2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

On the grounds he has not been convicted of anything. Due process matters, even for Trump.

Precisely what I’m talking about. You can’t remove him until he’s convicted. But first, he has to be charged, which according to him, is election interference. And also “unconstitutional”, because apparantly anyone who is, was or is running to be president is exempt from all laws.

Yes, due process matters. This IS due process. It’s working its way through the court. And it’s far more due process than Trump has explicitly said he wishes for others. So I demand an infallibly fair due process for this egomaniac grifter as much as anyone.
On the grounds he has not been convicted of anything. Due process matters, even for Trump.
Although the 14th amendment doesn’t specify the process by which a person can be deemed not eligible because they engaged in or supported insurrection, I tend to agree, even though Trump himself doesn’t believe in the rule of law.

However, since Trump says he’s immune from prosecution, if the SCOTUS truly thinks the insurrection question must be settled in the courts, they’ll have to rule that Smith’s January 6 case can proceed.
The sooner these 2 parties lose their grip on the electorate the better.

That article is nonsense. The "Independents" category has been in essentially the same position for more than ten years. The variations are little more than statistical noise and are not really outside the MoE for their polling. Making a story about tiny stochastic shifts in the numbers is hey, look! fappery.

Nevermind what "Independent" even means. Some of them are Glibertarians, some are disaffected Reactionaries and Progressives who cannot find a home in one of the parties. They are not currently poised to force reason or compromise onto the entrenched 2-party system.
First, Donald Trump has shown me outsiders and people who aren’t career politicians can f**** things up worse than any crooked crony capitalist politician, D or R. I’d rather have your corrupt grifter than a truly deranged lunatic, and there are many of them in Congress right now.

A third party candidate won’t help if half the electorate are still brainwashed conspiracy theorists.

I would be willing to sacrifice my vote for Biden for a true third party, bi-partisan ticket with responsible candidates. I don’t see that happening. Democrats who don’t like Biden aren’t going to rush to just anyone, and Trump supporters aren’t going to support any moderate. Indeed, if Haley were to get the nomination, any independents or possible Democrat flippers will be negated by disgruntled MAGA voters; they HATE her. Which is odd, because she’s been incredibly weak on Trump. Her most recent line she regurgitates about Trump is “chaos follows him, rightly or wrongly.” Which is literally no stance at all - she acts like Trump has a mysterious cloud over him and she can’t figure out the underlying reason it folllows him around. What a joke!

A third party is not going to split the imaginary difference - Trump is way worse than Biden, irrespective of what you think of Trump’s “policies”. Biden could be the worst politician ever - maybe even guilty of the imaginary crimes Comer Pyle swears he’ll be able to prove any day now - and still be objectively better than Trump in any reasonable measurement. Not an asshole, doesn’t post delusional ramblings nonstop on social media, doesn’t brag about “bringing Christmas back” while also posting “rot in hell” as a Christmas greeting. Doesn’t try to overturn elections, doesn’t call seditionists “political prisoners”… you get the point.

A third party ticket in theory I have no issue with. The more the merrier. Kennedy is not the answer, he looks in great shape but also somehow unhealthier than both Trump and Biden. Plus, anytime I’m watching him, all I can think of is what Curb-Larry David would be saying about the stupid s*** he says. Once I found out Kennedy was married to Cheryl Hines, I can’t unring that bell. I have Larry David sarcastic commentary going through my head when I hear him talk.

But in reality, a third party push from conservatives still seems like a way of trying to defend Trump - “Yeah, he’s bad, but so is Biden so we need someone else.” That’s not good enough for me. I need condemnation of Trumpism, regardless of what your opinions on Biden are.
In '92 and '96, we had Perot, who was the first 3rd-party candidate in two decades to capture a significant fraction of the presidential vote, though he did not gain any EVs and the party he founded foundered as soon as he quit running (if he had run in '00, W probably would not have won).
In '92 and '96, we had Perot, who was the first 3rd-party candidate in two decades to capture a significant fraction of the presidential vote, though he did not gain any EVs and the party he founded foundered as soon as he quit running (if he had run in '00, W probably would not have won).

Had he not run in '92, Clinton would probably not have won. :)
Had he not run in '92, Clinton would probably not have won. :)

It would have been close, at least on the popular vote, where Perot's 8 million votes would likely have gone to Dole, who was trailing Clinton by around 8 million votes.

Back then I was an R, but voted for Perot, who I liked a lot. Today I'm a no party, and that feels great - though I've voted D for prez from 2000 on. No way I could vote for Shrub (I miss Molly Ivins).
It would have been close, at least on the popular vote, where Perot's 8 million votes would likely have gone to Dole, who was trailing Clinton by around 8 million votes.

Back then I was a R, but voted for Perot, who I liked a lot. Today I'm a no party, and that feels great - though I've voted D for prez from 2000 on. No way I could vote for Shrub (I miss Molly Ivins).

Not Dole. That was ‘96.

Bush 41 was the incumbent in ‘92. Perot got almost 20M votes.
I miss Molly

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I wonder if Iowa is going to tell us anything?

Due to the way Caucus's work, everyone needs to be there at the same time which is 7pm. If the weather is really going to be that bad, people may stay home.

It will be interesting to see what happens, but I know how Trump will respond - if he wins, it’s proof he’s on track to make America great again, “The people of Iowa gave us a YUGE victory, thank you Iowa!”

And if he loses, it’s just more proof we’re a third-world country with broken and rigged elections, with tons of cheating by RINOs, and many people have been saying MAGA folks were treated unfairly and forced to stand in the cold!

If he wins, he wins, and if he loses, it’s proof he was right about everything and should have won.
I do not care about the stock market. Means nothing to me in any practical sense. In fact, I quite despite it. That said, by Trump’s standards, Biden is doing a much better job than him. Remember also what type of financial environment Biden walked into vs. Trump. And it feels good to know it pisses off Trump, who I no doubt honestly believe is the cause of it all despite totally shitting the bed with COVID, record spending and awful trade deals.

One other Dem nominee in the primaries now. Pray tell, why is he campaigning at a Trump rally?
I do. To me, the DJIA is an indicator of how much the wealth/income gap is widening. If the numbers go up, regular folks are being screwed even harder.

There’s the whole 401k argument which makes more people care about the short-term market than should. When the market is doing well some guy will make millions overnight for doing nothing while the rest of us get excited when our retirement goes up 10k over the course of a year….that then gets wiped out the following year by the guy who makes millions overnight for doing nothing.
The whole stock market as a whole is just another form of gambling, but worse. Sometimes the worth of a stock is just based on peoples emotions and has nothing to do with the actual companies health. Remember the whole Gamestop stock price pumping, that left a lot latecomers holding the bag when it plummeted?
Biden wins New Hampshire as a write-in. No pledged delegates, but it’s better than losing, that’s for sure

*Donald Trump and Biden. Way to buck the trend New Hampshire! 😂


Economy moving along. Again, I hate sounding like Trump does. "The economy! The economy!" But where are the Fox News pundits trumpeting the good news? The numbers are tallied the same - if they were excited for them under Trump, it only stands to reason better numbers = more happiness. Or is it that pesky book that's still on the library shelf that's bothering them?

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