2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

I'll probably be labeled unhinged for saying this but so be it.

IF the orange stain somehow gains back the presidency, I'll most likely peace out to another country. I simply cannot take another round of Trump. I'd rather live my life in a more peaceful, relaxing environment and enjoy whatever time I have left.
More power to ya, We travel, we say this could be a nice place to live, but don’t know Jack about the local politics. Four such paces were Southern Ireland, Tuscany, Switzerland, and Sicily of all places, even the UK before Brexit. But really it’s a just a first impression. I don’t see me ever leaving the US, too old (just turned 70), not enough money, instead going to sit on the deck and listen to the band play, waiting for the icy water, if it comes to that.

However, I do agree that if The Head Liar somehow gets re-elected POTUS, we are in for a Royal case of the shits, it might even be the unraveling, a violent revolution.
Bali/Indonesia for example is rife with political and law enforcement corruption, known for religious discrimination of minorities (including atheists) note: blasphemy is illegal, there is racism against Black people, ethnic Chinese, and Paupa natives. Abortion is illegal. LGBT identities are not well accepted, same-sex marriage is not legal, and legal protections do not exist. They also sentence people to death for drug related charges.

Sounds like a conservative paradise.
Re: where I would head as a start: Somewhere Trump isn't President. That in itself would be a vast improvement.

The only state I might consider if I could somehow swing it financially, is Hawaii. It's far enough away, I'd feel removed from the smelly, obese old fart. But that is one hella an expensive place to live. Even short term. I did spend most of the first year of lock down trying to find a way. Remember.....I am "Certifiable". 😁
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Re: where I would head as a start: Somewhere Trump isn't President. That in itself would be a vast improvement.

The only state I might consider if I could somehow swing it financially, is Hawaii. It's far enough away, I'd feel removed from the smelly, obese old fart. But that is one hella an expensive place to live. Even short term. I did spend most of the first year of lock down trying to find a way. Remember.....I am "Certifiable". 😁
Virtually all states have a conservative milase infection, Hawaii might be a great choice. The 3 decades we lived in Minnesota, a “liberal State”, the conservatives where there too trying to upset the cart. :unsure:
Sounds like a conservative paradise.

I suppose. It’s not exactly surprising considering 85% of it’s population is Muslim. In fact, I think it had more Muslims than any other country. It’s mostly a “secular” country (in that Islam is not part of the government) and has a democratic system- obviously far from the extremes you might find in some other prominent Muslim Nations. One would expect religious ideology rubs off into their culture even among the non-religious.

Sadly I think are probably far more places with governments rampant with corruption, injustice, discrimination, oppression, etc than what we have in our very flawed American system or what we envision “western” countries to be. And such negative behaviors would exist presumably for the vast majority of the history of human civilization.
Not sure if any of you have even heard about this, but it has been making the rounds on more conservative outlets.

And that is about Biden's 7th grandchild. The one Hunter fathered with a stripper. The Biden's have refused to even acknowledge the grandchild and have gone so far as to instruct staff that he has 6 grandchildren. But now Maureen Dowd of the NYT is weighing in. Wonder if this will bring enough attention to it that Biden will be forced to acknowledge the child.

Not sure if any of you have even heard about this, but it has been making the rounds on more conservative outlets.

And that is about Biden's 7th grandchild. The one Hunter fathered with a stripper. The Biden's have refused to even acknowledge the grandchild and have gone so far as to instruct staff that he has 6 grandchildren. But now Maureen Dowd of the NYT is weighing in. Wonder if this will bring enough attention to it that Biden will be forced to acknowledge the child.

I suspect most dems would not give two trucks if trump had unacknowledged children or grand children. Who cares?

What's important to me is how a President governs. And not being a criminal defendant facing a few dozen felonies.

Or trying to set up a secret back channel to Moscow using Russian embassy communications and encryption equipment in order to evade being detected by US intelligence agencies (heh... that didn't work out so well!).
I suspect most dems would not give two trucks if trump had unacknowledged children or grand children. Who cares?

What's important to me is how a President governs. And not being a criminal defendant facing a few dozen felonies.

Or trying to set up a secret back channel to Moscow using Russian embassy communications and encryption equipment so as to evade being detected by US intelligence agencies (heh... that didn't work out so well!).
Last week "Why are you worried about Trump, he's not the president"

This week "Biden's sripper granddaughter is a problem"

Sorry, they make this too easy ;)
AKA, voters. ;)

One thing will be different this next cycle. The WH and its Departments will no longer be allowed to call up Zuck and ask him to kill a story. It may be misinformation or it may not. But they will be sitting on the sidelines no matter.

Voters that are uninformed and shouldn't be allowed to vote because they are stupid enough to believe;

Trans people are groomers.
Drag queens are the most dangerous people in the world.
Women don't have the right to say what happens to their body.
Black people no longer experience inequality in every day life.
Trump and his family are not a crime family.
Jan 6th was a Antifa operation.
People didn't die from Covid.
Gas price increase was Biden's fault.

Zuck might be on the sideline this election cycle, but Elon won't. Oh, and add this to my above list.

Uninformed voters believe that social media was used for disinformation from only the liberal side.
Not sure if any of you have even heard about this, but it has been making the rounds on more conservative outlets.

And that is about Biden's 7th grandchild. The one Hunter fathered with a stripper. The Biden's have refused to even acknowledge the grandchild and have gone so far as to instruct staff that he has 6 grandchildren. But now Maureen Dowd of the NYT is weighing in. Wonder if this will bring enough attention to it that Biden will be forced to acknowledge the child.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'll have to reassess whether I would vote for Biden in he runs.

