2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

However, is he up to it this time around? This is a fair question and I honestly don't know that he will be, most of us think he should be retiring to live out his golden years at this point, not dealing with the stress of such a divisive election season.

What I'd like to know is coming next June, when many (but not all) primaries are over, and Biden suffers a health event where he's OK to finish his current term, but not suitable to run for office for the next term, what happens then?

Does Harris step into his place running for President, and picks a running mate for VP?

What if such an event occurred before the first primary, say in or before January? Does Harris step up as the presidential candidate (and chooses a running mate)? Or does the DNC have some influence as to what happens.
Great, the basement comment aside then. Campaigning in the middle of a pandemic proved to be challenging for everyone, I mean the optics of Trump walking up those stairs while being out of breath was startling, even to Republicans.

Then you add the fact that Biden's team liked his chances enough to scale back his appearances and it makes sense, it's typically the one down in the polls that is seeking more attention, politically speaking. Had things been the opposite I think you would've seen Biden out more than he actually was.

Yes, 2020 was different because of the pandemic.

But was it a perfect storm that allowed him to be elected? Could he have beaten Trump had the pandemic never happened? I don't think so, but again just MHO.

However, is he up to it this time around? This is a fair question and I honestly don't know that he will be, most of us think he should be retiring to live out his golden years at this point, not dealing with the stress of such a divisive election season. Like him or not, Trump is a machine when it comes to campaigning so I think we'll still see a lot of him.

Trump will be out there holding huge rallies. He seems to get off on it, so the bigger the rally, the more he will be into it. Showing energy and hammering Biden on every front. If Biden is content to use the 2020 strategy, he will probably lose.

Add to this the high chances of him making gaffes or wandering off stage before the interview ends will be increased. Plus I get the sense that Biden doesn't really like being "handled", so he will probably not stick to the plan, whatever it is.
Yes, 2020 was different because of the pandemic.

But was it a perfect storm that allowed him to be elected? Could he have beaten Trump had the pandemic never happened? I don't think so, but again just MHO.

Trump will be out there holding huge rallies. He seems to get off on it, so the bigger the rally, the more he will be into it. Showing energy and hammering Biden on every front. If Biden is content to use the 2020 strategy, he will probably lose.
This assumes Trump holds a lead on Biden at some point, those in the lead don't need to be as engaged and are less likely to gaffe as a result. This is true in all politics.

Add to this the high chances of him making gaffes or wandering off stage before the interview ends will be increased. Plus I get the sense that Biden doesn't really like being "handled", so he will probably not stick to the plan, whatever it is.
I'll take those odds against Trump who basically creates a brand new indictment every other time he opens his mouth. You seem to be ignoring this for whatever reason but outside of a hardcore base he's not moving those who didn't vote for him last time.
What I'd like to know is coming next June, when many (but not all) primaries are over, and Biden suffers a health event where he's OK to finish his current term, but not suitable to run for office for the next term, what happens then?

Does Harris step into his place running for President, and picks a running mate for VP?

What if such an event occurred before the first primary, say in or before January? Does Harris step up as the presidential candidate (and chooses a running mate)? Or does the DNC have some influence as to what happens.

I think we would all agree this would be a mess. :)

There are options depending on when it happens.

If Biden makes it through the primaries and has the delegates and drops out before the convention, his campaign can decide who gets his delegates. I guess you would think Kamala, but they would be free to choose anyone.

After the convention, the members of the DNC would decide. Again, you would think Kamala, but she is not a good retail politician and has off-putting mannerisms. But depending on when he drops out, ballots may have already been printed and he would be listed as the candidate.

Where the real mess comes is in the states he might win. Are the electors bound to a candidate that isn't actually running? Some sttes bind their electors, some do not. I could see a legal mess that could rival 2000.

If Biden has to drop out before the primary season begins, I would guess Newsom would jump in to be the savior regardless of what the DNC wants. But that would also invite Warren and possibly Bernie into the mix.

Does anyone think Kamala could win in a general against Trump or DeSantis? I don't.
I'll take those odds against Trump who basically creates a brand new indictment every other time he opens his mouth. You seem to be ignoring this for whatever reason but outside of a hardcore base he's not moving those who didn't vote for him last time.

The country had Trump fatigue in 2020. Partially because of Trump and partially because of the pandemic. But there may be enough who blame Biden for gas prices and inflation to either switch or simply stay home. It won't take many votes in the swing states to turn this one way or the other.
Does anyone think Kamala could win in a general against Trump or DeSantis? I don't.

I don't know, but haven't given it much thought. She isn't high or even on the list for me personally, but if she were running against trump or desatis I'd have to vote for her and cross my fingers. Again... this is the first time I've given any thought to that scenario.

If Biden felt he wasn't up for a second term, I would hope he'd make that decision before the first primary.
The country had Trump fatigue in 2020. Partially because of Trump and partially because of the pandemic. But there may be enough who blame Biden for gas prices and inflation to either switch or simply stay home. It won't take many votes in the swing states to turn this one way or the other.
Stupid people.
I've heard it suggested that if we get one or more elections where the Democrat wins the popular vote but loses the Presidency because of the electoral college you will start seeing the left exhibit the same unhinged and sometimes violent behavior and rhetoric that largely just exists on the far right now.
If it's a Biden-Trump contest in 2024, I think much of the electorate has already made up its mind. There will be some undecideds who will go one way or another depending on the economy and other circumstances, but what it'll come down to most, I believe, is which party can turn out the most voters for their candidate. Republicans are betting their efforts to prevent or discourage voting by Democratic supporters will be a deciding factor, and it will take a lot of work to overcome that hurdle.
I'll probably be labeled unhinged for saying this but so be it.

