guilty verdict, I bet this judge will show us all the reason why he’s been sitting on a couple motions from the defense for a mistrial...
Hmm, another one of those coincidences. Even after all the crap this judge got for his bias, he then said a black bailiff drawing a black juror’s name in a previous case had “bad optics”… so then if Rittenhouse drew any white people’s names, is that bad optics? Then he muses over banning the media. SURPRISE! MSNBC is banned.

The judge is about one step away from saying the n-word in court, and even that wouldn’t sway the right that he was biased.

This judge is past his “use by” date.
Matt Gaetz wants Kyle for a catam– congressional aide

Crooks of a feather, apparently.

That's a great picture of Gaetz, BTW. Really lets his personality (asshole) shine through.
What should be to no one's surprise, when it comes to rumors & the group claiming to belong to the party of responsibility, and always worried the media is lying to someone...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1461455193044922371/

Photo of bricks was taken at a construction site in Dallas, Texas, in 2020, the AP and Lead Stories report

A group of images showing piles of bricks is being falsely attributed to Kenosha, Wisconsin, where Kyle Rittenhouse is on trial for killing two men and wounding a third during protests in the summer of 2020, Newsweek reports. One of the photos “has been circulating online since last year, and shows bricks near a construction site at 1700 Ashland St. in Dallas. The bricks can be found in an image from Google Maps as early as February 2020,” The AP says. Photos of bricks have been falsely attributed to cities experiencing or anticipating mass protests since 2020, fact checkers report.

via Twitter

What you need to know
- The Kenosha County Sheriff's office confirmed to Newsweek that they have not found any credible threats related to "piles of bricks" in the area

- The Kenosha Police Department have said they are aware of "numerous attempts" of people spreading "disinformation" on social media

- Similar false claims were made during the height of the summer 2020 protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, Newsweek and The AP report

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1461431981443588101/

"We have met the enemy and he is us"
Traces of nobility, gentleness and courage persist in all people, do what we will to stamp out the trend. So, too, do those characteristics which are ugly. … There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blast on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us.
— Walt Kelly, 1953
If one wants, they can arm themselves, hunt him down and then shoot if he resists. Precedent has been set.

Additionally, anyone who riots against this has my full support. The system is not going to change itself, the people need to stand up.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1461763423906140162/

When the judge in your case is chummy, you know the deal.

When you need the whole country to plea for your case & it's barely heard until the last hours, you know the deal.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1461768051334991877/
This sets a horrible precedent moving forward. You don’t even have to prove your life was in danger, just say you felt threatened. Licensed to kill.
Take this verdict to its logical conclusion. A small group of heavily armed people confronts a large group of peaceful protesters. One person in the crowd throws a water bottle. The group of armed people feels threatened and kills hundreds in the peaceful crowd. None of them go to jail for the killings.

Coming soon to your city.
Take this verdict to its logical conclusion. A small group of heavily armed people confronts a large group of peaceful protesters. One person in the crowd throws a water bottle. The group of armed people feel threatened and kills hundreds in the peaceful crowd. None of them go to jail for the killings.

Coming soon to your city.

And here is a great question for our R friends. Now how are you to determine if the shooter is really committing a crime or just shooting up the Libs?
This sets a horrible precedent moving forward. You don’t even have to prove your life was in danger, just say you felt threatened. Licensed to kill.

Just make sure you're white, and make sure that you engage in something revolving around race. Had he brought his gun to a conservative rally and shot and killed two MAGA-hat wearing rednecks, I'm not so sure the right would feel the same way. In fact, the story probably wouldn't make news and he'd just be arrested, tried and convicted. But because he was a white kid open carrying during unrest from the Jacob Blake shootings, and the people he killed were BLM sympathizers... well, its ok.

I'd feel much more better about his self-defense arguments if he faced stiff consequences for arming himself and parading around with a rifle. I guarantee if 17 year old black teens started wandering the streets with AR-15s, the right would NOT be as pro-gun and pro-self defense as they are now.

The verdict is not surprising, and to be clear, I do not place any blame on the jury. These decisions usually aren't easy. But the case was stacked in Rittenhouse's defense from the beginning, with the cult of Trump backing him as if he's actually a hero (he's not; if he was a hero his "victims" would have had black eyes and not much else). Then there's the judge, who did all but scream to the jury "We're on this kid's side, please acquit".

People would feel a lot different about Rittenhouse if he had blasted away their son, daughter or loved one.