40th Anniversary of Macintosh

All the kids had to do presentations and most students just used Powerpoint in the default Blue. So my daughter's presentations looked so much better and the teachers thought she put more work into them. Not really, just used a better program.

Keynote, Numbers, and Pages were (and still are) a huge breath of fresh air. For both work and personal projects. Especially Keynote, being able to easily make photo presentations with superb transitions/dissolves, and clickable buttons for controls.
Keynote, Numbers, and Pages were (and still are) a huge breath of fresh air. For both work and personal projects. Especially Keynote, being able to easily make photo presentations with superb transitions/dissolves, and clickable buttons for controls.
I've used Keynote extensively since version 1 more than 20 years ago, and I still much prefer it to PowerPoint. It's much faster to create a polished finished product in Keynote because of its user interface.

But Apple has fallen behind in adding features or reviving old ones. For example, it's crazy that animations aren't supported on master slides, as they once were. And Apple could do so much more with animations, such as letting you move an object along a path defined by a line or curve, which you can do in PowerPoint.
Keynote, Numbers, and Pages were (and still are) a huge breath of fresh air. For both work and personal projects. Especially Keynote, being able to easily make photo presentations with superb transitions/dissolves, and clickable buttons for controls.

Pages is fine and I use it some, but numbers is nowhere near as powerful as Excel. At least not for more advanced spreadsheets.

Keynote rocks though.
Slightly off-topic: Someone 3D printed a Mac casing, put a small PC and some more hardware inside (including a floppy drive with out-eject) and is running Mini vMac so it looks very authentic.
The video referenced in the article is quite interesting, since it displays lots of different techniques.
