2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

There is no way the guy who defeated Trump in 2020 should be seen as “the only guy who can lose” to Trump in 2024. He’s the incumbent president, for crikes sake. The narrative should be Trump didn’t win more votes in 2016 and he lost by a wider margin of votes in 2020, and what the hell has he done to gain any new support since then, and how is he going to beat the guy who beat him by millions of votes last time and has the advantage of being the sitting president? Yeah, it was a smaller margin if you count swing state margins only, but Georgia has rejected Trumpism multiple times, including within the GOP (by re-electing Kemp and Raffensperger), and also by voting for democrats the last three senate races. Pennsylvania rejected Trumpism. Arizona.

Let’s also not underestimate Trump’s ability to tank himself. To think he’ll make it to Election Day without a self-imposed crisis is really granting him a lot of credit. He’s also seriously losing the plot and has a whole lot of court dates between now and then. I give him a 50/50 chance of winning the primary and a scientific 😁 10% chance of winning the general. Maybe if he doesn’t self-destruct and Biden has a stroke, I’d give him 25%.

That may sound like I slept through 2016, but I’m aware surprises happen. I just don’t see the third time being the charm for him, nor do I see him winning the electoral college again.
There is no way the guy who defeated Trump in 2020 should be seen as “the only guy who can lose” to Trump in 2024. He’s the incumbent president, for crikes sake. The narrative should be Trump didn’t win more votes in 2016 and he lost by a wider margin of votes in 2020, and what the hell has he done to gain any new support since then,

Trump hasn't gained support. I will give you that.

But I think Biden has lost some. Young people don't like him and minorities are moving away from him. So their votes will either go 3rd party or they won't vote at all. Plus, as has been noted here, Biden is looking older and people don't like that.
Young people don't like him and minorities are moving away from him. So their votes will either go 3rd party or they won't vote at all.

I think another issue with young voters is they think Trumpism is normal because that’s all that has existed since they were old enough to start paying attention. So as far as they think we’ve survived this type movement many times before. Toss in they don’t have a lot to be happy about compared to previous generations and that’s a reality created by both parties over decades. But there are also some young people who think the solution is for Trump to burn it all down and impose harsh punishment on those they disagree with or stand in the way of the American dream they are entitled to.

There are people of varying intelligence on both sides, but if we're going to be honest the Democrats are hoping there are enough educated people to give them the edge win while the Republicans hope there are enough dumb people to give them the edge win.
I think things have flipped. He is probably the only 2020 candidate that could beat Trump. But in 2024 he may be the only one who can't.
Which begs the question. Why would anyone vote for Trump even if it is a vote against Biden? Why don't you want a shoe in like Haley, or god help me DeSantis? Someone who is a real politician, and not an obvious self interest/self centered charlatan.
I think Biden's announcement that he might not be running if Trump weren't the nominee could come back to bite him either way. If it's Trump, the Rs will run ads claiming Biden doesn't really want a second term that much. And if it's Haley or someone else, they'll say Biden's heart isn't in it. I believe Biden, but it's a bit odd politically unless there's some other strategy I don't get.
Here’s a curve ball I heard suggested. Have Harris run for governor of CA and replace her as VIP with Newsom.

For those who don’t like Harris I think it’s mostly an amorphous blob situation, “just something I don’t like about her”. The reasons for people who don’t like Newsom are more direct. However, he is a fighter and that’s what the Democrats desperately need, and it’s sad to say, but many tuned out voters just want to be entertained and that’s what Trump gives them. Trump shows up hurling insanity and insults while Democrats show up with their economics textbook and tell everyone to turn to page 12.
Here’s a curve ball I heard suggested. Have Harris run for governor of CA and replace her as VIP with Newsom.

For those who don’t like Harris I think it’s mostly an amorphous blob situation, “just something I don’t like about her”. The reasons for people who don’t like Newsom are more direct. However, he is a fighter and that’s what the Democrats desperately need, and it’s sad to say, but many tuned out voters just want to be entertained and that’s what Trump gives them. Trump shows up hurling insanity and insults while Democrats show up with their economics textbook and tell everyone to turn to page 12.

I like that idea. A lot! That could work and would allay my (and many other's) concerns with what could happen to Biden health-wise before the election (with the resulting dire consequences for the country). And afterwards, assuming Biden's elected. Do you remember who suggested it.

I think concerns about Harris are that she's yet to have distinguish herself in some visible manner that would suggest she's presidential material.

However, he is a fighter and that’s what the Democrats desperately need

Spot on. And he's a quick thinker and responder.
I like that idea. A lot! That could work and would allay my (and many other's) concerns with what could happen to Biden health-wise before the election (with the resulting dire consequences for the country). And afterwards, assuming Biden's elected. Do you remember who suggested it.

I think concerns about Harris are that she's yet to have distinguish herself in some visible manner that would suggest she's presidential material.

Spot on. And he's a quick thinker and responder.
I like the idea too. While anything is a step up from VP (other than as a springboard to the presidency), I'm not sure Harris would go for it. But realistically, she probably has more chance being elected governor of California than she does becoming President by election. Of course, the advantage to the Biden campaign would be people would be less worried about Biden's age knowing Newsom could take over if need be.
Why would anyone vote for Trump even if it is a vote against Biden? Why don't you want a shoe in like Haley, or god help me DeSantis? Someone who is a real politician …

Deep State!

Really. That is a big piece of tie ShitGibbon appeal. We wanna stick it to The Man – he's stickin' it to the man. A real politician is used to working with The Man, which greatly reduces their trailer-jesus-nascar attractiveness.
The wife read an interesting theory to me last night.

BIden goes though the primary process. And since the DNC didn't want anyone else running, all the delegates will belong to him.

At the convention, he drops out, but since he controls his delegates, he can choose his replacement.

So does he pick Newson, who has gone out of his way to support Joe, or does he pick Harris.

Risks with both.
Is that really true (I don't know)?
As I recall (been some decades since HS), it is mostly true. If a candidate "throws" their delegates to someone else, the delegates are obligated to vote as directed – except, they are afforded the option to abstain, according to their conscience. Then, the super-delegates are not strictly pledged to the candidate they declared for. If he were to drop out and wanted to select his replacement, he would have to make a compelling case for that person. Throwing his delegates to someone else in this way would be a bad look. It would be much better received if he were to release them and promote his preference in a firm speech, so that the process could go forward democratically.

The same thing might happen on the R side. What if Individual-ONE were to have a left-brain stroke while watching fireworks on the 4th and could not communicate with people? How would that play out?
The same thing might happen on the R side. What if Individual-ONE were to have a left-brain stroke while watching fireworks on the 4th and could not communicate with people? How would that play out?

Cats and dogs dancing together in the streets. Mass hysteria.

Just a guess.
If Donald Trump were a vegetable, Gym and Marjorie could just tie their legs to Trump’s and walk him around Weekend At Bernie’s style. The cult would just pretend he’s an Olympic athlete at top physical peak.


Which also reminds me - which Biden is running in 2024? The comatose vegetable or the cunning crime boss? Conservative messaging is confusing.


I heard an interview with a young female voter. She said she won’t be voting for Biden entirely due to his response to the situation in Israel and nothing is going to change her mind. She said if that means Trump wins then so be it. “It will just be another 4 years and this will teach Democrats a lesson”.

Um, if Trump wins, how Democrats view Israel and Palestinians is going to be waaaaaaaaay down on the concern priority list, and if you think 4 more years of Trump is going to help the Palestinians you are a fucking idiot of the highest order. It was the Trump administration that convinced Middle Eastern countries to just ignore the Palestinians altogether, moron.