2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

When had DeSantis EVER looked like a million bucks? That’s the most hilarious post ever!

He will to his base and people/voters who prioritize optics.

Professional stage lighting, makeup, a sharp looking suit, and a confident/brisk march out to center stage to shake hands with Biden (who is 35 years older and very careful about how he walks - in small/unsure steps).

It's all relative.
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He will to his base and people/voters who prioritize optics.

Professional stage lighting, makeup, a sharp looking suit, and a confident/brisk march out to center stage to shake hands with Biden (who is 35 years older and very careful about how he walks - in small/unsure steps).

It's all relative.
He'll look good until he opens his mouth. DeSantis is one of the most uncharismatic politicians people I've ever seen, and that says a lot. I'm sure there are other politicians who can make a much better case for "conservative" policies than he can, but they won't be there. Anyway, it's going to be Trump unless the stars shift, and I wonder if he'll even agree to debate.
(answer carefully) Why? (put some thought into it)

It’s because whenever there is a Democrat as President on day one they put up billboards all over Mexico and Central America that say “Come to the US!! Preapproved easy entry and FREE STUFF!!”. At least in recent years they switched to solar powered LEDs instead of the heavy fossil fuel consuming and toxic gas filled neon. Also they added a giant “Biden did this!” decal that really pops.
I do not think DeSantis could beat Biden either. Trump would certainly help with that.

Trump will go ballistic if Newsom is the nominee - one, it would deny him a chance to defeat Biden (which he wouldn't be able to do anyways, I don't believe), and Newsom would probably drum up more energy among democrats, even though I'm not convinced he'd do any better in the actual job than Biden. But it would make for one hell of an interesting race.

Biden's meeting yesterday with the Chinese president was not for nothing - that was the Chinese president turning a new leaf in his country's relations with the USA, coming in with both with some leverage (negotiating with Iran as an intermediary) and also some wants (Biden just escalated export bans of certain chips last month - that pressure appears to be working).


I think Newsom challenging DeSantis to a debate (which DeSantis accepted and will be aired Nov. 30th) is just the beginning. I'm hoping this is the Plan B many (including myself) have been hoping for during the last year.

He's also been very visible during the Xi trip to the US and meeting with Biden. Which you would expect being the Gov. of California - but it just feels a little more than needed.
I think Newsom challenging DeSantis to a debate (which DeSantis accepted and will be aired Nov. 30th) is just the beginning. I'm hoping this is the Plan B many (including myself) have been hoping for during the last year.

He's also been very visible during the Xi trip to the US and meeting with Biden. Which you would expect being the Gov. of California - but it just feels a little more than needed.

I think he has the energy, charisma, and fight that the Democrats desperately need, but I also think there are a lot of stones that can be thrown at him from left, right, and center. I think he (or any candidate for that matter) needs to directly acknowledge the concerns associated with those on the right and put it in a way that doesn’t paint them all as a bunch of racist, regressive cretins. I have no idea how to do that but it needs to be done. The most frequently cited reason from those who aren’t complete nutters who don’t like Democrats is that Democrats don’t understand them and have abandoned them.
I think he has the energy, charisma, and fight that the Democrats desperately need, but I also think there are a lot of stones that can be thrown at him from left, right, and center. I think he (or any candidate for that matter) needs to directly acknowledge the concerns associated with those on the right and put it in a way that doesn’t paint them all as a bunch of racist, regressive cretins. I have no idea how to do that but it needs to be done. The most frequently cited reason from those who aren’t complete nutters who don’t like Democrats is that Democrats don’t understand them and have abandoned them.

That makes a lot of sene. And I think he's up to doing that, being the smart and insightful guy he is.

Joe Manchin possibly entering the race and refusing to commit to running as a Democrat will also be interesting if he moves forward on running.
Manchin likes to be on the news and rile the press up. He’s not serious. He absolutely could be, but again… he’d be a mere few months younger than Biden was. He’d be 77 soon to be 78 if he were to assume office.

No way. He’s probably going to be a public-facing independent and I think he’s a good person for that role. He’s a good ambassador who can equally screw up plans for either side. I honestly don’t question his motives, he is (or was) a Democrat moderate in a deeply red state, and he’s thrived despite making some very tough votes, which speaks to his appeal with his voters in WV for whatever reason. To vote to impeach Trump twice and still have support is kind of remarkable.

Some speculate he’s stepping down from the Senate to avoid getting hammered by former WV Governor Jim Justice who’s running for Senate (another older feller who will be 73, 79 after his very first term). Justice is another person I have deep disagreement on, but don’t question the motives as he votes insanely conservative in one area and then very sensible and moderate in others.

Anyways, there’s a lot of good things can happen with Trumpism out of the picture, but a lot of these moderates are either too old or still hitching their wagon to Trump in some fashion, which I hate to say, is a non-starter for me.
Neglecting to use the pronoun "I",
"While shopping in Nantucket, President Biden was asked by a reporter if he is too old to run for re-election. 'That's stupid,' he replied," Tomlinson (X-creted) …

This seems to be a weaknesses of Joe the President: politeness. This person deserved the response "Go Fuck Yourself." Seriously, show some feeling, man.
Four current national polls, JoeThePresident - IndividualONE:
44-42 Economist/You Gov - 3 pt gain since mid-Nov​
43-42 Morning Consult - 4 pt gain since last week​
39-37 YouGov​
37-35 Leger/The Canadian Press​
Ugh, I cannot believe it's even that close. A lot of people will be voting R and casting a vote that will go against their own best interests.

Unless you are a white Christian male making above $500k a year, own a house, a vacation home, $1M+ in investments, and have a rich relative about to leave you your vast fortune, a vote for Trump and MAGAism will be a vote against yourself.
Statistically, these four are inseparable at first glance; all within the margin of error

OTOH, if truly identical the most likely presentation would be 2 for Joe and 2 for I1 (aka "I won!")
The fact Joe’s ahead on all four and two reflect a trend in his favor (or against I won) is grounds for hope

Early days though
It's interesting to see the Koch network back Nikki Haley. I suspect more Republican donors would do the same if they sensed a real shift, which remains to be seen, but I still think Trump will get the nomination. If he does and he loses, which is by no means given, that'll be it for him as a candidate. But if Haley somehow manages to win the primary and become the nominee, I can see Trump either running as an independent and splitting the vote or blowing up the Republican campaign, either of which would be fine with me.
Nikki Haley does seem to be the best non-Trump choice, but she's probably going to start getting hammered harder by Trump now that her fundraising is picking up substantially, and to date, she's been very weak on Trump. "The party needs to move on" is not a condemnation of Trump's actions. I can't take someone seriously who thinks Ramaswamy encourages damage to national security by using TikTok, but Trump was a good president who's time has passed. If Haley is a national security champion, which is sort of how she's portraying herself, then its going to be hard for me to reconcile those things.

On the other hand, I doubt democrats will turn out for Biden (or to vote against Haley) the same way they would if Trump was on the ballot - Haley may or may not get as many votes as Trump, but that could be negated by lower turnout for Biden.

It's all guesswork at this point.
I find it hard to believe there is no Backup Plan. Maybe they just can't say it publicly, but they have to have someone in mind, ie. Newsom.
