2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

Who could have stopped it all in 5 minutes had he chosen to.

Fox News 24/7 for years.
Greenshot 2023-10-30 16.21.40.png

Fox News in since it's first day on the air ever asking a white candidate for proof of citizenship.

BTW the way you say this, with such entitlement, is exactly why we call you all a bunch of racists.
Yeah, I'm sure if he showed the proof on day one, that would have ended everything. Surely you aren't that naive?

No it wouldn't have stopped all of it. But I think it would have stopped a lot of it. And my reasoning is that it became a 2-pronged issue, the location of his birth and what is he hiding?

By releasing it, the 2nd part goes away and then you are just left with the conspiratists who would accuse it of being fake.

So yeah, I think a lot of it would have gone away.
No it wouldn't have stopped all of it. But I think it would have stopped a lot of it. And my reasoning is that it became a 2-pronged issue, the location of his birth and what is he hiding?

By releasing it, the 2nd part goes away and then you are just left with the conspiratists who would accuse it of being fake.

So yeah, I think a lot of it would have gone away.
I don't much care if people are stupid enough to have believed that Obama wasn't born in the U.S. But it's the largely same folks who go along with the lies and conspiracy theories that have flooded the body politic, especially since Trump came on the scene. Multiple courts decided that there was no basis for the lawsuits that were brought after the 2020 election, but the refrain is still "the election was stolen." That Republican office holders aren't willing to say it wasn't speaks volumes about their lack of integrity.
No it wouldn't have stopped all of it. But I think it would have stopped a lot of it. And my reasoning is that it became a 2-pronged issue, the location of his birth and what is he hiding?

By releasing it, the 2nd part goes away and then you are just left with the conspiratists who would accuse it of being fake.

So yeah, I think a lot of it would have gone away.

Going back to George Washington, how many white United States Presidents have been demanded a birth certificate be produced.
No it wouldn't have stopped all of it. But I think it would have stopped a lot of it. And my reasoning is that it became a 2-pronged issue, the location of his birth and what is he hiding?

By releasing it, the 2nd part goes away and then you are just left with the conspiratists who would accuse it of being fake.

So yeah, I think a lot of it would have gone away.
Release it early to what end, to placate a bunch of entitled white racists who would never vote for him no matter what any way? He owed them nothing but a middle finger.
No it wouldn't have stopped all of it. But I think it would have stopped a lot of it. And my reasoning is that it became a 2-pronged issue, the location of his birth and what is he hiding?

By releasing it, the 2nd part goes away and then you are just left with the conspiratists who would accuse it of being fake.

So yeah, I think a lot of it would have gone away.

A known grifter won't release his tax returns when its standard procedure, but the first black president is somehow obligated to show a birth certificate to prove where he was born, when it was common knowledge to all anyways?

Anyway, he did release a copy of his birth certificate early on. But it wasn't good enough for the people who were never going to believe it anyways, and the conspiracy kept going until I suppose they found an original copy that still had amniotic fluid on it, which was DNA tested , then a background check done on the lab testers to make sure they weren't biased liberals rigging the test results. Although one of the DNA testers once donated to Bill Clinton, so Trump will probably be wanting to let us know that soon, so we can revisit the birther issue.

Trump also tried this card with Kamala Harris in 2020. Not surprisingly, she's a black woman. Though I think he did bring it up with Ted Cruz too, probably as a reminder that he isn't quite a full-blooded white American male with all ancestors originating from the country.

The thing about a lot of these dopey conspiracies is that people seem to have fun finding "evidence" that supports their lie. It's like Big Foot for racists. "Let's prove the black guy is ineligible."
No, these two win Halloween: :D


I saw 3 different sets of this at the game last night, but none were this good.

If you don't get it:
I feel great about Biden's chances in 2024. Especially against Trump. I pay attention to the polls and they can't be disregarded, but we are a year out. After the nominating conventions next year, that's when polls will tell use more, but even then only in general terms.

I'm 50/50 on whether Trump is even the nominee. It seems like its obvious he will be, but he's been so erratic and people don't like to lose, what may happen in the next couple of months if they suddenly think DeSantis or Haley can gain steam?

If democrats are worried about Biden, I promise republicans not in the cult are far more worried about Trump. They need to worry about not voting their Speaker out again and try to figure out how they hold their party together as Trump faces trials the next several months.
I feel great about Biden's chances in 2024. Especially against Trump. I pay attention to the polls and they can't be disregarded, but we are a year out. After the nominating conventions next year, that's when polls will tell use more, but even then only in general terms.

I would say you are in the minority. Very few pundits, at least those willing to say so publicly, do not.

But I completely agree about being a year out. Lots can happen. Biden's age could manifest itself or Trump could get indicted. I do think that if Trump is indicted and for some reason can't run, that is actually bad for the Dems. There would be huge numbers of pissed off MAGA types who will as Stephanapolous said after 1994's mid-terms, throw a temper tantrum at the ballot box. Plus, if Trump isn't running, the GOP may get back some of the suburban "no mean tweets" voters who's vote was more anti-Trump than pro-Biden.
I do think that if Trump is indicted and for some reason can't run, ...

He's already been indicted - four times. Twice at the federal level, and twice at the state level.

What's left to consider is how many of the 91 felonies will he be found guilty. Maybe we could start a pool on that. :)
He's already been indicted - four times. Twice at the federal level, and twice at the state level.

What's left to consider is how many of the 91 felonies will he be found guilty. Maybe we could start a pool on that. :)

I don’t think there’s a lot of voters who will have their mind changed by convictions. These aren’t exactly obscure cases where people don’t know most of the details and end results. I can’t think of any evidence that would change their mind. I don’t think they make a distinction between illegal and what a businessman sometimes has to do to get the job done.
People who vote for Trump don’t care about ethics or laws. This cannot be said too often.
He's already been indicted - four times. Twice at the federal level, and twice at the state level.

What's left to consider is how many of the 91 felonies will he be found guilty. Maybe we could start a pool on that. :)

There're a couple things to consider. I don't think all republicans would vote for a convicted felon; especially if the number of felony convictions is large, say, 20+, pulling a number out of the air.

The other is when sentenced to prison for say 10+ years, possibly with consecutive sentences, how could such an elected president effectively fulfill his role and obligations from a prison cell? If somehow possible, I would think many republicans wouldn't go along with that.