2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

I heard an interview with a young female voter. She said she won’t be voting for Biden entirely due to his response to the situation in Israel and nothing is going to change her mind. She said if that means Trump wins then so be it. “It will just be another 4 years and this will teach Democrats a lesson”.

Um, if Trump wins, how Democrats view Israel and Palestinians is going to be waaaaaaaaay down on the concern priority list, and if you think 4 more years of Trump is going to help the Palestinians you are a fucking idiot of the highest order. It was the Trump administration that convinced Middle Eastern countries to just ignore the Palestinians altogether, moron.

Well, I hate to say it, but if this is the attitude of enough Americans to let Trump win, then we deserve Trump. I don't subscribe to the republican mantra of "We win or there was something wrong with the election." Elections are won or lost by the votes, and if enough people vote for Trump and not enough for Biden, then we deserve to have Trump in office.

If she thought Biden's response to the war would be anything other than what it was - strong support for Israel - then I question her sincerity.
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If she thought Biden's response to the war would be anything other than what it was - strong support for Israel - then I question her sincerity.

I can't remember who did the poll, but a large number of younger people don't believe the Holocaust ever happened. So you take that with what is happening on college campuses it isn't surprising that she feels the way she does.
I can't remember who did the poll, but a large number of younger people don't believe the Holocaust ever happened. So you take that with what is happening on college campuses it isn't surprising that she feels the way she does.

I think the poll may not have dug into the actual truth. I believe it is a condemnation of the state of our educational system, or lack there of. A poll in 2020 found that they are mostly uneducated about the Holocaust, but I think it goes beyond that talking to some of the current 20 somethings. Also I think the internet mis-information is another factor in the whole mess that the Holocaust is exaggerated or untrue. There is a more of a belief in conspiracy theories in the younger generations more now than I have heard from my own. Talking with a few I found that many of them believe in the whole Moon Landing hoax.

Anyway here is a link to the sad truth in the uninformed/uneducated.
Guess the women are starting to forget/stop caring about the mean tweets :

They’d be overlooking a lot more than mean tweets. They’d be overlooking fraud, rape, attempted insurrection, compulsive lying, legitimate sociopathic behavior, generally being the worst person in the country.
Guess the women are starting to forget/stop caring about the mean tweets :

the article said:
(Individual-ONE) led Biden 46% to 42% in the poll conducted Nov. 27-Dec. 5, after they were tied in the same survey done in October and early November. Trump’s lead is just within the poll’s margin of error of 4 percentage points.

So, they are about even.
If you’re looking for hope anywhere you can find it.

If you voted for Trump in the last two elections, you’re either dumb or unethical. Now if you vote for him you’re really dumb or really unethical. That used to be embarrassing, but no longer.
Which should scare the hell out of your side given how great a job they think Biden has done and how horrible they think Trump is.

It does worry me, but also not really. I know that doesn't make much sense, but Trump's greatest strength is being the center of attention. He's a net loser who got lucky once. If you go to Vegas and win the jackpot, you can keep trying, but its unlikely to happen again.

Trump is a one-hit wonder, and a lot of people are still singing his song, but he's not Brenda Lee and there will be no return to Number One for him. Not next year, not ever.

Democrats should worry, but they should also be making republicans down ballot from Trump SWEAT. Pelosi said during a news interview they plan on taking back the house next year, and it wasn't just an empty political statement. She said it so matter of factly, I'd be accusing her of plotting to steal the next election if I were a republican.
From an NBC poll on why some young voters won’t be voting for Biden.

“Voters cited a number of policy areas that disappointed them, including insufficient moves to address climate change and Biden’s inability to fully cancel student loan debt or codify Roe v. Wade, as the president deals with a closely divided Congress.”

Well, if those are their concerns then Trump is clearly the better option by voting for him directly or not voting at all. Good job young voters. You’re clearly educated and informed.
From an NBC poll on why some young voters won’t be voting for Biden.

“Voters cited a number of policy areas that disappointed them, including insufficient moves to address climate change and Biden’s inability to fully cancel student loan debt or codify Roe v. Wade, as the president deals with a closely divided Congress.”

