Not sure which one you are referring to WRT Trump. I am going to assume the second one since I have never seen Trump get caught with a cheat sheet telling him what reporters to call on and what their questions would be.
As to Trump calling voters names, I have to admit I have never seen him do that. Now when it comes to reporters, commentators and politicians, he can be an absolute ass. And it does get old. At first it seemed he did it as pushback on comments he didn't like. But then he started doing it to pick fights and I am not really a fan of that. But a good number of supporters are. But like I said, I may be wrong, but I have never seen him call out a voter like Biden has.
But since this thread is about the election, Trump's supporters kind of expect that from him so it doesn't hurt his standing with them. But a lot of Biden's 2020 votes were "no mean tweets" votes, so if Biden starts snapping at reporters and voters, some of those people may not vote. They won't switch to Trump, but may either stay home or vote 3rd party.