Tell you what's not making the rounds on "conservative" outlets:
  • Trump lies every time he claims the 2020 election was stolen from him
  • He was largely responsible for inciting the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol
  • He broke the law by not returning classified documents
  • Biden accomplished more for the American people during his first term than Trump in his entire presidency
  • Trump is a national security risk
  • Trump sexually abused and defamed E. Jean Carroll
Voters that are uninformed and shouldn't be allowed to vote because they are stupid enough to believe;

Trans people are groomers.
Drag queens are the most dangerous people in the world.
Women don't have the right to say what happens to their body.
Black people no longer experience inequality in every day life.
Trump and his family are not a crime family.
Jan 6th was a Antifa operation.
People didn't die from Covid.
Gas price increase was Biden's fault.

Zuck might be on the sideline this election cycle, but Elon won't. Oh, and add this to my above list.

Uninformed voters believe that social media was used for disinformation from only the liberal side.
This is exactly the liability of democracy. The irony is the the conservatives say that being too intelligent is a liability for them, they need all the negative qualities of humanity (like racism) vested into their party if they're to succeed. The irony is that the GOP used to shun dumb shits. :unsure:
Not sure if any of you have even heard about this, but it has been making the rounds on more conservative outlets.

And that is about Biden's 7th grandchild. The one Hunter fathered with a stripper. The Biden's have refused to even acknowledge the grandchild and have gone so far as to instruct staff that he has 6 grandchildren. But now Maureen Dowd of the NYT is weighing in. Wonder if this will bring enough attention to it that Biden will be forced to acknowledge the child.

Does this effect your vote? Unlikely. Will it effect my view? Nope. This is not that uncommon, but not making excuses. If you want to compare what Biden’s kid did as compared to Trump’s kids as a qualification for President, have at it. Biden comes out on top because as relative as it is, Hunter has not been actively involved in the dismantling, undermining of the Federal Govt and knifing Democracy. Trump‘s mud spoon kids were part of his Administration and his little cheerleaders In an attempt to expand their criminal fiefdom. Now there’s a real Patriot in Right Wing speak. 😐
Not sure if any of you have even heard about this, but it has been making the rounds on more conservative outlets.
Yes, she’s been going to the press regularly for a few months now.

The thing is, Hunter is not the president. He isn’t even <cough> a volunteer in the West Wing. And even if Joe were the one with the illegitimate child, he’d only be keeping up with TFG.

So who cares?
Not sure if any of you have even heard about this, but it has been making the rounds on more conservative outlets.

And that is about Biden's 7th grandchild. The one Hunter fathered with a stripper. The Biden's have refused to even acknowledge the grandchild and have gone so far as to instruct staff that he has 6 grandchildren. But now Maureen Dowd of the NYT is weighing in. Wonder if this will bring enough attention to it that Biden will be forced to acknowledge the child.

Republicans are so desperate to drag everyone down to Trump’s level, purely to make him look good by comparison. It’s not going to work. There’s thing called keeping your own side of the street clean, and this babble about Hunter Biden would ring a lot more authentic if the leader of the Conservative Party was a criminal degenerate.

I can strip away all of Trump’s disgusting acts and statements when not president, and totally ignore his family, and point out about a hundred disgusting things he’s said and done while in office. Not before or after, no mention of his personal life, porn stars, his kids, his wife or anyone else. Just his words and actions on the job.

There’s no comparison, really. And if you add in all that other stuff, am I really to believe republicans are concerned about Biden supposedly not claiming this grandchild?
Republicans are so desperate to drag everyone down to Trump’s level, purely to make him look good by comparison. It’s not going to work. There’s thing called keeping your own side of the street clean, and this babble about Hunter Biden would ring a lot more authentic if the leader of the Conservative Party was a criminal degenerate.

I can strip away all of Trump’s disgusting acts and statements when not president, and totally ignore his family, and point out about a hundred disgusting things he’s said and done while in office. Not before or after, no mention of his personal life, porn stars, his kids, his wife or anyone else. Just his words and actions on the job.

There’s no comparison, really. And if you add in all that other stuff, am I really to believe republicans are concerned about Biden supposedly not claiming this grandchild?
They latch on to this because they have nothing else. It's remarkable to me that Trump supporters no only ignore what you mentioned, but also seem to be OK with policies, like paying no attention to climate change, that will directly harm them and their families.
I can't think of anything more selfish than kicking the can on climate change at the expense of their children, grand children, and great grand children being harmed as a result. Shameful.
I think you do not have to worry: it is a done deal, and they will still be around in the next couple years as the leading edge comes crashing down on their heads. Their descendants will not be the only ones to suffer.
Not sure if any of you have even heard about this, but it has been making the rounds on more conservative outlets.

And that is about Biden's 7th grandchild. The one Hunter fathered with a stripper. The Biden's have refused to even acknowledge the grandchild and have gone so far as to instruct staff that he has 6 grandchildren. But now Maureen Dowd of the NYT is weighing in. Wonder if this will bring enough attention to it that Biden will be forced to acknowledge the child.
Hasn't Trump been known to refer to Barron as "Melania's son"? Weren't folks making the rounds saying Trump wasn't acknowledging Barron as his own son?

As for the Biden thing, not sorry to say it doesn't bother me. There honestly is no comparison. 🤷‍♀️
I can't think of anything more selfish than kicking the can on climate change at the expense of their children, grand children, and great grand children being harmed as a result. Shameful.

Given how they handled COVID, it’s not surprising though.

It’s funny to watch republicans rooting on RFK Jr. Other than him spouting conspiracy theories, why do republicans like him? Is he their version of the younger Ron Reagan? The son of a deity who joins the other side?

*And RFK is married to Cheryl Hines. Where is Larry when you need him? Can this be turned into a Curb episode?