2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

If Biden was running against someone like DeSantis, I’m not sure flaky democrat voters would be enthused enough to vote for Biden, or even show up to the polls at all.

I'm not so sure about that. The way he is governing Florida is a nightmare for Democrats and anybody on the left. It's not hypothetical. You have no shortage of direct actions and causes he has taken up that would fire up the left.
I'm not so sure about that. The way he is governing Florida is a nightmare for Democrats and anybody on the left. It's not hypothetical. You have no shortage of direct actions and causes he has taken up that would fire up the left.

What could easily tip the result to desantis would be if Biden's optics 14 months from now (whether based on fact or imagined) depicted a candidate that appears frail and not quite with it cognitively.

desantis and Biden simultaneously walking out on the debate stage from each end to shake hands in the center could speak volumes just by itself.
He is your frontrunner and likely nominee with a slew felonies who may very well end up in jail. You can conveniently gloss over that while making a dig at Biden's cognition, just expect to be called on it as long as the glaring hypocrisy continues.

They are unrelated to each other. However both can be true.
Are you blind? The jerk is still at the top of the news every day. He won’t go away. He’s holding rallies and fomenting his base. TODAY.

Not at all. After my cataract surgery I see better than I ever have. Hope you are as well. :)

But he has no power no matter how much he is in the news. If you think he has power, it is because you (not specifically you) are giving it to him by the way you react.
desantis and Biden simultaneously walking out on the debate stage from each end to shake hands in the center could speak volumes just by itself.

I said something similar a few months ago, but more along the lines of Biden actually having to campaign instead of hiding in his basement. I don't think the electorate (the ones in the middle who don't like either one) will accept him not answering questions. He will be front and center and there is a good chance he will have some gaffes, wander off somewhere or say something inappropriate.
I'm not so sure about that. The way he is governing Florida is a nightmare for Democrats and anybody on the left. It's not hypothetical. You have no shortage of direct actions and causes he has taken up that would fire up the left.

I agree wholeheartedly, I just think Trump is more of a known quantity, and I mean that in the sense that enough people know he sucks that he probably drives as much turnout against himself as he does for himself.

I’m not sure DeSantis would drive republicans to the polls for himself either, but democrats need enthusiasm to drive voter turnout, but an anti-Trump Biden vote is just as valid as a pro-Biden vote, and Trump I believe would deliver a lot more “anyone but this freak” votes for Biden than DeSantis would. Disengaged voters probably know enough about Trump, I’m not sure how clued in on DeSantis they are.

It’s just a long-winded way of saying I think Biden fares better against Trump than DeSantis.

It’s an odd dynamic, the GOP, because they can’t quit Trump because he’s the most popular figure in the party, but having 1/3 of republicans dedicated to you and 80% of them willing to vote for you no matter what still is not enough to win an election. That ten or fifteen percent of the party willing to break from Trump with their vote, and 55% or so of independents who probably wouldn’t vote for Trump cannot be overcome in high-turnout elections.

Republicans consistently lose the popular vote even with decent men like Romney and McCain. A guy like Trump and probably to a lesser degree DeSantis may drive up enthusiasm in their party, but they also alarm enough Americans to vote against them.

You do not see that with democratic presidential candidates. You did not see it with Obama, you did not see it with Biden - the opposite was true, which is why they won convincingly. Hillary Clinton did in fact suffer from a huge lack of enthusiasm, and Trump had lots of it - so what does it say that she still won 3 million more votes?
I said something similar a few months ago, but more along the lines of Biden actually having to campaign instead of hiding in his basement. I don't think the electorate (the ones in the middle who don't like either one) will accept him not answering questions. He will be front and center and there is a good chance he will have some gaffes, wander off somewhere or say something inappropriate.
You obviously have no idea of just how childish, clueless and petty this sounds. It's clear there is no rational conversation to be had with Conservatives.
Biden held several smaller events. Plus, maybe my memory is foggy, but weren’t we in the middle of a pandemic in 2020? He didn’t “hide out in his basement”, and I don’t know why republicans get these gross over exaggerations in their head and then treat them as reality.

And maybe I’m being biased or cynical, but wouldn’t acting rationally and responsibly during a campaign during a fucking global pandemic be considered a campaign tactic? I’m sure I’m not the only one who measured Biden’s approach - masking up and smaller events - with Trump’s, which was unproven drugs, big rallies and vast amounts of misinformation.

Give me a break.
Biden held several smaller events. Plus, maybe my memory is foggy, but weren’t we in the middle of a pandemic in 2020? He didn’t “hide out in his basement”, and I don’t know why republicans get these gross over exaggerations in their head and then treat them as reality.

And maybe I’m being biased or cynical, but wouldn’t acting rationally and responsibly during a campaign during a fucking global pandemic be considered a campaign tactic? I’m sure I’m not the only one who measured Biden’s approach - masking up and smaller events - with Trump’s, which was unproven drugs, big rallies and vast amounts of misinformation.