Well, if those are their concerns then Trump is clearly the better option by voting for him directly or not voting at all. Good job young voters. You’re clearly educated and informed.
That is why Trump won in the first place. The R's that didn't necessarily like Trump, "held their nose and casted one for Trump", or so I have been told over and over by those who didn't want to really admit they are MAGA.

The fact that they don't want to do the same, or understand what 4 more years of <insert most vial name for him here> would do to this country, boggles my mind.
That is why Trump won in the first place. The R's that didn't necessarily like Trump, "held their nose and casted one for Trump", or so I have been told over and over by those who didn't want to really admit they are MAGA.

The fact that they don't want to do the same, or understand what 4 more years of <insert most vial name for him here> would do to this country, boggles my mind.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the mental gymnastics required to put the greater evil (by their own definition) into office to stick it to Democrats.

Let’s go through their concerns and Trump’s stance

Climate change – Trump said on his first day one of his two biggest priorities is more fossil fuel drilling

Student loan debt – Trump’s biggest support base in the feedback loop is the uneducated. Nothing would piss them off more than paying anything towards college debt. He sure as fuck isn’t going to touch this.

Codify Roe v Wade – Trump bragged he was going to get it overturned and installed the judges that made it happen.

Palestinians – Trump’s Abraham Accords in summary – “Let’s focus on building economic growth in the region while both sides completely ignore the Palestinians”.

Let’s put that guy back in office! "It's only for 4 years!" I look forward to them keeping their mouth shut with their concerns for only 4 years.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the mental gymnastics required to put the greater evil (by their own definition) into office to stick it to Democrats.

Let’s go through their concerns and Trump’s stance

Climate change – Trump said on his first day one of his two biggest priorities is more fossil fuel drilling

Student loan debt – Trump’s biggest support base in the feedback loop is the uneducated. Nothing would piss them off more than paying anything towards college debt. He sure as fuck isn’t going to touch this.

Codify Roe v Wade – Trump bragged he was going to get it overturned and installed the judges that made it happen.

Palestinians – Trump’s Abraham Accords in summary – “Let’s focus on building economic growth in the region while both sides completely ignore the Palestinians”.

Let’s put that guy back in office! "It's only for 4 years!" I look forward to them keeping their mouth shut with their concerns for only 4 years.
Personally knowing a few Bernie or Bust 20 somethings, I can tell you that these specific individuals do no look forward at all. They live for now, spend for now, and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. They will however complain endlessly on how our generation got it wrong and is upside down on our thinking of the matters of gender identity (possibly give us time to catch up), the ever growing chasm between the haves and an the have nots (not quite our fault), climate (ok that is mostly correct). The main problem is they don't want to do anything about change, by understanding that currently we have a two party system and the only chance to make a change is to VOTE.

I am not throwing every 20 something in this pile, this is my own personal conversations and questions to individuals of that generation.
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I realized something about the perception Trump gave young voters, even anti-Trump voters. He may not have achieved most of his agenda but he loudly attempted to do it and threw anybody and anything under the bus that got in the way including laws and the Constitution.

Here’s the perception of Biden (and most politicians)

Biden: Some of my non-wealthy voters want me do to this. Can we?

The system: No.

Biden: OK, thanks. Next issue.
Spend a minute and a half making fun of Biden over something Trump said, then just blow it off when you found out Trump said it.

Keep him on and render the constitution useless, or take him off and piss off a lot of people.

The actual argument Trump and his lawyers are making are useless though. “Denying the voters” isn’t an argument. Why shouldn’t Schwarzenegger be allowed to run if enough people want him to? Why deny people that choice? It’s ludicrous.

The root issue seems to be “what exactly is ‘insurrection’, and did Trump engage in it?

I would say the answer to people who aren’t brainwashed is “yes” - with some room for actual nuanced arguments. There are issues to be sorted out. I think it’s more black and white than some people make, but not absolutely so.

It just bugs me to no end that when it comes to an anarchist like Trump, the rules don’t matter, but he will use every protection, roadblock and argument in his favor. He flouts the rules to further himself, then uses them to defend himself to avoid accountability. I truly hope this cycle is coming to end, no matter what is decided or who decides it.

It’s insulting to be told “removing Trump from the ballot would deny millions of Americans their vote”, when the whole reason this is an issue in the first place is because Trump tried to deny millions of Americans their vote. Every accusation is a confession.