IF the orange stain somehow gains back the presidency, I'll most likely peace out to another country. I simply cannot take another round of Trump. I'd rather live my life in a more peaceful, relaxing environment and enjoy whatever time I have left.
If it's a Biden-Trump contest in 2024, I think much of the electorate has already made up its mind. There will be some undecideds who will go one way or another depending on the economy and other circumstances, but what it'll come down to most, I believe, is which party can turn out the most voters for their candidate. Republicans are betting their efforts to prevent or discourage voting by Democratic supporters will be a deciding factor, and it will take a lot of work to overcome that hurdle.

Yeah, I fail to see how either of them could say anything that would change anybody’s mind. They are both a known quantity and recent studies have shown that in the general election debates do very little to move the needle.
I'll probably be labeled unhinged for saying this but so be it.

IF the orange stain somehow gains back the presidency, I'll most likely peace out to another country. I simply cannot take another round of Trump. I'd rather live my life in a more peaceful, relaxing environment and enjoy whatever time I have left.

But where would you go? Even the famously hyper-tolerant Swedes are starting to get a little miffed with their immigrant situation.

I have a friend who was looking to move to Europe recently but decided to pass because he felt there's really nowhere stable to go at this point.
But where would you go? Even the famously hyper-tolerant Swedes are starting to get a little miffed with their immigrant situation.

I have a friend who was looking to move to Europe recently but decided to pass because he felt there's really nowhere stable to go at this point.
Baja, Bali, Panama are the first to come to mind. Have already been looking into (2) of those places. I have family also looking into Panama (my SIL hates Trump as much as I do). My other brother lives in the Baja area. I can live simply. I never again want as much material items as I now have.

I don't worry about long term. My heart will probably get me before then so why not enjoy what time I may have left?
Yes, we were in the middle of the pandemic. And yes he did hold Zoom calls from his basement.

This is not a logical or rational argument. This is hyperbole and a joke. You may as well just borrow from Trump and say “the absolute lowest-energy campaign, perhaps, frankly, of all time.”

He (Biden) was out in public plenty. He held dozens of small events at factories and outdoors and such. Here is a link and a map to the final months of the campaign season…

Yes, Trump was out more often. When Biden was campaigning from home, it was the height of the pandemic, when bodies in big cities were being held in refrigerated trucks. Again, what you see as a negative, I see as a positive. Guess who else was stuck at home nonstop during that time? A fair chunk of the entire globe.

This is not a serious argument, at all.
Stupid people.

AKA, voters. ;)

One thing will be different this next cycle. The WH and its Departments will no longer be allowed to call up Zuck and ask him to kill a story. It may be misinformation or it may not. But they will be sitting on the sidelines no matter.
Baja, Bali, Panama are the first to come to mind. Have already been looking into (2) of those places. I have family also looking into Panama (my SIL hates Trump as much as I do). My other brother lives in the Baja area. I can live simply. I never again want as much material items as I now have.

I don't worry about long term. My heart will probably get me before then so why not enjoy what time I may have left?

I totally get these places if you’re sick of the climate in your part of the of the US, are just tired of the culture, the cost of living, or are looking for a new experience. I’m not sure these are the best places if you’re looking for countries the represent the pinnacle of democratic values. Again, important to emphasize the government of places often do not represent their people.

Regardless of who wins or loses in 2024, I still think America is a pretty good place to live. There’s far worse places to be. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to jump on a sailboat an go on a hiatus to the other side of the world.
I’m not sure these are the best places if you’re looking for countries the represent the pinnacle of democratic values.
You know, quite frankly, if I can get by (or "ahead"), make some friends and nominally get along with the natives, I give not a leaping shit about the local political system. It would be nice not to have to see people being abitrarily/unjustly oppressed, but if I am going to immigrate, it is up to me to adapt, not their job to make me happy. I mean, sometimes the arrogance of Americans can be downright stunning, and you honestly consider the US to be the paragon of "democratic values", well, I best stop talking right now lest I say something froward.
You know, quite frankly, if I can get by (or "ahead"), make some friends and nominally get along with the natives, I give not a leaping shit about the local political system. It would be nice not to have to see people being abitrarily/unjustly oppressed, but if I am going to immigrate, it is up to me to adapt, not their job to make me happy. I mean, sometimes the arrogance of Americans can be downright stunning, and you honestly consider the US to be the paragon of "democratic values", well, I best stop talking right now lest I say something froward.

I never said the US is the paragon of democratic values, but I did say I wouldn’t consider the other countries you mentioned as such. I would generally however consider the US doing better. I don’t think the US a perfect country, far far from it. Everyplace has its compromises, some more than others. I guess it depends on what you want.

I think we can aspire for a utopian society but they’re never going to happen. Human nature doesn’t seem to allow for such levels of cooperation- at least in populations the size of countries.

Bali/Indonesia for example is rife with political and law enforcement corruption, known for religious discrimination of minorities (including atheists) note: blasphemy is illegal, there is racism against Black people, ethnic Chinese, and Paupa natives. Abortion is illegal. LGBT identities are not well accepted, same-sex marriage is not legal, and legal protections do not exist. They also sentence people to death for drug related charges.

(Obviously Indonesia is a big place and I imagine experiences will vary depending on where you are and who you are).

Fair enough you ultimately have to respect the country you’re visiting. I just don’t know why you’d want to move somewhere where a lot of the freedoms I suspect you value are worse.

I’m not trying to say America is the place you should be, there’s plenty of places that offer more practical benefits without the same Democratic sacrifices.

Bermuda is an amazing place. Western freedoms. No bugs or seagulls. Awful history though. Lots of tourists. Very difficult to buy property as a non-Bermudan.

Malta is nice too.