Give me a break.
Like talking to a wall.

We all know this, it must be a Fox News talking point but it just makes them look like ignorant 6th graders in a schoolyard. These people simply cannot articulate a point. As soon as you saw "the world is laughing at us because of Biden" while never addressing Trump once during his presidency you know it's hopeless.
You obviously have no idea of just how childish, clueless and petty this sounds. It's clear there is no rational conversation to be had with Conservatives.
Biden held several smaller events. Plus, maybe my memory is foggy, but weren’t we in the middle of a pandemic in 2020? He didn’t “hide out in his basement”,

Yes, we were in the middle of the pandemic. And yes he did hold Zoom calls from his basement.

Whether or not you like my characterization of him "hiding out in his basement", the campaign in 2024 will be a more traditional campaign. He will be forced to treat it as such. So he will have to go to rallies, hold events and answer questions.

Do you disagree with this?
Yes, we were in the middle of the pandemic. And yes he did hold Zoom calls from his basement.

Whether or not you like my characterization of him "hiding out in his basement", the campaign in 2024 will be a more traditional campaign. He will be forced to treat it as such. So he will have to go to rallies, hold events and answer questions.

Do you disagree with this?
I disagree 100%, it's a cheap shot and you know it. But let's pretend it's true for a moment, a man hiding in a basement beat your guy by more than 7 million votes... that would be the real story.
I disagree 100%, it's a cheap shot and you know it. But let's pretend it's true for a moment, a man hiding in a basement beat your guy by more than 7 million votes... that would be the real story.
Nothing to add here, just wanted it repeated.
How is it a cheap shot to say he is going to have to campaign like normal?
What does "like normal" mean? Two mass NSDAP-type rallies a week, the way Individual-ONE does (and did constantly while in office)? Joe became Joe the President with basically none of that nonsense. His huge appeal is that he does his job without having to barf up buckets of bullshit on a daily basis.
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How is it a cheap shot to say he is going to have to campaign like normal?

This is a cheap shot that you've repeated throughout, I think you're actually more intelligent than this and can formulate a far more substantive argument when you choose not to stoop like this TBH
"hiding out in his basement"
This is a cheap shot that you've repeated throughout, I think you're actually more intelligent than this and can formulate a far more substantive argument when you choose not to stoop like this TBH

Let's ignore the hiding out in his basement comment for a minute.

I am just saying he is going to have to campaign in a more traditional way in 2024.

So is he up to it? He is going to face more scrutiny than he did in 2020 from the voters and the press. Is he going to show energy, not snap at voters who ask questions, and will he stay on script and not make any major gaffes.

Are using the "hiding in the basement" comment as cover because you are concerned he will struggle with the rigors of a long campaign?

I don't think the voters will accept anything less.

Keep in mind a plurality of voters don't belong to either party. So neither candidate can win on their party's voters alone. So while the Dems may be fine with Biden not running a traditional campaign, I don't think the independent voters will. Just MHO.

And Trump will be out there holding huge rallies. Do you think it would be a good look for Biden to not being campaigning as hard as Trump?

Yes, at this point I am assuming Trump will be the nominee.
Let's ignore the hiding out in his basement comment for a minute.

I am just saying he is going to have to campaign in a more traditional way in 2024.

So is he up to it? He is going to face more scrutiny than he did in 2020 from the voters and the press. Is he going to show energy, not snap at voters who ask questions, and will he stay on script and not make any major gaffes.

Are using the "hiding in the basement" comment as cover because you are concerned he will struggle with the rigors of a long campaign?
Great, the basement comment aside then. Campaigning in the middle of a pandemic proved to be challenging for everyone, I mean the optics of Trump walking up those stairs while being out of breath was startling, even to Republicans.

Then you add the fact that Biden's team liked his chances enough to scale back his appearances and it makes sense, it's typically the one down in the polls that is seeking more attention, politically speaking. Had things been the opposite I think you would've seen Biden out more than he actually was.

However, is he up to it this time around? This is a fair question and I honestly don't know that he will be, most of us think he should be retiring to live out his golden years at this point, not dealing with the stress of such a divisive election season. Like him or not, Trump is a machine when it comes to campaigning so I think we'll still see a lot of him.
Well, Individual-ONE is full of energy, but he is also played out. It is like seeing entropy in motion, like when Sabine talks about the difference between energy and heat: he is not directed, not focused, all over the map, a disordered system that has lots of heat but no useful energy.

In second place, we have a guy who wants to be the holy emperor, but just about no one actually likes him. All the energy in the world cannot get you past the underside of the shoe.

Against this, the Democrats have to be frightfully incompetent to lose. But, we would still not be surprised.